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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 3(173)

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Библиографическое описание:
Nurgizarova E. METHODS OF APPLICATION OF BLOG TECHNOLOGY IN THE FORMATION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF FUTURE FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHERS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 3(173). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/173/240017 (дата обращения: 07.10.2024).


Nurgizarova Elmira

Master student of 2nd year, department of Methods of Foreign language education, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World language,

Almaty, Kazakhstan


This article about methods of application of blog technology in the formation of information and communicative competence of future foreign languages. There given information about Web 2.0 technology because blog technology is a part of Web 2.0 technology. This article devoted to the issues of formation of information and communicative competence of foreign language teachers and a methodological system for using a teacher's blog in teaching English has been developed.


Keywords: web 2.0 technology, communicative competence, methods of application, blog technology.


Main part

The analysis of the works of modern methodologists and scientists in the field of foreign language methodology makes it possible to know about the need to develop modern educational technologies, especially blog technologies in the foreign language education of future foreign language teachers. Modern researchers research new information technologies in the educational sphere (Kruchinina G.A.), about the basics of web technologies (Khramtsov P.B.), optimization of teaching foreign languages (Filatova A.V.), theories of teaching foreign languages by modern information and communication Internet technologies (Polat E.S., Sysoev P.V., Evstigneev M.N., Titova S.V.). The major object of the proposed methodology is the formation of information and communicative competence of foreign language teachers. [1. p. 96]. Nowadays information and communication technologies make a new global environment which can give opportunity for future generation where they will not only communicate, but also construct professional and personal relationship, position their interests and represent themselves. Web 2.0 technologies are actively used in teaching foreign languages to students in universities.

The essential differentiating feature of Web 2.0 technology is that social services acquiesce expanded range of internet users to be creators and co-authors of information. The word social (website or service) is the key and stands for a distinctive characteristic of Web 2.0 technologies-resources are invented by people, for people and encourage synchronous and asynchronous communication on the internet. The use of Web 2.0 technologies in teaching foreign language lets on you to achieve assured level of foreign language competence during the period of study at the university, as well as to improve attained knowledge, skills and abilities in subsequent professional activity. All researchers emphasize the key advantages of Web 2.0 technology in relation to the methodology of teaching foreign languages: ease of use and accessibility; productivity of the organization of information space; interactivity and multimedia; reliability and safety. [5, p. 1].

Development of Web 2.0 technology has had important impact on the creation, allocation and interpretation of website content (text and graphic content) in the Internet community. According to the content and orientation, the social services of the internet are divided into many groups. In this article web 2.0 technology service Blog technology will be discussed in more detail.

A blog (from English blog or weblog) is a user’s personal page in the form of diary or journal. A blog usually created and moderated by one person who can alternatively post on their personal page both text materials and photos, audio and video recording, links to other internet networks. Any visitor to the blog, having acquainted himself with the content of the site, can somehow react to the published material, that is the text or viewed photos by posting his comments on the blog. [5, p. 2].

A blog is a technology, which allow each member to create their own personal page. The blog has its didactic properties, which were characterized by Sysoev P.V. [8, p. 115].

Table 1

Didactic properties of blog technology

1.Publicity and remote access


3.Authorship and moderation opportunities


The page is available at any time for each participant of project, who may be at a distance from each other.

Blog posts are arranged chronologically, which can help to the teacher to create a sequence of training.

It’s possibility to post own material and independently moderate page.

The ability to use materials of any kind. 


In spite of the fact that the blog technology act mainly on the passive speech competence: reading and writing, they’re also quite easily be adapted to the active language skills, especially to foreign language speaking at the organization of online messages conference Khromtsov B.P., Brik S.A., Rusak A.M., Surin A.I. propose to use three types of blogs for purposes of teaching foreign language speaking:

-web space of class, where the ads are placed homework, etc.;

-public communication area, where the students demonstrate their results of their work;

-personal space ordered for the student’s thoughts, as well as for the teacher’s instructions. [9, p. 306].

By using the blog technologies, foreign language teachers have the opportunity sequentially create a training course, to post materials to the public at a specific time, to publish materials from other resources, as well as from their own authorship or from the authorship of students, to identify and moderate participants, to use didactic materials of different types. In other words, blog technology helps to create and to make publicly available different types of supports used in didactic process. The following types of blogs can be used in didactic process [10, p. 184]:

Table 2

Types of blogs

1.The teacher’s personal blog

-course program (for a week, month, quarter);


-information about the materials passed in a particular lesson;

-recommended sources in foreign language for additional study (reading and listening);

-different links to information and reference internet resources.

2. Personal blogs of students

-use the necessary language tools to present orally personal information about themselves (the author of blog);

-it’s possible to represent the native country (locality, school) and culture in a foreign language environment (the author of blog);

- express opinions, express agreement\disagreement.

3. Collective blog of the educational community

-to explain the content of the read\listened foreign language text in the form of brief statements;

-use the necessary linguistic means to express an opinion, express agreement or disagreement in non-categorical and non-aggressive form;

-to perform analogies, comparisons;

-to argue point of view using linguistic means;

-to support a conversation, which based on the key norms of etiquette and rules of intercultural communication by organizing a videoconference.


The application of blog technologies in the educational process is the beginning to be widely used and the methods of using blog technology have not been thoroughly studied. Methods of a personal blog expertise imply a systematic set of actions in the process of self-study by a teacher by his own blog and personal blogs of colleagues to accomplish a goal. Among these methods:

-method of degustation expertise (assumes the examination of innovative products (personal blog, materials, etc.) in order to assess their significance the need for, originality, copying, etc.);

-the method of reflexive expertise (provides updating, changing and increasing the characteristics of own blog through working with it and materials on its pages).

Despite of the chosen method of expertise, the teacher goes through the following stages in the realization of the method: the goal setting stage, the procedural-statistical and the evaluation stages. These stages and with the teacher’s adoption of the decision. A negative decision does not require any effort from the teacher, whereas a positive decision specifies the need to use the methods of functioning and development of a personal blog. These methods represent a systematized set of actions in the process of changing a personal blog in order to develop its content and scope, improve the cooperation of its components. Among these methods we can include the update method (implies working with content, changing content); upgrade method (represents working with the structure of a personal blog, changing it, improving it, replacing elements); renovation method (provides modernization of a personal blog, cardinal changes, revision of the concept of a personal blog).

The main result of the use of update method is the creation of the functioning (working, operating) personal blog with the availability of up-to-date (from the English. the latest, modern) information, as well as through the use of content; the result of upgrade method is the creation of functionally developing personal blog by a teacher by taking into account the scope of the concept through its upgrade. “Functionally developing” is understood by us as aimed at the realization of different (it’s known that a teacher in professional activity realizes several functions: a subject teacher, classroom teacher, a member of methodological community of teachers, etc.), but specific goals of the teacher (within the framework of the functions performed) in the realization of practical activities by means of a personal blog. The main results of using the method of renovation relates to the creation of a functioning continuously developing personal blog by a teacher. [11, p. 33-36].


To sum up, teaching students to speak a foreign language by using blog technologies can be carried out through different types of blogs, in particular through the creation and operation of a teacher’s blog, personal blogs of students, as well as collective blog of the educational community. Orientation and communication, as well as the use of foreign language tools, to solve the necessary issues, students form an idea of the importance of studying a foreign language as a means of direct interpersonal communication. The methodology of working with blog technology for the development of a foreign language speaking skills includes the algorithm of teacher’s work with his own blog, as well as the algorithm of teacher’s work with a team of students to acquaint, create and use the service.



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