Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 3(173)
Рубрика журнала: Педагогика
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The modern social, socio-economic and political situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan determines the presence of prerequisites for the approach of cultures, for our country to enter the international arena, therefore, the formation of the communicative competence of students is very important. This is largely due to the fact that "in recent years, the influence of globalization processes on the process of communication between representatives of different cultures has acquired the most vivid expression".
Современная социальная, социально-экономическая и политическая ситуация в Республике Казахстан определяет наличие предпосылок для сближения культур, для выхода нашей страны на международную арену, поэтому очень важно формирование коммуникативной компетенции студентов. Во многом это связано с тем, что «в последние годы влияние процессов глобализации на процесс общения представителей разных культур приобрело наиболее яркое выражение».
Keywords: competence, communication, communicative competence.
Ключевые слова: компетенция, коммуникация, коммуникативная компетенция.
Today society and the state define a fairly wide range of requirements for the subject and general cultural training of students, including the ability to analyze and synthesize the information presented in various languages and in various sources, the ability to competently navigate in the global socio-cultural space, and identify oneself with it, and also find the right communication strategies, both with compatriots and with representatives of other cultures. This explains the need for the formation of the communicative competence of schoolchildren in the process of learning a foreign language, as well as the formation of their ability and readiness for intercultural communication.
The categorical apparatus of the problem of the formation of communicative competence in the process of teaching foreign languages to schoolchildren includes such concepts as "competence", "communication", "communicative competence", "formation" [1, p.43]. First of all, it is necessary to consider the concept of competence. Today there are many approaches to the consideration of this concept. Consider the various definitions of this concept, which are keys in our study. N. Chomsky was the first in the context of the theory of language to use the concept of "competence" in his work "Aspects of the theory of syntax" in 1965. Linguistic competence, according to the scientist, is nothing more than "the speaker's - hearer's knowledge of his own language", and this knowledge is put in opposition to the real use of the language in everyday life. Systemic changes in the field of education in the context of the formation and development of a competency-based approach to learning contributed to constant changes in the concept of "competence", which was interpreted by different scientists and authors in different ways [2, p.677]. In the explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova and N.Yu.Shvedova, the following definition of the concept of “competent”: knowledgeable, authoritative in some area, and the concept of “competence” is interpreted as “a range of issues in which someone is well aware; terms of reference, rights". S.E.Shishov and V.A. Kalnei believe that competence is "a general ability that is based on knowledge, experience, inclinations, values acquired through training". The authors consider this concept comprehensively, noting that competence makes it possible to establish a connection between knowledge and its further application in a specific situation. They rightly argue that it is possible to talk about competence only when it finds its application in a certain situation. O.V. Kudryashova in her writings emphasizes that the basis of all competencies is knowledge and the ability to use them. At the same time, a significant difference between competence and skill is that it is always associated with emotional and psychological readiness for joint activities and interaction to solve various problems and is characterized by a set of certain personal qualities, ethical and moral values of students. Following A.V. Khutorskiy, by competence, a set of interrelated personality traits, namely, knowledge, skills, and methods of activity used in relation to a certain range of objects and processes, and necessary for high-quality activity in relation to these processes [2, p.679]. Summarizing the above, we can come to the conclusion that competence is not only a set of certain knowledge, skills, and abilities of a person but also a set of individual personality abilities, a certain final result of the formation of the required qualities - given requirements for the preparation of a graduate, a kind of set of personal qualities, to strive for. The subject of the work is the process of forming the communicative competence of schoolchildren when teaching students foreign languages, therefore, it is necessary to analyze the content of the concept of "communication". The concept of "communication" (from lat. - to make it general) is quite wide and extensive since it is used in various spheres of human activity: pedagogy, psychology, linguistics, management, jurisprudence, economics, and so on. Today there are many definitions of this concept. Let's consider some of them. Communication, in the most general sense, is a message, the transfer of any information. The communication process is presented as one of the foundations of human life and society. At the same time, researchers mean both the communication process itself and its result. In turn, interpersonal communication is nothing more than the process of transferring information from one person to another target object or objects of a certain group [3, p.55]. Typically, communications of this kind are carried out through the personal interaction of the communicants, but can also be carried out using means of communication, such as, for example, telephone, fax, mail, or other information and communication technologies. Consequently, the concept of "communicative" (from lat. Communicabilis) presupposes an attitude to the movement of information with the help of signs, signals, messages from a transmitting device to a receiver, and also denotes something related to communication and characterizing communication skills. Based on the provisions noted above, the information function of the communication process can be distinguished as the main one, which consists, first of all, in the transfer of information [4, p.223]. The concept of communication includes both mechanical and activity aspects: it is, on the one hand, the process of exchanging information, and, on the other hand, the process of creating a community, within the framework of which communicants comprehend the information received and correlate their thoughts with the thoughts of a partner, while a certain degree of mutual understanding is created.
Let us consider in more detail the scientific expression “the formation of communicative competence”. The category "formation" is considered one of the keys in pedagogy. From the point of view of theory and teaching methodology, "formation" is the process of creating something, giving certain completeness, completeness to something. In the dictionary of foreign words, we find the following definition of the concept of "form" (from lat. Formate): to compose, to form, secondly, to give some form, appearance, completeness to something, to generate something. According to I.F. Kharlamov's "formation" is a well-organized educational process that attunes a person to positive emotions and ensures the organization of the further process of education and training. According to the interpretation of the concept of "formation" proposed by A. K. Markova, formation is a process of revealing the potential and abilities of a student by creating conditions and certain situations, taking into account the past experience, internal goals, individual characteristics of the student. The famous English psychologist J. Raven in his writings repeatedly emphasizes that in the process of human formation, values and motives are the most important factor, which is expressed in personal acceptance of oneself and awareness of the professional and social goals set [5, p.3].
Summarizing the above, it is assumed that the formation of communicative competence should be understood as a work specially organized within the framework of the educational process and aimed at developing the ability of students to carry out intercultural communication at a sufficiently high level. Various authors offer different options for the structure of communicative competence.
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