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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 15(143)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Kuznetsova V. GAME DIDACTICS AS AN EFFECTIVE FORM OF SPEECH THERAPY AND CORRECTION OF SOUND PRONUNCIATION IN CHILDREN PRESCHOOL AGE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 15(143). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/143/209538 (дата обращения: 08.10.2024).


Kuznetsova Varvara

Student of the Department of Preschool, Elementary and special education, Belgorod State University,

Russia, Belgorod



Кузнецова Варвара Глебовна

студент факультета дошкольного, начального и специального образования, Белгородский государственный университет,

РФ, г. Белгород



Timely regulation of dysfunctional problems of sound pronunciation in preschool children forms a harmoniously developing, stable speech apparatus of the growing individual, which in the future, undoubtedly, affects his ability to learn, openness to the world around him and the correct acceptance of himself as a strong, confident personality.

This research is based on practical forms of speech therapy correction work with children under 7 years old, which are based on play as an effective technique. The introduction of gaming technologies in correctional and developmental work is relevant during frontal, group, subgroup and individual lessons. Modern empirical pedagogical material of play interaction between children and adults makes it possible to structure the concept of this approach.


Своевременная регуляция дисфункциональных проблем звукопроизношения у детей дошкольного возраста формирует гармонично развивающийся, устойчивый речевой аппарат подрастающего индивидуума, что в дальнейшем, несомненно, влияет на его способность к обучению, открытость к окружающему миру и правильное принятие самого себя как сильной, уверенной личности.

Данное исследование опирается на практические формы логопедической коррекционной работы с детьми до 7 лет, в основе которых лежит игра как эффективная методика. Внедрение игровых технологий при коррекционно-развивающей работе актуально во время фронтальных, групповых, подгрупповых и индивидуальных занятий. Современный эмпирический педагогический материал игрового взаимодействия детей и взрослых позволяет структурировать концепцию данного подхода.


Keywords: game speech therapy; development of verbal communication; preschool age.

Ключевые слова: игровая логопедия; развитие вербальной коммуникации; дошкольный возраст.


Correctly formed speech is one of the factors in the complex development of a child, allowing him to harmoniously perceive the world around him and reality, to form the skills of quick reading and competent writing. Timely uncorrected dysfunctional speech underdevelopment of a preschooler threatens with serious social consequences, ranging from difficulties in mastering educational material to psychological barriers, clamps and complexes.

The verbal development of the child proceeds according to the laws determined in the process of evolution, which can be clearly tracked in children at the age stages in gradation by year, respectively: 0 - 1, 1 - 3, 3 - 7.

Dysfunctions of sound pronunciation in children are differentiated by the form of deviations from the norm of speech. The classification of the levels of development of the speech apparatus covers: the form of diffuse sound pronunciation due to unstable, sluggish, labile articulation, the form of sound pronunciation with the presence of distortions, form-substitution and stigmatic mixing of sounds, as well as the form of the absence of semantic differentiation with a possible substitution of sounds of one phonetic group [1, p. 10].

At preschool age, children perceive reality in a playful, unconditional form. That is why corrective speech therapy work with children who have problems with the pronunciation of certain sounds can be most effective when using recreational hedonistic techniques. Play as a type of learning interaction, based on the common interests of a child and an adult, contributes to the upbringing of socially significant qualities in a preschooler. In the course of using thematic regulatory programs, the teacher, first of all, focuses the child's attention on the formation of communication skills and speech development by creating a positive atmosphere in the team, which will push the preschooler to self-expression and the desire to express their thoughts and feelings. It is important that emotions and actions of the child also contributed to the establishment of positive relationships with the surrounding children in the team [3, p. 45].

The types of corrective speech games can be divided into two large groups:

- creative games, which, in turn, are divided into directorial, plot-role, games with building materials and theatrical;

- games with the presence of rules and regulations, including outdoor and didactic games.

The creative group is aimed at goal-setting - teach by playing. The child in the procession of action is engaged in full self-expression, trying on various creative roles. Didactic creativity solves several educational problems at once. So play theatricalization allows not only to mechanically develop the child's articulatory apparatus, but also to form his acting skills, making it easy to socialize in society.

Correctional games with rules are a specific group of speech therapy techniques based on folk experience and scientific pedagogical literature. The didactic subgroup of games is represented by the following directions:

- by theme-forming content. For example, mathematics, conduct, speech, etc.,

- on didactic material: visually comparative games with objects, board games with printed materials (loto, dominoes), verbal ("How does the animal say?", "Following the color").

E.O. Smirnova and L.N. Galiguzova in the comprehensive educational program for young children "First Steps" stated the behavioral difference between children when communicating with peers and with adults, noting that despite the conditions (extremely emotional / unregulated), children with their peers are more relaxed, relaxed, used in interpersonal communication the most sharp intonation bursts. Children will be more restrained with adults in a similar environment [5, p. 55-63].

Also, a characteristic feature of the behavior of preschool children is the inability to focus on one subject or action for a long time. But it is worth noting the fact that the game process can involve a child so much that he is involuntarily able to remember rather large amounts of information. The difference in the effect of an arbitrary and an involuntary form lies in the creative imagination. In such games, the so-called substitute is used as an object of activity, which can help in establishing associative semantic links in a child [4, p. 42].

Play as a speech therapy form promotes children's interest in the adult world. The primary process of learning the skills and behavioral structures of adults motivates the child to further cognize the world around him, to build logical parallels, while practicing not only the didactic sphere, but also developing the communication and significative functional of the speech apparatus [4, p. 89].



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