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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 21(107)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

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Библиографическое описание:
Seit-Asan F.E., Umaraliyev F.F. ROLES OF DIDACTIC GAMES IN TEACHING ENGLISH // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 21(107). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/107/182625 (дата обращения: 31.01.2025).


Seit-Asan Feride Ernestovna

the 3rd year student of English philology faculty of Uzbek State World Languages University,

Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Umaraliyev Fazliddin Faxritdin o'g'li

the 3rd year student of English philology faculty of Uzbek State World Languages University,

Uzbekistan, Tashkent


Teaching English requires the widespread use of nontraditional methods and forms of teaching on the basis of new pedagogical and information technologies, as well as classical methods, techniques and tools. Didactic games, in particular, help students to develop their ability to think independently, ingenuity, inquisitiveness, resourcefulness, logical reasoning, self-study, comparison of known and unknown aspects, observation based on existing knowledge.


Keywords: education and training, non-traditional, learning a foreign language, written speech, “Language chess”, compound words.


The development of students' creative thinking, the development of their mental abilities is the most important psychological and pedagogical problem in foreign language teaching. This requires the widespread use of active teaching methods, nontraditional forms and methods of education and training, the study of subjects and events in the context of their interconnectedness, movement and development.

In this regard, the play activities of students, in particular, play an important role in the acquisition of new knowledge, the formation and development of learning and skills, in general, increase the effectiveness of the process of learning a foreign language. The positive emotions that are formed in students during didactic games protect them from fatigue, increase their communicative and intellectual abilities.

Although the general issues of the use of didactic games in the process of teaching a foreign language are widely covered in the scientific and methodological literature, their main focus is on the data of written speech. However, it is natural that learning a foreign language can be very difficult for students and requires some unconventional approaches to learning some of its exercises. There are a number of scientific, theoretical, methodological and didactic reasons for this, from which any skilled and competent foreign language teacher cannot turn a blind eye. Some of them are:

1.The number of sounds in English is twice as many as the letters in English;

2. The spelling of English sounds differs greatly from one another;

3. English serves as a link between the Uzbek language and the representatives of the language spoken in that language;

4. Representatives of the English language are widespread throughout the world, and their peculiarities are varied;

5. The differences between the specific cultures and ceremonies of the English speaking States are particularly evident;

6. Even when the language is close, the pronunciation and dialects of the states often occur in a very complex process, and in most cases continue in several directions;

7. Learning English provides a strong basic knowledge not only in the social sciences and humanities, but also in the natural sciences (physics, biology, geology, physiology, medicine, mineralogy, cosmology, biogeography, ecology, etc.) and contributes to personal and economic activities. is characterized by strong involvement.

Therefore, the teaching of organic English requires the widespread use of nontraditional methods and forms of teaching on the basis of new pedagogical and information technologies, as well as classical methods, techniques and tools. Didactic games, in particular, help students to develop their ability to think independently, ingenuity, inquisitiveness, resourcefulness, logical reasoning, self-study, comparison of known and unknown aspects, observation based on existing knowledge.

"LANGUAGE CHESS" GAME. First, checkerboard pieces are prepared. On the grains are written the corresponding words and the compound word or word combinations formed with them (or they are written on paper and they are glued). White and black pieces in the shape of 4x4 squares are lined up in the upper left and lower right corners of the standard chessboard. Walking is performed only in the form of right and left concentric forward movements (walking on diagonals is prohibited).  If the words on the grains that collide with the rival grains interact, the compound words or word combinations between them are written. If no interaction occurs, the queue is "waited" until the opponent's grain clears the way. The judge (who may also be a teacher or an impartial student) checks the accuracy of the records and allows the next move. If compound words or phrases are written incorrectly or incorrectly, the turn is given to the opponent. The game ends according to the location before the white pieces go to replace the blacks, or blacks go to the white pieces. Whoever completes this task quickly and correctly is the winner.

Here are some examples of compound words or phrases that are written on the pieces: flower, red, yellow, Sun, Earth, green, nature, balloon, sky, time, table, chair, class, black, room, board, language, little, country, foreign, in law, father. In the event of a grain collision, the following entries may be made in the workbook:

red(white)+flower(black) red flower;

yellow(white)+Sun(black) yellow Sun;

black(white) +board(black) blackboard;

time(white)+table(black) timetable;

blue(white)+sky(black) blue sky;

foreign(white)+language(black) foreign language;

class(white)+room(black) classroom;

green(white)+nature(black) green nature;

father(white)+in law(black) father in law;

green(white)+Earth(black) green Earth;

little(white)+chair(black) little chair

One of the current issues is the implementation of non-traditional lessons related to increasing the activity of the student instead of the lessons related to the activity of the traditional style teacher and trying to explain all the material. Nowadays, the effective use of various methods and teaching aids in the teaching process, which do not bore students, direct them to thinking, independent work, is becoming increasingly important.

Pedagogy is a comprehensive science, which has 3 components: the theory of education, the content of education (didactics) and schooling, which fully serves the teaching process. At the present time, the problem of attracting students to the subjects is in the first place. Although the factors of interest are diverse, didactic games lead the way. The organization and implementation of didactic games, which we recommend, should be carried out in accordance with the principle of creativity and inquisitiveness.



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