Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 40(126)
Рубрика журнала: Педагогика
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The success of a person in the modern world are largely determined by his ability to organize his life as a project, that is, to determine the far and near prospects, to find and attract the necessary resources, to outline a plan of action and assess whether it was possible to achieve the goals after the implementation of this plan. To cope with such a variety of activities can only be a well-trained person, that is, a person with a "project type of thinking" [1]. Today, the school has all the opportunities for the development of project thinking through the organization of a special type of activity-project activities.
Keywords: project, educational technologies, knowledge.
The analysis of the scientific literature, the external environment and the educational situation in many modern schools allows us to highlight the contradictions:
* Between the need to activate the problem-search activity of schoolchildren and the decrease in cognitive activity.
* Between the objective need to implement projects and research in the educational process and the almost complete lack of knowledge about the rules of writing, design and protection of projects among students.
The relevance of this theme is determined by the fact that the purpose of education today in connection with the introduction of the Federal state educational standard is to form universal educational actions, in order to "prepare a competitive personality, demanded in the labor market, to develop students' need for self-change. Interest in knowledge-transformations, psychological knowledge, knowledge-a tool that will allow you to use them in life." Different technologies called to help the teacher. One of the most effective educational technologies is design and research activity, which forms various types of universal educational activities.
Project activity requires the teacher to create conditions for the expansion of cognitive interests of children, opportunities for their self-education in the process of practical application of knowledge, he becomes the initiator of interesting initiatives, stimulates the independent activity of students, their ingenuity and ingenuity [1].
The degree of independence of students depends on many factors:
* On the age and individual characteristics of children,
* From their previous project experience,
* The complexity of the project theme.
What is the pedagogical significance of design and research activities?
1. Opens up opportunities for the formation of life experience.
2. Stimulates creativity and independence, the need for self-realization, self-expression.
3. Displays the process of learning and education from the walls of the school in the world.
4. Implements the principle of cooperation between students and adults, combining collective and individual.
5. Leads students on the steps of personal growth from project to project.
The project gives students a tremendous experience of communication, forms the ability jointly find answers to questions, teaches to learn and develops creativity. The meaning of the projects can said in the words of folk wisdom: "one gained experience is more important than seven wise teachings"(Tajik proverb).
Work on projects prepares the basis for future research, providing "unity of learning and creativity", when knowledge is needed for children to succeed in creativity, and it, in turn, makes learning stressful, joyful and very thorough [2].
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