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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 21(107)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

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Библиографическое описание:
Latipov A. SOCIAL SIGNIFICANCE OF ONLINE JOURNALISM // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 21(107). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/107/182530 (дата обращения: 13.10.2024).


Latipov Adilbek

student of Karakalpak State university

Uzbekistan, Nukus


This article analyzes the social importance of online journalism.

Modern online journalism is developing in line with global trends relevant to the media, but it also has its own peculiarities, which are associated with high social significance and the possibility of promoting the position of a journalist as well as public opinion.


Keywords: Internet journalism, social significance, blog, Internet, modern.


The social significance of modern online journalism is reflected, first of all, in the fact that socially significant topics are addressed and groups of social problems are reflected. It should also be noted that socially significant topics are often covered by persons who have a rather distant attitude to professional journalism and based on their own experience or the experience of the surrounding society, active inclusion of existing stereotypes, archetypes and personal beliefs.

The priority topics in online journalism were family and gender relations, ideas about ideal men and women, marriage, search for marriage opportunities, reasons for the lack of the desired format of relations, raising children, fashion trends in the practice of behavior with the opposite sex, etc. In fact, topics and problems that were not previously considered worthy of serious discussion in other mass media are brought into electronic format. These are issues of a personal nature and are considered in informal interpersonal communications, in fact, as part of "kitchen conversations". In the XXI century, this issue is becoming more and more often the main topic of discussion in electronic journals, information portals, blogs [1]. In fact, this very topic began to occupy dominant positions in the modern journalistic practice of the Internet space.

Another theme, which is being spread in modern online media, is intolerance of cultural and intolerance of individual positions, which does not violate the law, but may not meet certain standards and canons of social relations, generally accepted systems of values. This can range from relationships to lifestyles and clothing. Such groups in modern Uzbekistan are numerous and, in fact, every person, one way or another, can cause public disapproval of their behavior, which is not contrary to the law. For example, individuals voluntarily refuse to give birth or show no sympathy for children in a child-centered society. This causes protest, and on the level of the network space, is condemned and ridiculed. A striking example of mockery of the principles of tolerance by some modern online journalists are articles and videos on the migration policy of Europe, etc. And such practice is common for a number of groups that somehow do not conform to the generally accepted canons [2].

Social problems are also addressed preferably in scandals. In fact, topics related to the coverage of social problems in general and the search for solutions have been relegated to the background. The practice of presenting the problem in the context of a particular person's life has been replaced. If it is a problem of corruption, the personality of a particular corrupt person is presented; if it is a problem of birth rate, then the personality of certain social groups and persons due to whom the problem exists, etc. is presented. It becomes important to identify a specific person, a conditional culprit [3]. In accordance with this approach, topics related to social problems are identified.

Online media are the main medium and channel for forming public opinion. By analyzing socially important topics and problems, they stimulate not only the process of obtaining information and forming public opinion, but also the manifestation of social activity. Within the framework of receiving and discussing information, the public shows its activity, its position, preferences and stimuli. At the same time, such activity cannot just remain at the level of online discussions, but bring concrete results. In many ways, it is the activity of online journalists that is aimed at a certain result and the fact how it will depend on the set goals and objectives of the journalist himself.

In general, online media are the main medium and channel for forming public opinion. By analyzing socially important topics and problems, they stimulate not only the process of obtaining information and forming public opinion, but also the manifestation of social activity. Within the framework of receiving and discussing information, the public shows its activity, its position, preferences and stimuli. At the same time, such activity cannot just remain at the level of online discussions, but bring concrete results. In many ways, it is the activity of online journalists that is aimed at a certain result and the fact how it will depend on the set goals and objectives of the journalist himself.



  1. Antropova M. V. Internet technologies in journalism (in Russian) // Sign: Problem field of media literacy. - — 2012. - — № 2. - — p. 82–86.
  2. Vershinin V. A. Method of experiment in journalism and press modeling// Journalistic yearbook - 2013 - Pp. 34-37.
  3. Volkova I. I. Homoludens era of screen communications. - Moscow: PFUR, 2014. - 272 p.

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