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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 27(113)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Grumova N. INTEGRATION OF NATURAL SCIENCES // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 27(113). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/113/186499 (дата обращения: 28.03.2025).


Grumova Natalia

student of the physics department, Moscow State Pedagogical University,

Russia, Moscow


In this article, I talk about the need for a comprehensive study of natural science disciplines, the reasons for this, the methods of such training and the importance of integration in the teaching of natural Sciences for modern schoolchildren.


Keywords: integration, differentiation, interdisciplinary, meta-subject, science.


The development of science is characterized by the dialectical interaction of two opposite processes-differentiation (the selection of new scientific disciplines) and integration (the synthesis of knowledge, the unification of a number of Sciences - most often in the disciplines located at their "junction"). At some stages of the development of science, differentiation prevails (especially during the emergence of science as a whole and individual Sciences), at others - their integration, this is typical of modern science.

There are a large number of disciplines formed at the junction of two or even three main ones (astronomy, biology, physics, chemistry, geography).  such as biochemistry, physical chemistry, Biophysics, and so on. This "crossing" of the Sciences is called iteration. The formation of such related subjects was facilitated by a large number of discoveries based on the two basic Sciences due to their inter-subject connection [1, с. 48-56].

Intersubject can be defined as a combination of certain borderline, related phenomena from different subject areas. All natural Sciences study the same objects, but each of them sees its own side. The main task is to develop the ability to apply the techniques and concepts of one area of knowledge on examples from another.

The links between technical, humanitarian and natural Sciences will also be inter-subject. Any training is conducted through a language adapted to a specific area (chemical language, biological terms, and so on), and the connection of mathematics with the natural Sciences is expressed in computational problems (mathematics also acts as a kind of language). These are more global and obvious connections, without which any knowledge is impossible in principle. Also, do not forget about the history of science, which is also partly an interdisciplinary discipline.

Intersubject relationships are the basis of integration. The changes taking place in science and production require a new approach to education, which teachers and student activists are trying to implement EN masse. The internal unity of the educational program is one of the development options that has good prospects.

The modern approach to the study of natural Sciences is unthinkable without establishing interdisciplinary connections. This method is primarily characterized as a comprehensive approach to education and training. This approach is practiced in schools: at the initial stages, natural science is introduced with subsequent differentiation (for a deeper understanding of the laws of nature), which still remains the main trend for the development of Sciences as something unified. In higher education institutions, such complex Sciences also go through "fragmentation", since the modern world requires narrow specialists, but at the same time profiling in various fields.  But even so, all branches of modern science are inextricably linked, for this reason, school subjects can not be isolated [3, с. 38-76].

When teaching natural Sciences, intersubject relationships should be paid attention to, since knowledge of the basic principles and their significance allows you to more consciously delve into a particular area. Given that integration plays an important role in schools, when children's thinking is formed, this technique will show them that everything needs to be looked at broadly and, perhaps, contributes to the choice of a profession. Combined consideration of the natural Sciences allows you to look at the problem from different angles. This is how related Sciences are formed, for example, when considering the composition and processes occurring at the molecular level of living cells of the body, biochemistry appeared.

The effectiveness of integrated learning depends on the correct, pedagogically justified choice of forms of training organization, which is provided by a deep and comprehensive analysis of the educational, developmental, and educational opportunities of each of them.

In order for this method of training to be more effective, it is necessary to organize a unified approach to the study of basic natural science theories. Often, the material of textbooks of natural science subjects in high school do not agree in time, which contributes to less assimilation of the material. And do not forget that in the study of natural Sciences, practice and visibility are very important.  For example, in practice, in chemistry, "Qualitative reactions to proteins" can tell not only about the reactions themselves, but also what biological processes they participate in and for what purposes they exist at all. This learning technology is called a binary lesson. This way you will get a comprehensive lesson in biochemistry, in which the student will be imbued with intersubject communication. It is very important that the child sees the integrity of the picture and can establish a connection between the concepts. First of all this should contribute to teachers, creating a variety of interdisciplinary elective courses and the parallel passage of related topics. The teacher should plan in advance both previous and prospective connections of subjects. Using intersubject connections is one of the most difficult methodological tasks of a teacher. It requires knowledge of the content of programs and topics in other subjects. The most important thing is the continuous cooperation and agreement of teachers of various subjects.

Intersubject, which we have discussed in detail, is often confused with meta-subject even in the pedagogical environment due to the abstraction of concepts. Metasubject is an appeal to the basics of the subject, its original meaning, which in theory leads to a holistic image perception of the world, to a universal suprasubject activity. Metasubject is not linked to individual items. Metasubject learning involves children learning techniques, schemes and techniques that can be used not only in the study, but also in everyday life (generalization, systematization, classification, ability to determine goals, plan, control and self-assessment skills, reflection of their own activities, etc.) [2]. Since not all schools have the opportunity to introduce metasubjects, this responsibility should be assumed by teachers and, in particular, natural science subjects.

Thus we can come to the conclusion that the earth Sciences should be looked at as a whole and studied comprehensively, especially at the initial stages, so that there is no impression that the natural Sciences are not connected with everyday life in any way. In modern science, it is becoming increasingly common to combine the Sciences to solve major problems and global problems put forward by practical needs. For example, the complex problem of Space exploration required the combined efforts of scientists of various specialties. The solution of a very topical environmental problem today is impossible without close interaction of natural and human Sciences, without the synthesis of ideas and methods developed by them. That is why it is so important to show their continuity at the very beginning of training.



  1. Fedorova V. N. Intersubject relations of natural science disciplines in advanced programs.
  2. ParakhonskiyWenglinsky A. P. E. A. Integration and differentiation of Sciences and their relation with education.
  3. Rakhmatullin M. T. Intersubject relations of physics, chemistry and biology in the study of fundamental natural science theories in a specialized school

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