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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 2(172)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Petrov I., Tsyganenko K. PROBLEMS OF CAREER GUIDANCE IN SCHOOLS AND THEIR SOLUTIONS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 2(172). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/172/238890 (дата обращения: 28.03.2025).


Petrov Ivan

student, faculty of Humanities, Tobolsk pedagogical Institute (branch) of Tyumen state University,

Russia, Tobolsk

Tsyganenko Kira

student, faculty of Humanities, Tobolsk pedagogical Institute (branch) of Tyumen state University,

Russia, Tobolsk



Петров Иван Александрович

студент, гуманитарный факультет, Тобольский педагогический институт (филиал) Тюменского государственного университета,

РФ, г. Тобольск

Цыганенко Кира Михайловна

студент, гуманитарный факультет, Тобольский педагогический институт (филиал) Тюменского государственного университета,

РФ, г. Тобольск



The article tells about the relevance of the problem of the formation of vocational guidance of children at school. The article examines the history of the appearance of career guidance and career guidance agencies. In addition, solutions to the problems of the lack of early career guidance in Russian schools are described.


Статья рассказывает об актуальности проблем формирования профориентации детей в школе. Статья рассматривает историю возникновения профориентации и профориентационных агенств. Также, описываются решения проблем по отсутствию ранней профориентации в российских школах.


Keywords: Career guidance, Career guidance at schools.

Ключевые слова: профориентация, профориентация в школах.


According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated May 17, 2012 No. 413 "On approval of the Federal State educational standard of secondary general Education", the Standard is focused on the formation of personal characteristics of a graduate: prepared for a conscious choice of profession, understanding the importance of professional activity for people and societies [3].

The urgency of the problem of forming the ideas of younger schoolchildren about the world of work and professions is due to the fact that the huge role of students' ideas about professions and work is insufficiently developed in pedagogy. In schools, the formation of ideas about the world of work and professions is sometimes carried out insufficiently purposefully and systematically. While it is the school that should become the decisive link in the process of professional self-determination of students, to have an effective influence on the purposeful formation of ideas about the world of work and professions. Thus, early career guidance of younger schoolchildren is important and necessary, according to the strategy of Russian education.

Modern society requires a person with a formed motivation for professional self-determination, who is well versed in the modern labor market, who is able to make an informed choice in favor of a particular profession as early as possible. Junior school age is called the peak of childhood. The child retains many childish qualities: frivolity, naivety, a look at an adult from the bottom up. But he is already losing his childlike spontaneity in behavior, they have a different logic of thinking.

Despite the fact that specialized classes are created in schools, starting from grade 8, they still cannot solve the problem of career guidance, because specialized classes or only with a chemical, economic or humanitarian bias. Although attempts at differentiation are being made, but most often educational institutions fulfill the instructions from above, and not the desire and abilities of the student himself.

The opinion of representatives of the older generation, the prestige and relevance of the profession for many young people are decisive when choosing the sphere of self-realization, however, less and less close relatives are ready to recommend their children to choose specialties solely on the principle of potential profitability, giving preference to the most humane and socially significant areas [2]

A significant obstacle to the development of career guidance is that it is usually designed for some average student; there is no individual, differentiated approach to the person choosing a profession; mainly verbal, declarative methods are used, without giving everyone the opportunity to try themselves in various activities, including the elected one. Many cities and districts are not provided with current information about personnel needs; training of qualified career guidance specialists is poorly carried out.

The very emergence of professional orientation is associated with the appearance of the first career guidance office in Strasbourg in 1903 and the bureau for the choice of professions in Boston (USA) in 1908. The work of these first career guidance services was based on the "three-factor model" of F. Parsons, when the applicant for certain professions identified abilities and psychological qualities, correlated them with the requirements of professions and, based on this, issued a recommendation on the suitability or non-suitability of a person for this profession.

There is a formula for choosing a profession, which consists of three factors following each other:

The first factor includes professional orientation, interests, inclinations of a person, desires. We can call this factor in one phrase: "WHAT I WANT." In addition, if we write out a list of professions that we are interested in, and we would like to master, this list would turn out to be very long.

The second factor includes the state of health, personal characteristics. Someone is inclined to be active, and someone likes to do work that requires attention, perseverance. It is also necessary to take into account the level of your knowledge and personal abilities, awareness in various fields of activity, the level of intellectual development. The financial condition of the family is also of great importance when choosing a profession. The second factor can be called one phrase, "WHAT CAN I DO". And if the list of professions that you have written, brought in line with your interests, we will edit according to your capabilities, it will become more concise, but more real.

The third factor includes the specifics of the regional labor market, the demand for this profession, as well as the possibility of building a professional career, including the development of related specialties. This factor can be called in one phrase: "WHAT IS NEEDED." From the edited list, we begin to choose those professions that are needed in the labor market and give a person more opportunities to build a professional career.

Career guidance workers face the task of educating a person who is able to know himself, relying on his strengths, to be able to present himself, a person with a high level of intellectual abilities and creative thinking, who is able to consciously and independently set goals for himself.

The problem must be solved by the coordination of existing welfare agencies. It is the function and the opportunity of vocational guidance to cooperate with all such agencies, to coordinate their efforts and to concentrate them all to the fullest conversation of human resources [1, с. 149].

The main (ideal) goal of the work on professional self-determination is the gradual formation of the student's inner readiness for conscious and independent construction, in correcting and realizing the prospects for his development. And also in the willingness to consider oneself developing over time and independently find personally significant meanings in a specific professional activity.

The National Education Association report recognizes three types of experimental work in the field of vocational psychology: The first one is the attempt to supply the employer with tests that will enable him to select from a large number of applicants those most likely to , success in a given position (vocational selection). The second is the attempt to determine specific vocational abilities that is, which of several occupations would be the best, one for a given individual to follow. The third is the attempt to develop tests for the measurement of general intelligence. The commission is definitely agrees with the opinion that we should welcome continuous experiments in the field of vocational psychology, but we should put the primary emphasis upon education, training, and supervision [1, с. 141].

There is a concept of "internal motivation" - this is the need for a sense of confidence in one's abilities and intentions. Internal motivation is influenced by the following conditions or situations: 1) internal motivation decreases with the transition of the causes (conditions, events) that caused this motivation from internal to external; 2) internal motivation increases with an increase in a person's self-confidence; 3) positive feedback.

Next, we introduce the concept of "professional motivation" - this is the action of specific motives that determine the choice of a profession and the continued performance of duties related to this profession. Professional motivation is dynamic, changeable and is a continuous process that takes place under the constant influence of objective and subjective factors.

Thus, we see that career guidance is the most important and underestimated process in the framework of school education. In the modern world, schoolchildren are required to decide on the choice of their future profession after reaching the age of 14-15. The difficulty of this task is added by the lack of sufficient work on career guidance in Russian schools.



  1. Carson Ryan, Jr. Vocational guidance and the public schools. – Department of the interior. Washington. – 2019. – 148 p.
  2. Исследование ВЦИОМ о выборе профессии детьми https://wciom.ru/analytical-reviews/analiticheskii-obzor/professionalnyj-vopros
  3. Приказ министерства образования и науки РФ https://docs.edu.gov.ru/document/bf0ceabdc94110049a583890956abbfa/

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