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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 9(137)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Venikova Ya.A. MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGIES OF A MODERN PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 9(137). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/137/205203 (дата обращения: 18.03.2025).


Venikova Yana Aleksandrovna

Master's student, Faculty of Preschool, Primary and Special Education, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod



Веникова Яна Александровна

магистрант, факультет дошкольного, начального и специального образования, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет,

РФ, г. Белгород



Management technology is a set of management methods of means and achievement of the designated goals and methods of effective work of management with personnel, principles of organization of activities and control systems. It is necessary to build management work with guidelines more on the formation of internal, rather than external motivation.


Технология управления - это набор управленческих методов средств и достижения обозначенных целей и приёмов эффективной работы воздействия с персоналом, принципы организации деятельности и системы контроля. Необходимо строить управленческую работу с ориентирами в большей степени на формирование внутренней, а не внешней мотивации.


Keywords: technology, management, project, project management, motivation, goal setting, community, delegation, information.

Ключевые слова: технология, управления, проект, проектное управление, мотивация, целеполагание, сообщество, делегтрование, информирование.


When it comes to management technologies of a modern preschool educational institution, it is necessary to understand what "management technology" and "technology of management activities"are.

The scientific and theoretical aspect of this issue is widely represented by the works and monographs of various modern authors (S. O. Kalenzhnyan, W. Rice-Johnston, B. N. Gerasimov, V. V. Morozov and many others.)

The pedagogical and managerial community today works in the conditions of modernization of education, which is carried out in accordance with the directions of the national project "Education", the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education for 2013-2020", which, in my opinion, requires a review of existing management methods, the search for new forms of management activities.

In my opinion, today the development of management technologies is associated with the need for effective rapid replication of new types of activities and approaches to the organization of management activities through the introduction of innovations.

Management technology is a set of management methods of means and achievement of the designated goals and methods of effective work of management with personnel, principles of organization of activities and control systems.

We can talk a lot about management technologies, but I would like to focus on two aspects that, in my opinion, are most relevant and are being implemented by the management team of many educational institutions. This is a project management technology and personnel policy implemented through socially-oriented technologies within the framework of a systematic approach to management.

When we talk about management technologies aimed at promoting the institution as a whole, taking into account the orientation to the needs and requests of consumers (education department, parents, children), it is necessary to pay attention to the project management technology.

 A project is an exceptional set of activities that are aimed at creating a service within the planned resources and designated requirements for the quality of project results.

So, project management is not just a quality management, it is a purposeful set of actions that are interconnected and aimed at the result.

As a result, the main management task can be identified as the development strategy of an educational institution.

The most realistic way to make your project more manageable and efficient is to break down the process of its implementation into successive stages and specify a target date.

I am convinced that the implementation of projects largely determines the concept for each educational organization. This largely determines the image, becomes a brand, and allows the institution to be competitive in the market of high-quality educational services.

But, it should be noted that, despite all the advantages of the project management structure, there are also disadvantages of this approach. It takes some time for the project team to work together and begin to perform its work as a well-established mechanism.

For more productive work, in our opinion, it is advisable to use social management technologies within the framework of a systematic approach to the organization of management activities.

The activity of the institution becomes effective if the work is of a team nature. And in the team, everyone clearly knows their area of responsibility.

A team of professionals who can quickly, efficiently and effectively solve the tasks assigned to them is a team. As practice shows, this version of the work is more effective than traditional administration, which works according to the scheme: the indication of the head-execution-control.

Components of management technology:

1. Delegation of authority. Delegation of authority allows each employee to focus on the direction of their business, instead of solving only operational tasks. Delegation of authority encourages employees to show initiative and responsibility, resulting in a quick response to changes in conditions, while increasing the level of motivation.

2. Sufficient information. By informing the staff in a timely manner, in a sufficient amount with a wider level of information, you can easily form a trusting partner atmosphere in the team and predict the activities of employees as a response to information.

3. Correct goal setting. The goals and objectives should be specific, detailed, clear, and feasible, with deadlines indicated.

4. Mandatory feedback as a system of control and motivation. Employees need to voice immediately voice to receive feedback on the success or failure of their work. Recognition of success and praise lead to the consolidation of a positive result as the norm of activity and maintaining the pace of work. I would like to note that negative feedback also helps in working on errors, but, provided that it is voiced as constructive criticism.

5. Differentiation of the concepts of "result" and "contribution". Usually, success for a particular case is "attributed" to the person who was assigned responsibility. But, you need to understand that success is the sum of the "contributions" of all team members.

6. Staff development and motivation.

Basically, job descriptions in an institution are a description of general provisions and tasks. In my opinion, it is necessary to form certain requirements for an employee who holds a certain position. Requirements can complement job descriptions, while describing specific job requirements: qualifications, competencies, and personal qualities. And already knowing the parameters that do not meet the specified requirements, you can plan the trajectory of the development of teaching staff in the institution.

Agree, it is unlikely that you will find it appropriate to hire an employee whose main motive for working in an institution is the close territorial location of the DOW to his place of residence.

And speaking of motivation, in my opinion, it is necessary to build management work with guidelines more on the formation of internal, rather than external motivation.



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