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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 1(171)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

Секция: Литературоведение

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Библиографическое описание:
Zarkovich A. THE STUDY OF LERMONTOV’S CREATIVITY AT THE LESSONS OF LITERATURE IN THE 9TH GRADE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 1(171). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/171/237867 (дата обращения: 11.03.2025).


Zarkovich Anna

Student, Department of Russian Language and Russian Literature, Belgorod State National Research University (NRU "BelGU"),

Russia, Belgorod



Заркович Анна Васильевна

студент, кафедра русского языка и русской литературы, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет (НИУ «БелГУ»),

РФ, город Белгород



The article considers certain aspects of M. Lermontov’s art and is designed to help the teachers and university professors to enhance students’ interest to study the personality of the great Russian poet and comprehend his artistic heritage.


Статья посвящена отдельным аспектам творчества М. Ю. Лермонтова и призвана помочь преподавателям и преподавателям вузов повысить интерес студентов к изучению личности великого русского поэта и осмыслению его творческого наследия.


Keywords: creativity, poetry, poetics, teacher, lesson, lyrics.

Ключевые слова: творчество, поэзия, поэтика, учитель, урок, лирика.


The school canon has always included and includes the study of the work of M. Lermontov. Today, the biography and works of art of the outstanding poet, writer and playwright of the first half of the 19th century is presented in literary courses from grades 5 to 9. His work as a poet occupies a special place in Russian literature and has several specific features, without knowledge of which his perception and comprehension by students becomes much more complicated. Therefore, the topic of studying the creativity of M. Lermontov at school seems to us especially relevant [1].

Let us turn to the work of M. Lermontov in the 9th grade, analyze how the study is implemented in programs and what aspects are highlighted when referring to them in literature lessons. The study of the work of M. Lermontov begins with the words about the author, the designation of the biography, and so do V.  Korovina [2], V. Chertov [3], I. Sukhikh [4], V. Marantzman [5], despite the fact that the students were already familiar with the poet and his work earlier. Gradual, step-by-step acquaintance of primary school students with biographical information from the life of Lermontov based on genre typology helps to avoid unnecessary duplication of material and helps to increase students' interest in the personality of the writer and his creative heritage. Acquaintance with the work of M. Lermontov begins with the poet's lyric works and continues with the study and careful analysis of the novel "A Hero of Our Time". Only in the program Sukikh does not pay attention to the biography of the poet and its influence on the work of Lermontov.

Analyzing the knowledge, skills and abilities that students should receive according to the lyrics of M. Lermontov, we can say that in the programs edited by V. Chertov [3], V. Korovina [2], I. Sukhikh [4] and V. Marantzman [5] schoolchildren receive knowledge in full. These programs provide materials for the study of literary theory, literary history, and the works required for study. The unifying link in the study of the poet's work is that in all programs an emphasis is placed on the motives of liberty and loneliness, the image of the poet, and the theme of love.

It is also worth noting the meta-subject approach in the program of V. Korovina [2] and V. Marantzman [5], for example, the connection with the visual arts, music, cinema: comparing the works of the poet and illustrations to them, acquaintance with romances on poems of the poet, listening to poems performed by famous figures of art and culture, evaluating film and television interpretations in relation to the novel "A Hero of Our Time".

Moreover, V. Korovina's program provides for an acquaintance with V. Belinsky's assessment of Lermontov's lyric works, and not just criticism of the novel "A Hero of Our Time" as in the programs of other authors. Moreover, many schools practice teaching literature in these classes exactly according to the program of V. Korovina. The choice of the work program was due to the fact that this subject line is complete and revised in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education and is intended for grades 5-9 of educational institutions, it strengthens the activity-based approach to the study of literature. Literature program V. Korovina assumes mastering the following poems: "Death of a Poet", "Sail", "Both boring and sad", "Duma", "Poet", "Motherland", "Prophet", "No, I do not love you so ardently... "," No, I'm not Byron, I'm different ... "," We parted, but your portrait ... "," There are speeches - meaning ... "(1824)," Prayer "," Beggar "," I live want! I want sorrow ... ". In addition, at the end of the study of the topic "Lyrics of Lermontov" students should know: basic facts from the life and work of M. Lermontov; genre and thematic creativity of M. Lermontov's lyric poetry; literary concepts (lyric hero, lyric genre, romanticism, psychological novel, etc.) [2].

Analysis of the specificity of M. Lermontov's lyrics and the peculiarities of its study made it possible to formulate the following sentences:

1. Intensification of the educational activities of students using scientific and creative tasks of varying complexity, more and more attention is paid to the biography of the poet.

2. In the analysis of the lyric works of M. Lermontov, an activity approach is used.

3. Organization of scientific research activities of students through the study of the problems of Lermontov's lyrics.

4. Motivation of schoolchildren to study the life and work of M. Lermontov, using additional resources related to art in the classroom.

At the center of teaching prose by M. Lermontov in secondary school was always the novel "A Hero of Our Time". It should be emphasized that in terms of genre, the epic works studied in grade 9 are quite difficult for students to perceive: a novel in verses by A. Pushkin, a socio-psychological novel by M. Lermontov, consisting of five stories not arranged in accordance with chronology of events; poem in prose by N. Gogol [2].

Today, there are many strategies for teaching the novel by M. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" Implementation of dialogue with the writer and his work in literature lessons, with entry-level readers (classmates) and professional level (language teacher), with literary critics, even interpreters in other arts (artists, directors, screenwriters) is common to many of them. To implement this process, the authors of the techniques offer a number of technologies based on traditional methods of heuristic conversation, on search methods: problem learning, project technology, discussions, as well as emotionally-figurative: role-playing games, lessons built according to laws and forms art. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of chapters, episodes, descriptions and generalizations after observing individual parts of the text, especially in a survey study.

Thus, having studied the specifics of the poet's work and the peculiarities of its study, we can conclude that the artistic works of M. Lermontov in the 9th grade are studied quite intensively and require additional theoretical knowledge of history and literature. A language teacher should plan his activities in order to give students a complete picture of the poet's work. The priority for the teacher should be the following types of school activities: research, search and creative, as they will allow students to intensify the study of the lyric works of M. Lermontov. It is necessary to update the methodology of teaching literature in such a plane that uniqueness, and spiritual wealth, and poetic charm, and moral attractiveness, and the power of the creative potential of M. Lermontov's immortal creations are revealed. In addition, given the conditions of the pandemic and the possibility of re-switching to a distance learning platform, a language teacher needs to master new information and communication technologies and actively introduce them into the educational process.



  1. Lermontov Encyclopedia, 1981. P. 158.
  2. Literature. “Working programs edited by V. Korovina. 5-9 grades ". Education, 2016. P. 169.
  3. Literature. Work programs. Subject line of textbooks edited by V. Chertov. 5-9 grades: a guide for teachers of educational organizations / [V. Chertov, L. Trubina, N. Ippolitova, I. Mamonova]. - 2nd edition. Education, 2015. P. 160.
  4. Literature: program for grades 5 - 9: basic general education / [T. Ryzhkova, I. Sukhikh, I. Guis, Y. Malkova]; edited by I. Sukhikh. Publishing Center "Academy", 2014. P. 157.
  5. Literature: Literature program for general education institutions. 5-9. / Edited by Professor V. Marantzman. - Education, 2012. P. 256.

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