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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 37(165)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Beisembek O.J. FEATURES OF TEACHING ENGLISH IN THE UPDATED CONTENT OF EDUCATION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 37(165). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/165/229672 (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).


Beisembek Orintay Jenisuly

Student, Pedagogical Faculty of Foreign Languages: two foreign languages, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages,

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Abdrakhmanova Aida Aldiyarbekkyzy

научный руководитель,

Scientific manager, master, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages,

Kazakhstan, Almaty


This article is devoted to the topic of quality education in modern education for schoolchildren through 7 training modules. The author first of all shows the concepts of modern education and modular education in Kazakhstan. Explains the features and effectiveness of ICT tools in foreign language teaching. The main point of the article is the indicators arising from the author's new approaches to teaching in schools in Kazakhstan in accordance with the updated educational program.


Keywords: practice, ICT, approaches, critical thinking, formative and summative assessment, gifted children, talented children, age features.


Education is a wonderful phenomenon that provides society with social, cultural and scientific progress, the highest value for both man and society. Its main function is the formation and development of human mentality, morality and creativity. In this regard, the sovereign state has defined the main prerequisite for its development - the tasks and content of the education system in the age of education.

English is not only the language of travel, but also the language of great business communication and competition. According to the author, the teaching of English in modern education affects the development of personal abilities of students and can contribute to the acquisition of large amounts of information, the contribution of the country's economy. As of now, English is instructed in schools within the 1st, 2nd, 5th and 7th grades concurring to the upgraded program. The most reason of instructing English at an early age is for understudies to ace the essentials of communication in English. Education system of Kazakhstan is moving towards entering the world educational space. This is due to significant changes in the theory of pedagogy and the educational process. The educational paradigm has changed, the content of education has been updated, a new approach, a new relationship has emerged.Today, updating the content of education is at the stage of very important changes. Updating the content of education is a combination of quality education, a model based on a bright future, a formula for a number of achievements and a comprehensive new approach to the educational process. Author said, the upgraded instructive program is pointed at progressing four sorts of understudy discourse: tuning in, talking, perusing, composing. The key abilities for these sorts of discourse exercises are displayed in a «spiral» way within the educational modules [1]. From straightforward to complex, information, aptitudes and capacities are continuously extended. Learning targets are pointed at creating students' inquire about aptitudes, information of basic perception through hone, the capacity to apply the obtained information in genuine life. Essential school educational program center on the arrangement of social aptitudes, the establishment of common information, cognitive movement, efficient learning exercises in understudies.

As noted in the State Program for the Development of Education and Science in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016-2020, «Ensuring equal access to quality secondary education, the formation of an intellectually, physically and spiritually developed, successful citizen in a rapidly changing world» [2]. The paradigm requires a transition from «knowledge-oriented» to «cultural-oriented» education. The new organization of education requires a deeper reconsideration of its philosophical, psychological, pedagogical foundations, theory and practice.

«Our way to the future depends on creating new opportunities that open up the potential of Kazakhstanis. Developed countries of the XXI century are active, educated and healthy citizens. What can we do to help? All developed countries have a unique quality education system. We have a lot of work to do to improve the quality of all levels of national education» said the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev [3]. Updating the content of education is a review of the structure and content of the educational program, methods and approaches to teaching and education.The result of the introduction of updated educational content should be the creation of an educational environment conducive to the harmonious formation and intellectual development of a person who embodies national and universal values, who is able to demonstrate functional literacy and competitiveness in any life situation. According to modern requirements, a modern school should not only train an «educated person», ie an individual with knowledge, skills and abilities, but also an individual who is «ready for life changes», active and creative thinking, intellectual and well-developed.  Therefore, at present, the acquisition and generalization of ready-made knowledge is not a goal, but a tool for intellectual development. The result of the updated educational content is the ability to independently find the necessary information, identify problems and find solutions, critically analyze the acquired knowledge and apply them in the performance of new tasks. It is known that with the development of society, both the level of science and technology and its management system change. Due to this, the content of the teacher's activity is updated and requires new goals, new approaches, new solutions and new opportunities. Such an opportunity comes only through knowledge. At present, Kazakhstan is working on a national context to be able to respond to the global challenges described above. Current values and objectives in the field of education in relation to national standards, assessment, textbooks and teaching methods in the curriculum are aimed at improving the overall performance of schoolchildren, as well as developing skills required for innovation and leadership, building national consciousness and interacting with international experience. involves interaction. Author noted that working with 7 modules of modern teaching in the updated educational program helps students to learn English in a special way. This program consists of seven modules:

I. New approaches to teaching and learning. Georgian novator Shalva Amonashvili said that «Genuine teachers cannot kick the bucket, they are as it were broken down in thousands of youthful men and ladies, turning them into identities» [4]. The utilize of any strategy in instructing English depends on diverse conditions. The most conditions are: the reason of educating English, the time distributed for its think about, the number of hours. The foremost critical of these conditions is the reason of preparing. This condition encompasses a coordinate affect on the improvement of society, its political, financial and other relations with other nations, the definition of the objectives of outside dialect educating.Amid the learning prepare, understudies connected: with the educator (when understudies reply the teacher's question); with welcomed individuals (or gather understudies themselves can visit a few organizations and people); with other understudies (when working together); in little bunches (3-5 students); with a huge gather of understudies (frequently in a dialog, in a bunch discussion); with a gather of understudies and the populace (the bunch conducts a social survey); with certain sorts of gear (for illustration, a computer). The quantitative composition of the bunch does not decide the quality of learning or interaction. The idiosyncrasy of the strategy of «interaction» [5] is that the understudywill be uncovered to the interaction with others.Preferences of this strategy of teaching: arouses individual interest; expands the cooperation of each within the learning process; pays consideration to the sentiments of each person; adapts to the compelling ponder of instructive materials; influences the individual to act multifaceted; forms individual suppositions and attitudes; helps to alter behavior. Effectiveness of the intuitively method: Nurtures self-confidence; Oratory abilities are formed; Teaches to listen; Helps to get it the significance of cognition (not continuously the supreme truth); Gets used to critical thinking; He feels that he has the proper to precise his opinion; Understands way better the differences of suppositions. The taking after strategies are utilized within the instructive prepare on the taking after overhauled instructive content: Case study - a gather examination of issues of a issue nature, which permits you to illustrate the capacity to think freely and make decision makingskills.

Business, role-playing diversions are a strategy of educating that allows students to talk in several proficient parts and make a risky circumstance within the classroom. Testing comprises of a set of interrelated errands of shifting complexity. PBL strategy could be a strategy of instructing in which the student experts the structures of competence in several disciplines as a result of autonomous work on the problem [6]. TBL may be a gather educating strategy that permits understudies to create cooperation skills [7]. The group discussion method may be a sort of discussion pointed at instructing understudies to analyze the proficient situation, to create problem-solving skills, to create communication abilities with other members, as well as to develop decision-making abilities on different proficient issues. Training. In the event that the preparing is intuitively, that's, in the event that you've got the opportunity to examine unimaginable minutes with data, inquire questions, you'll rapidly ace the data given and create behavioral aptitudes, uniting the obtained information.

II. Teach to critical thinking. Critical thinking is, to begin with of all, imaginative thinking. Basic considering is not a test, it may be a solidified thought. Using the methodologies of «discussion in pairs», «insert» in learning, children attempt to draw conclusions on their claim, to precise their thoughts freely, to select the foremost successful among comparative marvels. Whereas the blurb motivates certainty within the defense, the RAFT methodologyempowers understudies to think profoundly and compare [8]. Through Bloom's taxonomy, talented understudies learn to work and work together. Amid the lesson, understudies will be able to discover and utilize what they require from the content through Embed maps, Venn charts, strategies for filling in conceptual tables, semantic maps to continuously demonstrate their point, to compare and analyze utilizing Venn diagrams.  According to the author, within the work on the methodology of basic considering, understudies create the capacity to draw conclusions at the suitable level, to draw conclusions, to select the foremost viable through comparable wonders, to fathom issues, to conduct discourses.

III. Assessment for learning and assessment of learning. In arrange to extend the intrigued of understudies, it is vital to change the instructing, taking under consideration the comes about of the appraisal. Concurring to the creator, the educator needs students to be able to self-assess and understand how to move forward their learning. This, in turn, includes a significant impact on instruction. Subsequently, in Kazakhstan, summative assessment and formative assessment are utilized within the evaluation of understudies. These appraisals are compelling in evaluating the understudy for learning and for learning. Formative assessment is an appraisal of how well a understudy has aced each fabric in each lesson. Deciding the current level of the understudy, knowing what the educator ought to incorporate within the following lesson. To utilize developmental appraisal, the understudy must first be taught self-assessment, and after that pair, group, and criteria-based evaluation can be used. Criteria-based assessment could be a handle based on the comparison of students' instructive accomplishments on criteria concurred with the group, known in progress to the members of the learning handle, contributing to the arrangement of fundamental competencies of understudies, clearly characterized in agreement with the reason and substance of instruction.

IV. Use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning. When presenting ICT, the solidarity of hypothetical and viable information will guarantee their compelling utilize, which is able contribute to the advancement of instructing and learning processes. When applying hypothetical and viable information within the classroom, the deciding calculate is the arrangement of information within the field of substance, technique, innovation of the learning handle. School innovations include: TV programs; Digital television; Internet / WWW; Mobile phone; Mobile devices; Computer / laptop. The taking after benefits of utilizing the openings of ICT are uncovered to the understudy: Encourage makes strides and creates information through data, video and sound references: 1. Performs different assignments independently; 2. Extra redundancy of the missed or misjudged point is allowed; 3. Expanded intrigued within the subject, persistent search; 4. Creates the capacity to think, keep in mind, argue; 5. Expresses his diversion within the frame of charts, tables; 6. Performs different visual, reference, guidelines tasks; 7. Checks his / her information by performing test assignments of diverse levels.

V. Teaching talented and gifted children. The teacher must know his subject at a level over the state standard: knowledge of the show of understudy talent; knowledge of modern advanced educating technologies; to pay consideration not as it were to the advance within the prepare of educating and teaching a talented understudy, but too to its relationship with other indicators; be able to plan inventive errands for gifted understudies, taking into consideration their specifics.

VI. Teaching and learning in accordance with the age characteristics of students. All errands, depending on the age of the course and the level of understanding, and the strategy utilized to execute those assignments - the student's information is decided by the victory of the choice of methods. Each student communicates his considerations in understanding with his age, which includes a extraordinary affect on his education and considering. Children of diverse ages within the classroom think and talk differently. Therefore, when planning a assignment for students, the teacher must take into consideration the age of the understudy. This is often since on the off chance that the task does not meet the student's necessities, the child will be bored. Understudies assess each other and the bunch amid the errand, taking under consideration the characteristics of age. Lexicon, dialect, creative energy of the understudy moreover compare to age.

VII. Management and leadership in education. Concurring to the author, the taking after work ought to be done to create the authority of each teacher: To take over the work of making strides the practice; Make vital choices with colleagues to create changes; Collect and apply realities in collaboration; Participate within the creation and dispersal of proficient information. Finally, the modernized education system in Kazakhstan is improving the quality of education by working with this formula. It is obvious that the traditional education system is ineffective in working effectively with modern students.

The author urges all teachers not only to be moderators, experts and masters of English, but also to be innovators, because the purpose of the updated educational content is to increase the number of teachers full of new ideas and quests.



  1. «Spiral» way - winding in a continuous and gradually widening (or tightening) curve, either round a central point on a flat plane or about an axis so as to form a cone. The state program of development of education and science in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016-2019.
  2. The purpose specified in the state program of development of education and science in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016-2020 https://primeminister.kz/en/news/gosprogramma-razvitiya-obrazovaniya-do-2025-goda-obnovlenie-uchebnyh-programm-podderzhka-nauki-i-elektronnoe-ent
  3. Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev «The Third Revival of Kazakhstan: Global Competitiveness», January 31, 2017
  4. Shalva Amonashvili is georgian novator of pedagogical science. «Hello, children!» 1983.
  5. Method of «interaction» - these are the ways of interaction of all members within the instructive handle, in which audience members halt playing a inactive part and effectively lock in in work. Scientific-methodical magazine «Pedagogy and Psychology». №1, Almaty, 2009
  6. PBL - Problem Based Learning.
  7. TBL – Team Based Learning.
  8. RAFT methodology - Pontoon technique - which stands for role, audience, format, and task, can serve as an intuitively and agreeable educating strategy. RAFT could be a framework for making beyond any doubt that understudies get it their part as a author, their group of onlookers, the arrange of their work, and the anticipated substance. Zh. Zhontayeva «Updating the content of curricula». №15.52, 2016

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