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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 16(144)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Belkina Yu. HOW PLAY ACTIVITY AFFECTS THE DEVELOPMENT OF A CHILD WITH TNR IN PRESCHOOL AGE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 16(144). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/144/210196 (дата обращения: 20.10.2024).


Belkina Yulia

student, Department of Preschool, Primary and Special Education, Belgorod State University,

Russia, Belgorod



Белкина Юлия Алексеевна

студент, кафедра дошкольного, начального и специального образования, Белгородский государственный университет,

РФ, г. Белгород



«Movement is life» is a well-known dictum. An active person gets tired less, does everything in time. The education system in our country considers it its goal to educate a comprehensively developed person, however, already in preschool age, a child suffers the harm of physical inactivity.


«Движение — это жизнь» — это всем известное изречение. Человек активный меньше устает, все успевает. Система образования в нашей стране считает своей целью воспитание всесторонне развитого человека, однако уже в дошкольном возрасте ребенок испытывает на себе вред гиподинамии.


Keywords: game activity, development, education, children, school age.

Ключевые слова: игровая деятельность, развитие, школьный возраст.


Many psychologists believe that a small person is primarily a “doer” and this is expressed in movements, the more there are and the more diverse they are, the more intensively the child's intellectual development takes place. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (Federal State Educational Standard), all types of classes should include tasks and exercises for the development of physical activity. It is most effective to include outdoor games in classes. Like all didactic games, outdoor games are aimed at teaching and upbringing.

New educational material is easier to remember and more firmly assimilated, precisely in a playful way, since thought processes proceed faster. In classes with children, outdoor games are recommended to be used as a physical education minute, as an element of the lesson, or as consolidation of the material already passed.

Play is inherent in childhood organically and, with competent guidance from adults, can work wonders. Outdoor games have a positive effect on the psychological state of children, contribute to the development of a sense of rhythm, contribute to the harmony of movements, and successfully help the formation of speech.

During outdoor games, all body systems are activated: respiration, vision, hearing, blood circulation. The game brings only positive emotions to the child. All this together allows us to speak in general about the general health-improving effect of outdoor games.

According to the clinical and pedagogical classification, children with speech disorders are divided into 5 groups. Without dwelling on this issue in detail, we only note that at present, psychological and pedagogical classification is becoming more widespread, according to which such children are divided into 2 groups:

  1. children with impaired communication means (general speech underdevelopment OHP; phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment FFN);
  2. children with a violation of the use of communication means (stuttering).

The features of development (speech, cognitive, personal) of preschoolers in each of these categories are described in sufficient detail in speech therapy and psychological literature (R.E. Levina, T.B. Filicheva, Yu.F. Garkusha, V.P. Glukhov, etc. about the development of children with OND; S. S. Lyapidevsky, V. I. Seliverstov, G. A. Volkova and others about the development of preschoolers with stuttering).

The psychological development of children with impaired and preserved speech abilities obeys the general laws of age-related changes and proceeds in the conditions of the leading type of activity for each age, due to which new mental formations are formed.

For the formation of coherent speech in preschoolers with severe speech impairments, a variety of outdoor games with speech movements should be used. Such games have a positive effect on the enrichment of the vocabulary, and on the education of sound culture.

This form of speech development is a motive for communicative activity and encourages children to come into contact with each other. Children develop the ability to play and business communication with their peers, there is a desire to participate in joint collective activities. Speech games usually include: outdoor games with speech content, didactic, folk games, round dance games, verbal, board-printed, games nursery rhymes with fingers, dramatization games, etc.

It is convenient that any of the outdoor games can be either adapted to the lexical topic of the week or used in joint activities with children. Word games are very useful and attractive for children. Speech games are of great importance for the development of children's thinking. During speech games, children's vocabulary is enriched, phonemic hearing is activated and improved, speech is actively developing, interest and love for their own language is instilled.

For the development of speech, outdoor games should include a rhyme or literary text that prescribes a particular game action ("Owl", "Shaggy dog", etc.). During the game, verses are read several times.

Children quickly memorize a poetic text and, during the game, pronounce it on their own. During the game, one should strive to expand the volume of vocabulary and understanding of speech, to encourage imitative speech activity in children. This can be achieved by pronouncing nursery rhymes, ditties, poems together with children, as well as verbal accompaniment of outdoor games. Older children can be offered games to automate sounds. For example, such outdoor games as: "Cat on the Roof", "Bear", "Fox", "Hen hazel grouse", "Owl and mosquitoes", "Beetles", "Pike and minnows", "Orange", "Crows and dogs” and so on, contribute to the differentiation and automation of sound pronunciation.

The most universal and affordable means of child development areoutdoor games. They have a complex and all-round effect on the child's body, contribute to the moral, physical, mental, aesthetic and labor education of preschoolers. The child learns the world, receives new knowledge and information, masters speech with the help of various game movements and situations.

The use of outdoor games with verbal accompaniment gives a positive dynamics of speech development.

Based on the above, it follows that outdoor games activate children, provide the necessary physical activity, develop motor skills, contribute to emotional relaxation and, finally, contribute to the development of speech, which is especially valuable for children with severe speech disorders.

Children with speech impairments (especially with pronounced systemic ones) differ from their peers in the peculiarities of mental processes. They are characterized by instability of attention, a decrease in verbal memory and memorization productivity, and a lag in the development of abstract-logical thinking.

It is recommended to refer to play materials intended for children of the younger group, changing and adapting them taking into account the peculiarities of working with children in this category.

Before the teacher offers children an exercise with an object or an outdoor game, he should first train the children in those movements that are difficult for them, and familiarize them with the elements of the game. Any game should have its own rules.

The teacher himself must take an active part in the game, help, encourage children, celebrate their slightest successes, especially those who partially or with difficulty cope with the task. The teacher must show tolerance for those children who cannot or do not understand the task and, in this regard, do it incorrectly.

Each child should participate in the game, while performing feasible game actions, trying to imitate his comrades and the leader, as well as performing actions with the teacher.

It is extremely important, in this situation, that children develop a stable self-confidence. As soon as most of the children understand the presenter's tasks, and they learn the rules of the game, they can be combined into groups to conduct the game.



  1. Gaubikh Y. G. Games in a speech therapy group with children: A guide for speech therapists author-comp Y. G. Gaubikh et al edited by V. I. Seliverstov. 2nd ed. M Education, 2019.
  2. Gromova O. E. Innovations into speech therapy practice M LINKA-PRESS, 2018.
  3. Keneman A.V., Osokina T.I. Children's folk outdoor games. A book for kindergarten teachers and parents Comp. A. V. Keneman, T. I. Osokina 2nd ed., Rev. M Education; Vlados, 2018.
  4. Nishcheva N.V. Moving and didactic games for a walk. - SPb Publishing House "Childhood Press" LLC, 2019.

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