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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 38(166)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Pinchuk E. TECHNOLOGY OF APPLICATION OF GAME ACTIVITY IN THE CLASSROOM // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 38(166). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/166/230731 (дата обращения: 28.10.2024).


Pinchuk Ekaterina

student, Department of Russian Language and Russian Literature, The National Research University "Belgorod State University",

Russia, Belgorod



Пинчук Екатерина Дмитриевна

студент, кафедра русского языка и русской литературы, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет,

РФ, г. Белгород



This article examines the features of the use of games in the classroom at school. The author describes in detail the features of didactic play, reveals the general conditions for using the game in the process of teaching schoolchildren, the main types of games.


В данной статье рассматриваются особенности применения игр на уроках в школе. Автор подробно характеризует особенности дидактической игры, раскрывает общие условия использования игры в процессе обучения школьников, основные типы игр.


Keywords: interest, play, play activity, didactic play.

Ключевые слова: интерес, игра, игровая деятельность, дидактическая игра.


Interest - is the main driving force behind the cognitive activity of schoolchildren. The use of games in the learning process contributes to maintaining interest.

The pedagogical dictionary gives the following concept: “Play is a form of organization of activity, which is carried out in conditional situations and is aimed at studying social experience. The game is multifunctional: social experience is transmitted through it, in which the child gets the opportunity to show his activity, interacting with the outside world; it reveals creative powers that are not in demand in school work ”[3].

One of the most famous teachers of the USSR Makarenko A.S. wrote about the phenomenon of play: “There is another important method – play. I think it is somewhat wrong to consider play as one of the child's activities. Play is the norm in childhood, and the child should always play, even when doing serious work …. The child has a passion for play, and it is necessary to satisfy. You need to not only give him time to play, but you need to fill this game with your whole life. His whole life is a game ... ”[6].

The essence of the use of gaming technologies lies in the fact that play is a characteristic and unique form of a child's activity, thanks to which he learns and gains experience. The game has a development practice. The child plays because he develops and develops, because he plays. The first game teaches intelligent and conscientious behavior. This is the first school of thought for a child.

Play is an effective means of educating cognitive interests and enhancing students' activities. A properly organized game trains memory, helps students develop speech skills and abilities, stimulates students' mental activity, develops attention and cognitive interest in the subject [1].

In games, methods of comparison and correlation are also used, which develops the logic of thinking. Games that carry accurate (specific) information about phenomena, actions, objects, concretize the imagination. By following the rules of the game, children develop will, discipline, and honesty [2].

The transitional form from play to study is a didactic game. Didactic play is a special form of learning to play, in which children most often inadvertently form the necessary universal learning actions. Educational (didactic) game as a teaching technology has long been of interest to scientists and practitioners. As a pedagogical technology, play is interesting in that it creates an emotional uplift, and the motives of play activity are focused on the process of comprehending the meaning of this activity [4].

Didactic games perform several functions: they facilitate learning, theatricalize the educational process, introduce an element of competition, excite activity, striving for leadership [5].

The specificity of the didactic game lies in the fact that the didactic task in it is hidden from the students. The attention of children is directed, first of all, to perform play activities, and the task of their training cannot be isolated and not implemented. This makes didactic play a special form of playful learning, when children most often involuntarily acquire certain knowledge, skills and abilities. The relationship between students and the teacher is not related to the learning situation, but to play activity, which is a game only for a child, but for an adult - a way of learning. The main purpose of didactic games and teaching methods is to facilitate and accelerate the gradual transition to learning tasks. Based on the importance of gaming technologies for the development of cognitive interests, as well as the sequence and systematic inclusion of the game and playing techniques in creative cognitive activity, we highlight the general conditions for using the game in the process of teaching schoolchildren [6]:

1) the need to assess the daily use of the game on a double criterion; about immediate impact and in accordance with the prospect of the development of cognitive interests;

2) understanding the game as a form of organizing collective learning activities under the guidance of a teacher;

3) the need to ensure a direct learning effect of the game, that is, a cognitive focus, aimed at mastering the methods of educational activity;

4) the creation of a positive emotional mood, contributing to the child's state of creative search and initiative in the game.

Didactic play has a certain structure - the main structural components that characterize play both as a form of learning and play activity:

  1. A didactic task is conditioned by the purpose of educational and educational influence, is disguised and presented to children in the form of a game plan, is formulated by the teacher and reflects his educational activity.
  2. The play task completed by the students realizes the didactic task, determines the play actions, and becomes the task of the child himself.
  3. Game actions are the basis of the game. Game actions in different games differ in their focus and in relation to the players.
  4. The rules of the game are a set of moral requirements for the attitude of children towards their fulfillment of the norms of behavior, which are established by the teacher, and affect the solution of the didactic task and control of the game, the processes of cognitive activity, and the actions of schoolchildren.
  5. As a result, the summing up is carried out immediately after the end of the game and can be presented in the form of scoring, identifying schoolchildren who completed the game task better, determining the winning team, etc. [7].

There are two main types of games: games with fixed (open) rules and games with hidden rules.

The role of role-playing games is related to the second type. The rules in them exist implicitly. They occupy a special place in the moral education of the child. They are mainly of a collective nature, since they reflect the essence of relations in society. The task of the plot is role-playing games, no less creative – to imagine, think, portray. And at the same time, in all group games, one task is to find a way of cooperation, interaction on the way to a common goal, to act within the established norms and rules.

Thus, playful activity helps to make the educational material exciting and interesting, to create an emotionally positive working attitude, and to facilitate the learning process. Skillful and adequate use of didactic games presupposes a clear phased distribution of game moments in the classroom. At the initial stage of the lesson, games are used, the main purpose of which is to organize and interest children, stimulate their activity and mobilize for the upcoming educational work. In the middle of the lesson, the didactic game should be aimed at mastering the topic of the lesson, and at the end of the lesson, the didactic game may have a search character. Consequently, play activities can be included in the delivery of lessons of any type and at any stage of the lesson. At the same time, it must meet general requirements: to be interesting, accessible, meaningful, and include different types of activities.



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  2. Grigorovich L.A. Pedagogy and Psychology – M.: Gardariki, 2003.—480 p.
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  4. Zagrekova L.V. Theory and technology of teaching. Training manual for Students ped. Universities / Zagrekova L.V., Nikolina V.V. M.: Higher. School, 2004. –157 p.
  5. Lvov M.R. Classes / M.R. Lvov, V.G. Goretsky, O.V. Sosnovskaya. – M.: Academy, 2013.—464 p.
  6. Makarenko A.S. Some conclusions from pedagogical experience / V.A. Bolotov, L.S. Globova and others – Moscow: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2006.—528 p.
  7. Selevko, G.K. Modern educational technologies: educational Allowance / G.K. Selevko. – M.: Public education, revised. 2018 – p. 65-77.

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