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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 41(127)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

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Библиографическое описание:
Daurenbekova T. CREATIVE METHODS OF TEACHING ACADEMIC WRITING // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 41(127). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/127/196439 (дата обращения: 01.02.2025).


Daurenbekova Tomiris

student, l.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University,

Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan


Today Academic Writing is a valuable study skill that is supported at any discipline-specific contexts. The purpose is to research various modern approaches to teaching academic writing on the basis of authentic theories of academic instruction. Methods includes: content, classification, survey, modeling. With the help of these techniques this study aims help students to consistently learn academic literacy and increase the need for students to further develop skills in academic contexts.


Сегодня Академическое письмо является ценным учебным навыком.который поддерживается в любой конкретной дисциплине,Цель состоит в том. Чтобы исследовать различные современные подходы к преподаванию академического письма на основе аутентичных теорий академического обучения. Методы включают содержание, классификация, опрос, моделирования. С помощью этих методов данное исследование направлено на то.чтобы помочь учащимся последовательно учиться академической грамотности и повысить потребность студентов в дальнейшем развитии навыков в академическом контексте.


Keywords: academic writing, authentic theories, modeling, classification.

Ключевые слова: академическое письмо, аутентичные теории, моделирование, классификация.


Basically, the number of approaches to teaching writing has changed and developed due to amount of social and political reasons. For example, in Australia teaching model is aimed to enhance students’ awareness and emerge them from disciplinary study to practice systematic functional linguistic [1]. In terms of experience of other countries, for instance, in the United States freshmen are taught the general skills of academic writing [2].

The involvement in teaching writing has grown through the number of disciplines and the usefulness of studying this process has become more considerable.

There are four leading locations for teaching of writing are tend to be included by institutional structures around the world: dedicated writing courses, disciplinary subject courses, English for academic purposes and study skills or writing centers. Additionally, recently on-line instruction of writing has included one more aspect – the opportunity for almost of these fields.

First-year students might choose remedial writing course, freshman composition or the rest of the advanced courses. Recently the level of writing courses has been developed. Several of these courses might link disciplinary teachers with writing specialists in order to focus on disciplinary kind of writing [3]. Close attention on theories of teaching and studying writing caused the increase of composition studies. As a result a plenty of universities have organized special courses devoted to teaching academic writing.

The writing to studying and assessment in higher education has been recognized and included in curriculum and disciplines as well. Writing is not only the tool for learning but also it happens in particular disciplines contexts. The point is in such incorporation is that students could see how various forms of writing occur in different сontexts.

There are particular centers, which suggest their help and support to students in their written works. In some cases, students might be referred to these centers in order to get study skills because lecturers and teachers might assess their work unsatisfactory.

It is noticed, that study skills specialists might have a little course knowledge, they also may be lack of communication with lecturers, who particularly determine writing purposes, give feedbacks, evaluate students’ writing works. It is considered that writing centers might have taken place from study skills centers. Such several study centers have extended their functions suggesting students something like mini-courses on particular dimensions of academic and the rest of the types of writing.

An increased quantity of non-traditional students are students from other countries whose English is a second language. In order to respond their needs there is combination of writing teaching language and studying. The educational background, demands and purposes of non-speakers English differ significantly. For instance, immigrants may have various level of English as well as writing experience rather than those, who get higher education in English speaking countries. Many lecturers and teachers might train in various subject areas, but anyway they work in team trying to be more familiar with writing deficiencies of their students [4].



  1. Martin, J.R. and Veel, R. (eds) (1998) Reading Science: Critical and Functional Perspectives on Discourses of Science, London: Routledge.
  2. Zamel, V. and Spack, R. (eds) (1998) Negotiating Academic Literacies: Teaching and Learning
  3. Across Languages and Cultures, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Grubb, 16W.N. and Associates (1999) Honored but Invisible: An Inside Look at Teaching in the Community College, New York: Routledge.
  4. Graal, M. and Clark, R. (eds) (2000) Partnerships Across the Curriculum. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Writing Development in Higher Education Conference, Leicester: University of Leicester.

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