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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 19(147)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Shehanina A. AESTHETIC EDUCATION AT SCHOOL // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 19(147). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/147/213607 (дата обращения: 20.07.2024).


Shehanina Anastasia

Student, Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Preschool, Primary and Special Education, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


The article examines aesthetic education and the formation, development and strengthening of the aesthetic attitude to life and society.


Keywords: Aesthetic education, junior schoolchild, preschooler, cognitive processes.


Aesthetic education is due to the fact that there is a convergence of the content of education and upbringing in schools with the requirements of life. In schools, there is a need for new approaches to teaching aesthetic arts that can solve the problems of aesthetic perception and personality development as a whole.

The purpose of education is personality development, which involves creating conditions for educating a person's culture, forming the structure of his value orientations. At the same time, education still remains focused on the formation and development of the practical components of the intelligence of the individual. At the same time, the cultural potential of the child remains in little demand. In this regard, it becomes necessary to search for effective ways and means of developing the spiritual sphere of the child's personality. In this regard, it becomes important to educate an aesthetic culture, which is an indicator of a highly developed personality and allows her not only to fully communicate with beauty, but also to actively participate in its creation. The experience of mankind shows that a huge potential for the successful upbringing of the aesthetic culture of a growing person is contained in ethnocultural traditions.

Aesthetic upbringing really occupies an important place in the entire system of the educational process, since it is not only about the development of aesthetic qualities of a person, but the whole personality as a whole: its essential forces, spiritual needs, moral ideals, personal and social ideas, worldview.

All these qualities in a person develop under the influence of various factors. Nature, and work, and the reality around us have an educational value: everyday life, family, interpersonal relationships - everything that can be beautiful. As the main bearer of beauty, art is also a means of aesthetic education.

The impact of the aesthetic phenomena of life and art on a person can take place both purposefully and spontaneously. The school plays a huge role in this process. In the curriculum, subjects such as fine arts, music, literature are fixed, the basis of which is art. This is no coincidence. Analyzing literature, I concluded that art is the main means of aesthetic education. The study showed that the cognitive interest in art among younger students is quite high, and the presence of interest is the first of the conditions for successful upbringing. In addition, art material has great emotional potential, be it a piece of music, literary or artistic. It is the power of emotional impact that is the way to penetrate the child's consciousness, and the means of forming the aesthetic qualities of the personality.

In my opinion, realizing the full aesthetic education of a child at primary school age, the teacher ensures in the future the formation of such a personality that will combine spiritual wealth, true aesthetic qualities, moral purity and high intellectual potential.



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