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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 1(171)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Kolesnikova I. CONTENT, FORMS, METHODS OF PROFESSIONAL ORIENTATION IN RURAL EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 1(171). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/171/237962 (дата обращения: 01.02.2025).


Kolesnikova Irina

Student, Department of Russian Language and Russian Literature, Belgorod State National Research University (NRU «BelGU»),

Russia, Belgorod



Колесникова Ирина Андреевна

студент, кафедра русского языка и русской литературы, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет (НИУ «БелГУ»),

РФ, г. Белгород



The article is devoted to the description of the most effective forms and methods of work of a teacher with students in a rural educational organization.


Статья посвящена описанию наиболее эффективных форм и методов работы педагога с учащимися в сельской образовательной организации.


Keywords: professional orientation, activity, rural school, students, career guidance work.

Ключевые слова: профессиональная ориентация, деятельность, сельская школа, учащиеся, профориентационная работа.


At the present time, the state is facing two main problems: the demographic situation and the migration of rural population to the city. This leads to the depopulation of most rural settlements. The reason is not in the crisis, not in the lack of jobs in the villages, the reason is simple: schoolchildren are not ready to live and work in their native village, to participate in its development, as the opportunities of the city attract them more and more [1].

An indicator of the professional maturity of a person's personality is his awareness of the vast world of professions and the ability to correlate this information with individual abilities; the ability to plan his professional activities; emotional involvement in solving situational tasks. In order for a student of an educational institution to be able, if not to achieve, but to approach the maximum indicators of professional maturity of the individual, the coordinated work of the entire career guidance system is necessary [2].

And if there are wide opportunities for students in urban schools, then these opportunities are limited for students of rural schools. Currently, a number of problems arise on the territory of rural settlements that affect the quality of career guidance work carried out with students of rural schools, namely:

1) there are no large industrial enterprises;

2) a narrow circle of specialists of different professions;

3) lack of qualified personnel in the field of psychology and career guidance;

4) rural conditions do not allow high school graduates to fully analyze and compare their own abilities to a different range of professions;

5) difficulties of career guidance work in rural areas are associated with insufficient awareness of various fields of professional activity, the state of the modern labor market; the lack of a complete list of educational institutions and areas of training of specialists.

7) the absence of psychological support centers for children and adolescents [6].

The main center of professional orientation on the territory of rural settlements are educational institutions that have the opportunity to attract additional resources and support services, the priority goal of which is the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual [8].

The main purpose of vocational guidance work in rural schools is to provide vocational guidance to students in choosing a training profile, in choosing the direction of the sphere of professional activity; to promote the formation of a conscious attitude to socially useful work, to promote professional self-determination in conditions of freedom of choice of a future profession, taking into account the individual abilities and skills of students, the requirements of the labor market [5].

The tasks of career guidance work include:

1) the possibility of obtaining reliable information for purposeful separation of students by training profiles related to their preferences, inclinations and capabilities;

2) providing additional support measures to schoolchildren for whom it is easy to foresee difficulties with employment (students with various deviations of the psychophysiological state of health);

3) creation of a flexible system of interaction between students of rural schools and institutions of additional and vocational education, with enterprises of the city, region, according to the profile of their training [6].

In a rural school, career guidance is implemented through the educational process, extracurricular and extracurricular work with students. Extracurricular work with students is regulated by programs of spiritual and moral education, development of students at the level of primary general education and programs of education and socialization of students at the level of basic and secondary general education, which are subprograms of basic educational programs [3].

Extracurricular work with students is carried out outside of school hours by the class teacher on the basis of an educational work plan, with the possibility of involving a teacher-psychologist, a social pedagogue, a senior counselor, a librarian and other specialists of psychological and pedagogical services and institutions of additional education [4].

The main directions of extracurricular work on career guidance in rural schools are:

-career guidance diagnostics (studying the abilities, inclinations, interests and preferences of students based on a questionnaire);

-career guidance counseling of students, parents on the choice of profession;

-career guidance education (lessons, class hours, meetings with representatives of various professions, meetings with teachers of colleges, technical schools, universities, etc., revealing the essence of issues related to professional choice) [9].

At the level of primary general education, the class teacher, with the support of a teacher-psychologist, begins work on forming students' ideas about the diversity of the world of professions, a conscientious attitude to socially useful work, understanding its role in human life and society, setting a future choice of profession and developing interest in it. Starting from the age of 7-10, children begin to understand what a profession is and its significance. The most effective career guidance activities at this stage are considered to be tourist and local history trips around the native land and region, meetings with interesting people of the region, when getting acquainted with folk art and traditions, make a significant contribution to the formation of the worldview. The main part of the educational process is based on ethno-cultural education and is focused on the formation of citizenship, patriotism and love for the Motherland. At the level of basic general education, classroom teachers form students' awareness of individual abilities, preferences, interests and social values that are directly related to the upcoming choice of profession and their place in society. At this stage, an idea is formed about professional skills, prospects for professional development and competence improvement, rules for choosing a profession, the ability to adequately assess their personal abilities according to the requirements of the chosen profession [9].

Extracurricular activities are aimed at mastering the basics of folk crafts and crafts: meetings with craftsmen, organization of master classes and clubs, excursions to enterprises of the native land. Meetings with teachers of colleges and technical schools of agricultural orientation are organized for students [4].

Another area that increases the level of knowledge in various professional fields is research activity, which has recently become of serious importance. The development of interest in this type of activity is associated with holding competitions of various levels. For example: "My country is my Russia", "Fatherland", "First steps in science", etc.

The main indicator of the effectiveness of a rural school teacher is the ability to create a success situation for each child, which contributes to the development of self-confidence, self-esteem and self-esteem. Another equally important indicator is the number of graduates who, after receiving secondary or higher education, returned to their native village [7].

The study of the experience of career guidance work of a rural school allows us to draw the following conclusions:

1. Vocational training and vocational orientation of students is carried out in accordance with the basic educational programs of primary, basic and secondary general education.

2. The structure of career guidance work on the basis of the school consists of two blocks:

a) pre-profile training, profile training and vocational training of students, carried out at the expense of the variable part of the curriculum (grade 9-11) and additional education (grade 10-11);

b) extracurricular activities carried out by a class teacher, a teacher-psychologist, a social pedagogue, a counselor and other psychological and pedagogical services, institutions of additional education during extracurricular hours.

3. The main forms and methods of career guidance work are:

a) thematic training sessions (career guidance lessons informing about the state of the labor market, the diversity of the world of professions);

b) class hours, lectures on the topics: "How to make a professional choice?" "My profession, as not to make mistakes", "All professions are important, all professions are needed," etc.;

C) technology in the classroom and elective courses are offered by vocational guidance tests, methods to facilitate the identification of abilities, aptitudes and interests;

d) school-wide parent meetings related to career guidance are held in each half-year;

e) every year on the day of self-government, students try themselves as a teacher, librarian, deputy director, director;

f) when organizing a summer school camp, high school students have the opportunity to try themselves as counselors;

g) thanks to the support of the district department of social security, students of the 10th grade can participate in repair work and in the improvement of the school.

4. At the end of the 11th grade, students receive qualifications in one or two working specialties.

Thus, the career guidance work of a rural educational organization has its own specifics:

1) Career guidance work, the main purpose of which is to assist in self-determination, choosing a profession, based on the demand of the labor market and personal characteristics, is aimed at developing the interest of students of a rural educational institution in working specialties of the agro-industrial direction. This is due to the fact that the Belgorod region is an agricultural region specializing in poultry farming, pig farming, dairy production and the cultivation of various agricultural crops.



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