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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 3(131)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

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Библиографическое описание:
Strizhko A. FEATURES OF POLITICAL DISCOURSE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 3(131). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/131/201357 (дата обращения: 06.10.2024).


Strizhko Aleksandr

cadet, Department of Translation and Interpreting, Novosibirsk Military Institute of the National Guard Troops,

Russia, Novosibirsk

Daletskaya Tatyana

научный руководитель,

Associate Professor of the Translation and Interpreting Department, Novosibirsk Military Institute of the National Guard Troops,

Russia, Novosibirsk



Стрижко Александр Сергеевич

курсант, кафедра перевода и переводоведения, Новосибирский военный институт имени генерала армии И.К. Яковлева ВНГ,

РФ, г. Новосибирск

Далецкая Татьяна Анатольевна

научный руководитель, доц. кафедры перевода и переводоведения, Новосибирский военный институт имени генерала армии И.К. Яковлева ВНГ,

РФ, г. Новосибирск



This paper is devoted to political discourse and its features: when it is used and for what purposes. Much attention is paid to the language peculiarities of political discourse.


Данная статья посвящена политическому дискурсу и его особенностям: в каких случая и для чего применяется политический дискурс. Большое внимание уделяется рассмотрению языковых особенностей политического дискурса.


Keywords: political discourse, politics, state, language, conflict.

Ключевые слова: политический дискурс, политика, государство, язык, конфликт.


Nowadays it is obvious that politics is a fundamental part of people’s life. It dwells upon different fields of science and technology in any society, as well as it touches vital and critical issues of human life and activity. Covering the most urgent problems of government and society, politics influences lifestyle of citizens. At the core of the social issues is geopolitics, political tensions between governments that are aimed at influencing neighboring states to defend their own interests.

Most politicians try to use various linguistic means characterized by specific features to have an impact on their audience. Different speeches, debates, election campaigns, interviews can be considered from the point of view of linguistics a specific form of modern political discourse that is presented basically by the media and characterized by some peculiarities. Political linguistics is getting one the most popular field of study at the present days that is focused on studying “the various relationships between the political state of society, the subjects of political activity, communication, thinking and language” [2].

Of great interest is classification of Sheigal, who distinguishes three levels of vocabulary that depend on their linguistic stability [1]:

  • political constants – neutral political terms: state, parliament, elections, government;
  •  evaluative political terms – political terms that can be used in positive or negative contexts;
  • the most flexible part – hot button vocabulary connected with some events, campaigns, politician names, slogans: putch, coup d'état, economy must be economical.

The point of politics is power struggle that is why it is extremely essential for politicians to know how to deal with language manipulation presented at several language levels: phonological (pauses and intonation), grammatical (some structures), morphological (parts of speech), lexical (terms, notions, colloquial expressions), syntactical(clauses, punctuation) and stylistic (structure, strategy) levels. Thus, the formula for success in politics is the language that can be used skillfully for encoding certain political messages.

Ccording to E.I. Sheigal the main features of political discourse are: mass addressee, emotional component, phatic communication, semantic ambiguity which are connected with phantom, fideist and esoteric meaning, as well as distance, authoritarian, theatrical, and mobile qualities of the political language [1].

To summarize the majority of political constants are of Latin or French origin as for centuries they were used by the aristocracy and political leaders. Hot button vocabulary, political jargonisms were formed and borrowed from different languages. Nowadays this process is practically completed and English has become an international one and as a result there is a tendency in the local languages to borrow English political vocabulary.

In conclusion it should be mentioned that the political discourse is a great part of political communication. Propaganda of certain political ideas, influence on mass audience, emotional impact, motivation to certain political actions are the main features of such communication that help form special strategies in the political environment. Political linguistics is a way of reflecting global politics, modifying certain political reality, analyzing the language as a political instrument, resolving certain conflicts.



  1. Sheigal E.I. Semiotika politicheskogo diskursa: Monografiya / E. I. Shejgal; Ros. akad. nauk. In-t yazy`koznaniya, Volgogr. gos. ped. un-t. – M. ; Volgograd : Peremena, 2000. – 367 s.
  2. Sukhanov Y. Political discourse as object of linguistic analysis // RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. – 2018. – 9. – C.200-212 [electronic resource] URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324264248_Political_discourse_as_object_of_linguistic_analysis (retrieved 15.01.2021)

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