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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 19(147)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Evsyukova D.S. HEALTH-SAVING TECHNOLOGIES OF MODERN EDUCATIONAL PROCESS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 19(147). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/147/214142 (дата обращения: 28.03.2025).


Evsyukova Daria Sergeevna

student, Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Preschool, Primary and Special Education, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


The article examines the study of pedagogical conditions for the use of health-saving technologies in primary school.


Keywords: junior schoolchildren, healthy lifestyle, health-preserving technologies, modern educational process.


A significant drawback of the modern school is the fact that the prevention and preservation of children's health, as well as the motivation of students for a healthy lifestyle in the educational process often recede into the background, are secondary.

Having studied the psychological and pedagogical scientific literature, which is quite often addresses the study of the nature of the concepts of "health" and "healthy lifestyle", but does not give a specific definition of the concept of "health", we proposed the following formulation: health is a systemic multi-level process of development of organismic, mental and social mechanisms that ensure full interaction personality and environment; individual lifestyle in accordance with the psychophysical constitution of the individual, behavior and upbringing [3].

The specificity of the use of health-preserving technologies in primary school is that their use is aimed at assimilating knowledge about health, the formation of skills to preserve, maintain and preserve him, independently and effectively solve the problems of a healthy lifestyle.

We have identified pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle and form a health-preserving environment in primary school:

- integration of school subjects and updating the entire educational process through the development and implementation of new learning programs focused on valeological knowledge and skills;

- maintaining cooperation with psychological, social, valeological services and a medical and pedagogical center;

- improving work with teachers and parents aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, their active participation in organizing leisure and various thematic events [17].

In order to build a work plan, we carried out diagnostics of the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

In the experiment, at the ascertaining stage, junior schoolchildren, studying in 3 grades of MBOU " Gymnasium No. 9 ", Belgorod. To assess the formation of a healthy lifestyle in a younger schoolchild, we used the following criteria:

1) cognitive (level of student's motivation);

2) motivational (level of student's motivation);

3) activity (state and dynamics of health).

The results of identifying the level of physical development of a primary schoolchild took into account the analysis of data from the gymnasium's medical office, including indicators of physique, vital capacity of the lungs, activity of the cardiovascular system, posture and vision. According to the results of the work carried out, 8% of the subjects were in the group of children of special care, that is, in need of supervision by a pediatrician and referral to narrow specialists [9].

The study of the motivational component using the methodology for assessing the value orientations of the individual showed that the level of social motives prevails over cognitive ones, which, as a rule, arise rarely and only under the influence of the teacher.

After the ascertaining experiment was carried out work on the formation of a health-preserving environment in primary school.

The work with the teachers of the gymnasium was carried out by discussing the problems of forming a healthy lifestyle and the necessary pedagogical conditions for this at meetings and at pedagogical councils, methodological and scientific-practical conferences. {{1} } Work with the parents of students included close cooperation with the city psychological center "Family", with the involvement of psychologists and sports coaches, doctors. Pedagogical lectures were also organized especially for parents. Parents were involved in the educational process, organized events "Mother's Day", "Health Day" and others.

We have developed and introduced into practice a course for younger students aimed at mastering the system of fundamental concepts of valeology. As a result of its study, it was planned to manifest various personal characteristics, such as awareness of health as a universal value, mastering the skills and habits of maintaining and strengthening health, as well as a socially active life position in solving the problem of maintaining and developing health.

At the next stage of the study a control experiment was carried out and a comparative analysis of the results obtained.

Repeated diagnostics of the formation of a healthy lifestyle among 4th grade students revealed a positive trend and an improvement in the main indicators.

Thus, the results of the study confirm the hypothesis put forward and indicate that the formation of a healthy lifestyle will be more successful if the necessary pedagogical conditions are created in the primary education system.

Experimental activity made it possible to achieve positive dynamics in the formation of a healthy lifestyle. However, the effectiveness of further work will largely depend on the development, testing and implementation of a holistic technology of health pedagogy, which guarantees the continuity of pedagogical, psychological, valeological and medical support of a student throughout the entire period of his training. This study opens up new approaches to further improving the educational process aimed at creating pedagogical conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle [27].



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