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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 4(174)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

Секция: Лингвистика

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Библиографическое описание:
Dolgusheva Yu. DISTANCE TECHNOLOGIES IN FORMATION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE OF FUTURE TEACHERS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 4(174). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/174/240834 (дата обращения: 20.03.2025).


Dolgusheva Yuliya

Undergraduate, faculty of postgraduate education, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages,

Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty

Dzhusubalieva Dina

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, doctor of pedagogical sciences, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages,

Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty


The article describes the actual problems of modern distance education, ways to solve them, as well as the main existing models of distance learning, taking into account their advantages and features. Models such as case technology, satellite and Internet technologies are analyzed. It also describes the necessity and importance of using information and communication technologies and Internet technologies during planning and conducting a lesson to implement efficiency and interactivity in the modern realities of education.


Keywords: distance learning, models of distance learning, information communication competence.


Today, education is faced with the task of training highly qualified personnel who are fluent in new information and digital technologies and who have not only professional knowledge, but also digital competence.

It is necessary to understand that the information approach to the learning process is primarily understood as the acquisition of knowledge by obtaining information through an online resource or the so-called online education (distance education). Let's first understand the concept of distance education, as well as its main characteristics and principles.

What is distance learning?

Distance learning refers to distance learning. And the main advantage of distance learning is the ability to study and gain knowledge without leaving home or work, while not being distracted from the main activities or main work, that is, everyone can draw up their own schedule and integrate training or taking courses into their usual way of life. ... Distance and flexibility in time are the key advantages of distance education over traditional education, in the format of full-time education. Moreover, distance learning presupposes access to vast resources of specialized literature and online libraries, as well as communication with teachers who teach classes. I would like to note that it is a big mistake to ignore personal communication with a teacher in the format of distance learning, because there are many tools that provide an online format of personal communication between a student and a teacher. The most widespread and widely used in our country are Skype, Zoom, Teams, etc.

Thus, we can observe that the demand for distance education services is extremely high, and in the future this demand will only grow, giving rise to numerous tools for obtaining it. A huge number of those wishing to receive distance education significantly affects the demand for its receipt, and as we can see from the study of the categories of people who are rapidly wishing to receive distance education, there are incredibly many. Starting from mothers on maternity leave, ending with that category of persons who, according to one or another physical ability, will not be able to receive other training from distance education.

Moving on to the main characteristics of DOs, it is worth noting that there are actually a lot of them, but we will focus on at least 6 of the most basic ones. These are: flexibility and parallelism of the educational process, modularity, coverage and economic efficiency, as well as internationality.

In addition to only the positive aspects of distance learning, you should always remember about the disadvantages. Let's take a look at the main negative aspects of distance learning:

• Lack of control and face-to-face communication. This problem showed itself very actively during the pandemic, because despite the suspension of many spheres of life, the education sector continued to function, and the abrupt transition to distance education showed the most pressing problems of online learning. And the problem of the lack of control on the part of the teacher was one of them, because the teacher's control in discipline and student responsibility in relation to the educational process plays an important role. Face-to-face communication, in turn, actively affects the student's motivation, as well as his ability to receive answers to all questions of interest in face-to-face contact, which has a significant impact on the memorization and perception of information due to the reinforcement of live communication and the emotional component.

• The need for the ability to self-control, self-discipline and self-motivation. Since in distance learning, the teacher's control over the student is insufficient, self-control, self-discipline, and self-motivation are an integral part of the set of individual psychological qualities of a student, which are mandatory for receiving effective and high-quality education in the framework of DL.

Further, I would like to dwell on three main models of DL provision. There are 3 main models for organizing distance learning. These include: case technology, satellite television (radio television), network learning. Let's take a look at these learning models, what they are and how they are applied in practice in the process of distance learning. Sometimes a combination of several of them is used if the use of only one learning model in DL is not enough.

So, the first technology is case technology. This technology is a complete set or a set of specialized educational and methodological material in electronic format. The basis of such a set can be not only printed manuals, but also material in the form of audio and video formats, various computer programs recorded on CD or other media, etc. The information on the carrier can also be in text, audio or video format. Full-fledged electronic textbooks may well be sources of educational material. In the implementation of case technology, the main emphasis is on the independent work of students. And only periodically, a teacher or tutor conducts an assessment at the end of a section or chapter, using various tests and verification tasks. At the end of the entire training, an exam is conducted in full-time format, most often using the written form of passing the exam.

This distance education model is very similar to the distance learning scheme. The only clear difference may be the schedule, where the former has a clear advantage over the latter, since it is supposed to be more flexible.

It is also worth emphasizing that the process of distance learning with case technology can be carried out at a basic university, in a regional center or in a training and consulting center (if the student lives far from the regional center).

The next model that should be considered is satellite or it is also called radio and television. With this model of DL, radio, television, and also satellite television are used to deliver educational material. These tools are widely available to a huge population and can be actively used in classes and lectures. As for the control assessment and exams, they are, just like with case technologists, and are conducted in full-time format. A similar format for conducting classes is used not only in our country and neighboring countries (CIS), but also in Europe, as well as advanced Asian countries such as Japan. Korea, etc.

Why is a radio-television or satellite model of DOs so necessary, if Internet technologies are being actively introduced, a question may arise. It is important to understand that despite globalization and the widespread introduction of the Internet into our daily life, there are still segments of the population who are not able to learn using Internet technologies. First of all, this category of people includes people living in remote areas such as auls, villages, villages, in which either there is still no good connection for Internet connection, or if there is one, it causes a huge number of difficulties with connection, which interrupts or interferes with full-fledged learning in the framework of DL. That is why for such cases there is a worthy alternative in the form of satellite and television technology.

The third and very widespread model today is the network learning model.

Networked learning is learning through a network, namely the Internet. This model is widely applicable not only in our country, but also around the world, since it is a publicly available and widely known model of distance education. When using this learning model, all the necessary information for both students and applicants is available on the website of the university or other educational institution, including information about the educational institution itself, entrance exams, the schedule, as well as the necessary documents for admission. The interested person, in turn, draws up and sends the necessary package of documents for admission to the desired educational institution by sending the package in electronic format to the post office of the university providing distance education services. As soon as the applicant goes through certain formalities such as passing exams, paying for tuition, collecting all the necessary documents, etc. he receives an account with a password to enter the classroom and carry out educational tasks, as well as all the necessary contacts of the curator for further consultations and passing intermediate and final exams. All communication between the student and the teacher is built through the network through video / audio communication or e-mail, and video conferences are also connected if necessary. The final session can be conducted both online with the further sending of the original diploma / certificate via mail or in person.

Further I propose to pay attention to the essence of the concept of information and communication technologies as an integral tool with which information and communication competence is formed.

So, information and communication technologies are technologies that contain a whole range of methods, tools and processes that integrate the finding, storage, processing and dissemination of information for its further use by people. Moreover, information and communication technologies make it possible to establish communication between users thanks to various digital technologies using the Internet and a computer. Why is ICT so important in modern education and how can it be used?

ICT can improve not only the interactivity, diversity and accessibility of the studied material, but also significantly affect the effectiveness of learning. Thanks to ICT, a teacher of a foreign language can use in his teaching activities such motivating factors as video, dialogue, games, quiz and many other things that can significantly activate attention.

Why is it so important to use ICT when planning and teaching a lesson?

Attention and interest in the lesson are the most important components of the successful assimilation of educational material, without these components the process of effective learning would be impossible, because it is thanks to the interest in a particular topic that the human brain is able to assimilate the material. We know that thanks to meaningful learning, established through interest and attention, long-term memory is activated, while through mechanical cramming, the human brain remembers only for long-term memory. The goal of any teacher is to give not just educational material, but to make sure that the information received from the teacher takes the form of knowledge and is used by students in their future professional activities, and also lays a solid foundation for the development of further neural connections associated with the knowledge gained and, brick by brick, formed a whole vision of that or some other process. Thanks to ICT, the teacher has an incredibly wide range of tools for enhancing attention through the use of bright and colorful presentations, design, transition, overlaying appropriate thematic sounds, melodies or music. With the help of ICT, it is possible to arrange whole quizzes, tests and verification tasks, which give instant results and allow you to work on mistakes. Moreover, with the help of ICT, it is possible to create favorable conditions for the development of the creative potential of a young scientist, because he is free to choose among the wide assortment offered by modern technologies exactly what responds to the subject of his course and is free to independently create interactive tasks for his students using all his creative potential.

In addition, we should consider Internet technologies as an integral tool for achieving information and communication competence.

Internet technologies are an integral part of the formation of information and communication competence of future foreign language specialists. It is important to know that it is impossible to form information and communication competence without using information and communication technologies. Therefore, any transformations in the education system largely depend on the use of information and communication technologies, including Internet technologies. Thus, informatization in education is, first of all, its modernization, without which, in general, the development of the education system is impossible.

One of the main tasks of ICT is to create an interactive environment that is somehow capable of managing the process of cognitive activity and providing access to educational resources such as sites, databases, multimedia textbooks, electronic textbooks and many other resources.

In conclusion, all over the world there is a rapid and rapid development of information and communication technologies and their introduction into all spheres of public life, including the educational process. In this regard, the problem of the most effective use of various computer technologies and electronic and distance learning in the process of preparing students for a foreign language becomes very relevant. New information technologies are not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the learning process, new technologies to improve the quality of education.



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