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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 15(143)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

Секция: Лингвистика

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Библиографическое описание:
Kambarova E. BORROWINGS AS A SOURCE OF RECONSTITUTION OF THE LEXICAL FUND OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE IN SENEGAL // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 15(143). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/143/209148 (дата обращения: 28.03.2025).


Kambarova Evgeniya

student, Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Philology, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia,

Russia , Moscow

Bruffarts Natalia

научный руководитель,

Scientific advisor, doctor of philological sciences, professor, Russian Peoples' Friendship University,

Russia, Moscow


In many countries of tropical Africa, French is the official language, but its composition is not uniform. The article describes one of the means of reconstituting the lexical fund of the French language, namely borrowing on the example of Senegal.

The aim of this research is to study the lexical and semantic features of the French language in Senegal, with an emphasis on the socio-cultural aspect.

Methods: the work used empirical research methods (the study of various sources of information, the analysis of the information obtained) and theoretical research methods (analysis, synthesis, classification). The material of the study to identify the differential features for the French language of Senegal was literary and newspaper-journalistic texts belonging to the African area, data from dictionaries of Africanisms, special scientific articles and monographs.

Findings: In an effort to simplify the French language and better adapt it to the local conditions of speech communication, Senegalese residents are expanding the vocabulary of the French language with new words.

Conclusions: The same word can function in several national variants. At the same time, it can have one or different values. At the same time, in different national variants, a word or expression can be conveyed by different, but more often similar in form, words.


Keywords: borrowings, French in Senegal.



As a result of historical development in a number of countries, the French language used by the population (part of the population) has acquired specific features that distinguish it from the language of France. In each territory, the French language exists as a separate variant with a different status, different speech, normative and structural features.[8].

In modern sociolinguistics, the issues of language policy are both traditional and relevant. The issues of the language situation and language policy in African countries are particularly closely studied. At the same time, we are interested in the language policy of one of the French - speaking countries-Senegal.

Socio-economic and ideological - political transformations have led to many problems, the most important of which are language. Thus, the main task of the language policy of the countries freed from colonial dependence was the choice of the state language of the country.

The relevance of the study is explained by the fact that recently there has been a noticeable increase in interest in the existence of the French language in the world. The most promising approach is a combination of ethno-cultural, sociolinguistic and linguistic approaches to understanding the French language as an element of the national and cultural specifics of many communities that use this language. This approach is based on the idea that in a wide area, the French language reveals itself both as a single communicative tool and as a system of socially determined variants, each of which is characterized by a certain functional originality, as well as structural and normative features.

The theoretical basis of the research is the works of such domestic and foreign linguists as V. G. Gak, P. Dumont, J.-L. Calvet, A. Keffelek, V. T. Klokov, S. Lafage, J. Manessi, N. S. Naidenov, A. I. Cherednichenko.

Materials and methods.

Due to the historical evolution of several countries, the French language used by the population (part of the population) has acquired specificities which distinguish it from the French language. In each territory, the French language exists in the form of a distinct variant with one or the other status, various language, normative and structural characteristics. [7].

In modern sociolinguistics, questions of language policy are both traditional and relevant. The questions of the linguistic situation and language policy in African countries are particularly studied. At the same time, we are interested in the language policy of one of the French-speaking countries - Senegal. In order to consolidate the acquired political independence, the young multinational states set themselves the task of finally ridding themselves of the consequences of colonialism in all spheres of social life. Socio-economic and ideological-political transformations have given rise to many problems, the most important of which are linguistic. Thus, the main task of language policy in countries freed from colonial dependence was the choice of the country's official language.

French is the language of instruction in Senegal. Despite the fact that there are about 20 ethnic groups in Senegal, not all local languages are widely used.

The active introduction of the French language on the territory of Senegal continued until the 70s of the 20th century, which corresponds to the policy of assimilation of the Third Republic. However, learning an exogenous language too quickly has a negative effect and in no way contributes to the establishment of a good social understanding of the language. A lot of work has been done to facilitate the perception of the French language. A "language learning methodology" was developed by the Center for Applied Linguistics in Dakar, which was tested experimentally from 1965 to 1981.

Today in Senegal, French is the dominant language in education, in the judicial and administrative systems, and in the media.

Thus, in the education system, the presence of the French language is observed at all stages of education. The introduction of national languages in education began in 1978, limited to the study of the Wolof language at the initial stage of education. In 1980-81, attempts were made to introduce the indigenous Serer language into the education system, but this type of experiment was not crowned with success.

The French language also dominates in the media, in particular in the weekly press and the major magazines. Much less often, national languages are used in print media (newspapers and magazines). It should be noted that most radio programs are broadcast in Wolof, Serer, Pular, Mandinke and Soninke. About 70% of radio programs are broadcast in Wolof. However, television programs are mainly broadcast in French.

Borrowing, being an important factor in the development and evolution of the lexical background of a language, is the process of mastering the lexemes of another language by a language. Borrowing is the process and the result of the passage from one language to another of words, grammatical structures, morphemes, phonemes [12]. Borrowing increases the lexical richness of the language, serves as a source of new roots, other derivative elements and terms, broadens and nuances the range of concepts used in different areas of society. The borrowing process is organic for the language, it is a natural form of linguistic contact and a source of linguistic changes. In the case of a mass character and an intensification of inter-language connections, borrowing, as well as other forms of linguistic interaction, can lead to the formation of hybrid forms of speech (commercial languages) and languages. mixed (pidgin, creole languages), etc.

Lexical borrowings, reflecting African socio-cultural characteristics, represent one of the most notable characteristics of the study of the French language. The work of N.S. Naydenova "The origin and functioning of lexical units borrowed in French from the countries of tropical Africa", in which the author analyzed the "Dictionary of the French language outside France", compiled by V.T. Klokov [Klokov, 2000] and about 717 borrowings from African languages, 138 from Arabic, 41 from English, 16 from Portuguese, 11 from Spanish and 7 from other languages have been identified. The results of this analysis show that the French language in tropical African countries is mobile and heterogeneous. This fact is of great interest from a research point of view, namely: which languages have enriched the French language and how these words are used in its different variants. We will focus on the borrowings that are used in the Senegalуыу territorial variant of the French language [11]. Senegalese territorial French is an integral part of African regional French. Consider the loans that are used in Senegal.

In terms of degree of development, borrowings can be broken down as follows:

1. Borrowings which have fully preserved both the form and the meaning of the original language: haram - ref. Arab. peach;

 2. Loans which have retained the form and one of the meanings of the original language: koupe´-out. wolof ball, compartment (laptopa) - compartment;

3. Loans which have retained the form of the original language, but which have been rethought and received a new meaning: bilakoro - ref. Bamana boy, uncircumcised - new colonist; bouki - ref. wolof hyena - usurer;

4. Borrowings which have partially changed form compared to the original language, but which have retained their meaning: cram-cram - out. wolof hut-hut thorny grains of plants;

5. Borrowings which have changed both form and meaning compared to the original language: signare, signara, signarde - ref. Harbor. mistress senhora - concubine, mulatto.

It is important to note that the same borrowed lexical unit may have different spellings, for example, iler / hilaire - hoe, from Wolof, cadde / caddlcade / kadde / kaddlkade - Acacia, from Wolof. At present, borrowings from African languages are "francized", both at the grammatical level, acquiring the category of gender and number (un sotiou - sotious - toothpick, in Wolof; and in phonetics, losing the first of the two consonants at the beginning of the word mbantamare-bantamare ...

Most of the lexical units borrowed from African languages are used in various spheres of human activity, naming objects, products, names of family members, etc. Consider the following groups:

- traditional beliefs and worship rites:

bilakoro (from Manden) - a boy who has not undergone circumcision; djibo, djigbo (from the beta version) - an evil fetish, koroté, korté (from manden) - poison acting at a distance, witchcraft magic;

- family:

moome (from Wolof) - the period during which one of the polygamist's wives spends time with him; doom baye (from Wolof) - blood brother; lamane (from Wolof) - elder; mbook mbar (from Wolof) - boys who have passed the rite of passage together;

- food, food, products:

cowpea (wolof and ful) - beans; maffe (whole or whole) - sauce, seasoning;

- clothes:

bécio, bethio (volof) - petticoat;

- professions and occupations of people:

bana-bana (from the languages of K. d'Iv.) - peddler, peddler, peddler;

- administration and public structures:

brack, damel (from Wolof); bdola, dyâmbour (from wolof) - free man, peasant, bour (from wolof) - king, guelwâr (from wolof) - warrior, laobé (from peule) - lumberjack, woodcarver, nyêni (from wolof) - craftsman, pad (from Wolof) - prisoner, slave;

- nature and animals:

caïlcédrat, kaïlcédrat (probably from Wolof) - kaya tree;

- art :

khalam, xalam (from Wolof) - Halam (Senegalese guitar);

- traditional sports and games:

mbapatt, mbappat (from Wolof) - traditional wrestling.

In addition to African languages, the Senegalese territorial variant of the French language contains borrowings from:

- In English :

the borrowed word boy is likened to an affix meaning "profession, type of activity" and, in the speech of Africans, it can be combined with almost any word: the fan boy, the demijohn boy; with the meaning of the suffix doer, another borrowing from the English language also appears - man: boukiman - a speculator, sirouman - an underground taxi driver;

- Portuguese:

lougan - parcel of land, signare, signara, signarde - concubine, mulatto;

- a small group of loanwords from the Belgian national variant of the French language:

asshole is a fool.

From all of the above, we can conclude that borrowings from various languages ​​- African, English, Portuguese, Arabic - are now part of the Senegalese territorial version of the French language and are used to characterize almost all spheres of human activity.

Thus, based on the above, we can conclude that in the main areas of public administration, education, jurisprudence and media in Senegal, French is used as the state language. But since not all Senegalese have mastered it (the ability to express thoughts, read, write), the country's government provides for the use of local languages ​​for communication and interaction.

From the above examples, we can see that the formation of new words through semantic derivation occurs mainly on the basis of existing meanings of lexical units with the help of metonymic transfers and language communication of ethnic groups of Senegal, taking into account the local color and the influence of other languages, i.e. the main role in this case is played by intra-linguistic and psycholinguistic, as well as extralinguistic factors.


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From the above examples, we can see that the formation of new words through semantic derivation occurs mainly on the basis of existing meanings of lexical units with the help of metonymic transfers and language communication of ethnic groups of Senegal, taking into account the local color and the influence of other languages, i.e. the main role in this case is played by intra-linguistic and psycholinguistic, as well as extralinguistic factors.



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