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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 42(170)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

Секция: Лингвистика

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Библиографическое описание:
Feldman Ya. PECULIARITIES OF THE LEXICAL UNITS' USE IN INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 42(170). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/170/236509 (дата обращения: 22.03.2025).


Feldman Yana

MA student, Department of Russian Philology and Foreign Languages, Area of Specialty: 45.04.02- Linguistics, Learning Direction: Translation Theory and Interlingual Communication, Pskov State University

Russia, Pskov

Pitolina Natalia

научный руководитель,

Doctor of Philology Sciences, scientific advisor Associate Professor at the Department of European Languages and Cultures, Pskov State University,

Russia, Pskov


This article examines the peculiarities of the use of lexical units in intercultural communication; it confirms that in the process of intercultural communication there are difficulties in understanding the partner of an "alien" culture, as well as reveals the interferences in communication, which are of pragma-linguistic and socio-cultural-pragmatic nature. The study showed that cultural pragmatic information is contained in the language of culture and requires appropriate interpretation, that is, certain lexical units (forms), on the part of the foreign-language communicant.


Keywords: intercultural communication, communicator, presupposition, foreign cultural understanding, stylistics, style, pragmatic aspect, syntactic relations, international cooperation, linguistics, lexical units.


In the multidimensional and multifaceted process of intercultural communication there are linguistic and cultural levels of understanding of representatives of different linguistic communities, in other words, linguistic and extralinguistic. At the same time, the success of intercultural communication largely depends on the situational context. In a certain communicative act, the choice of one or another linguistic, language tools is conditioned by the purpose, intention, situation, presupposition of this act, as well as by certain speech conventions. Intercultural communication, as it is known, is a process of two-way foreign-language and foreign-cultural understanding, in this regard, the speech act involves also interlingual and intercultural translation, the adequacy of which lies in the plane of pragmatic meaning of linguistic units.

Pragmatic meaning in intercultural communication is associated with different degrees of understanding of these language units by the participants of the communicative act.

The most pragmatically marked are the lexical language units with stylistic characteristics, differing in register and emotional coloring. From this classification of words in the pragmatic aspect of intercultural communication the most interesting is the colloquial style.

The colloquial style is the generation of the oral form of speech and its specific features depend on oral speech. The colloquial style is characterized by the use of language for communication in everyday life of people. It is characterized by mass usage. M.P. Brandes names extra-linguistic features of this style, - these are "a concrete-subject way of thinking and the concrete nature of the content; informality, naturalness, trustfulness of communication; unpreparedness of speech and its raw nature; the predominance of oral-dialogic form of communication" [2, p. 208]. This is how a person generalizes the experience of cognition of the surrounding reality in everyday life. This style is characterized by emotional intensity, which is transmitted not only by words, intonation, syntax, facial expressions/mimics, gestures, but also by other paralinguistic and extralinguistic means.

In pragmatic terms, according to A. Neubert's classification, the most difficult texts to translate are fiction texts characterized by the presence of the realities of a country's culture, unknown to readers from other language cultures, a certain connotative vocabulary understood only by native speakers of that culture [3, p.229].

For fiction texts in the colloquial style is characterized by ease, relaxedness, familiarity of speech. In the colloquial style an important role is played by the contact-establishing and emotive functions [1, p.294]. In intercultural communication these functions are manifested in the conventionality of speech acts, conditioned by the norms, traditions, customs accepted in the cultural community. Contact communication leads to the economy of linguistic elements and their replacement by extra- and paralinguistic means (situation, gesture, facial expressions, etc.). Fast pace in this style affects the incorrectness and inaccuracy of expression.

E.G. Riesel offers a differentiating classification of colloquial style: literary and colloquial, familiar (colloquial), vulgar, slang, everyday, rough [4, p.168]. In general, the style of colloquial communication is characterized by: 1) concreteness, demonstrativeness, simplicity of language means of expression associated with the specifics of everyday aspects of human life; 2) emotionality; 3) nonchalance/ease [2, p.271].

To the linguistic features of colloquial speech include non-bookish means of language, the use of colloquial elements, incomplete structural design language units, units with a specific meaning, weakened syntactic ties, the activity of language means of subjective evaluation, the presence of speech formulas, cliches, phraseological colloquialisms, oxionisms.

The colloquial style is widely represented in fiction. Fiction texts are a reflection of socio-cultural life, contain the experience and knowledge of the surrounding world, the culture of the people, the reflection of social relations of people.

The speech work creates natural communicative conditions determined by the social structure. Participants of communication are attached to the social role to which they belong.

These are status roles - age, gender, citizenship, belonging to a certain social class, positional role - a place in the system of social relations (boss - subordinate, situational role, everyday role (the role of a guest, friend, customer, client). In intercultural communication social structure determines the degree of understanding between the participants of communication (communicants).

The multidimensionality and multiplicity of such a complex process as intercultural communication requires, perhaps, further interdisciplinary research in the fields of ethnology, ethnography, psychology, philosophy, history, translation studies, linguistics. The study is also of great importance for the system of humanitarian, cultural education, expanding its boundaries in modern conditions of international cooperation.



  1. Arnold I.V. Stylistics of Modern English (Decoding Stylistics). St. Petersburg: Prosveshcheniye, 1981. P. 294;
  2. Brandes M. P. Stylistics of the German Language. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola, 1990.  P.208, P.271;
  3. Neubert A. Pragmatic aspects of translation // Problems of translation theory in foreign linguistics: Collection of articles Translations. V.N. Komissarov. Moscow: International relations, 1978. P. 229;
  4. Riesel E.G. Stylistics of foreign language// Textbook for institutes and faculties of foreign language. Moscow: High School, 1988. P.168;
  5. Effective Communications (Collective of Authors)// The World's Leading Business Journal. Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation, 2013/ Edition in Russian, translation, design.
  6. LLC "Alpina Publisher", 2018/ [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.litres.ru/raznoe/effektivnye-kommunikacii/chitat-onlayn/

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