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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 18(146)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

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Библиографическое описание:
Sultonova N. THE RELATIONS OF UZBEKISTAN WITH THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN THE FIELD OF HIGHER EDUCATION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 18(146). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/146/212368 (дата обращения: 26.03.2025).


Sultonova Nafosat

Student of Uzbek State university of world languages,

Uzbekistan, Tashkent


This article deals with the impact of globalization and internationalism on the educational process and the affairs co-working of Uzbekistan with the USA specialists in the training and learning process of the English language.


Keywords: relation, internationalization, globalization, education, higher education.


Never before have people been bombarded with these kinds of far- reaching information resources and the well-known scholar Knight states that Globalization and internationalization have entered history as critical influential processes of the century. Internationalization is changing the world of higher education, and globalization is changing the world of internationalization [1, 5-31].

In the next 25 years, the internationalization process has evolved from a small marginal level to a global scale and has become the main strategy and dominant trend in higher education [2, 35]. At present, this strategy contributes to the further integration of higher education of the countries into the world higher education area and the development under the influence of this process. The process of internationalization in higher education has covered the nations of the world on a global scale. The internationalization of higher education has different characteristics in many countries around the world. Particularly in the Republic of Uzbekistan, it is crucial. The internationalization of higher education in the Republic of Uzbekistan has received more attention after independence. After gaining independence, the Republic of Uzbekistan, like other countries of the world, began to pursue a comprehensive development. In the development of a particular state, literacy of the population plays an important role. Taking it into account, the Republic of Uzbekistan began to carry out serious reforms in the educational system in increasing the literacy of the population. In the framework of such reforms, the internationalization of higher education in Uzbekistan reflects in such aspects studying abroad, development of international relations, wide application of international standards into the higher education system, development of integration in higher education. Successful integration into world higher education has become a key area of Uzbekistan’s higher education policy. In the policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the internationalization of higher education, it is possible to see that increasing the number of foreign universities and branch campuses and corporations with developed countries are emphasized. In recent years, Uzbekistan has started to pay serious attention to increase the international prestige of higher education institutions. On October 8, 2019, the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Concept of Development of Higher Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030” was approved. This concept clearly states that at least 10 universities of Uzbekistan should have an international rating (Presidential Decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2019, August 8). Currently, higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan are trying to obtain an international status on the initiative of the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The internationalization of higher education is also considered as an important tool in ensuring the economic stability of Uzbekistan. In the context of large-scale reforms in higher education, it reflects the peculiarities of internationalization of higher education [3, 3]. For this reason, nowadays, Uzbekistan has already started conducting affairs with other foreign countries in order to foster the process of education especially in higher education establishments.  The comparative and international higher education specialist Emma Sabzalieva states that In a series of moves that have been tentatively welcomed by Central Asia-watchers, Uzbekistan has been enjoying a resurgence of international support under the presidency of Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

Mirziyoyev’s highest profile international visit so far was a trip in 2018 to the United States. Covered in good detail by English language outlets including the latest excellent Majlis podcast, an exclusive interview in The Diplomat with Uzbekistan’s Minister of Justice, and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, his three day visit led to a wealth of pronouncements and new bilateral agreements being signed. Concluding the visit, there has been general agreement – as you might expect from any good diplomatic visit – that things are looking optimistic for the future of Uzbek-US relations (even if parts of the American press is still struggling to pronounce the Uzbek leader’s name).

Of interest for international academic relations are two agreements, both signed at state level. The first will launch an Uzbekistan-based programme to “support partnerships between U.S. universities and higher education institutions across Central Asia”; the second provides for financial support to expand English language teaching in Uzbekistan. The English programmes will be targeted at teachers and students at school and university level, journalists and professionals.

The Memorandum of Understanding on institutional partnerships provides several points for discussion and reflection. Partnerships in higher education are normally signed on an institution-to-institution basis either as a very general agreement to cooperate or with specific aims in mind (e.g. to run a joint degree programme). It is less common to see agreements signed at bi-national level; in this case, it looks like the two governments have a specific programme in mind that will facilitate the entry of American higher education institutions into Central Asia. Furthermore, one of the region’s longest running international universities, the British Westminster International University in Tashkent, has been operating since 2002, offering teaching solely in the medium of English. A suprisingly wide range of other partnerships are also in operation, from Italy’s Turin Polytechnic University (opened in 2009) to recent (2014) South Korean entrant Inha University. Thus far, international academic relations such as these congregate in the Uzbek capital Tashkent. It is noteworthy that all of these were set up under inter-governmental agreements during the reign of Karimov [4].

To sum up, it is possible to say that all the affairs that have been conducted with the specialists from the USA have a far-reaching influence on the process of education in learning and teaching English in higher educational establishments and each individual has a great opportunity to be informed about them at any rate with the help of the Internet and the websites or blogs in Uzbekistan.



  1. Knight, J. (2004) The Internationalization remodeled: Definition, approaches, and rationales. Journal of studies in International Education, 8 (1), 5, 31
  2. Knight, J., and De Wit. (2008). Internationalization of higher education. Past and future. Journal of international higher education, 2. The Boston college center for international higher education Number 95.
  3. Uralov. O. Sh. Internationalization of higher education in Uzbekistan. Social sciences humanities open 2 (2020). www.elseiver.com/locate/ssaho
  4. https://emmasabzalieva.com/2018/05/18/a-new-era-of-international-relations-for-uzbek-higher-education/].
  5. Wikipedia

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