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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 19(105)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Borisova I. ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE USE OF DISTANCE LEARNING FOR STUDENTS IN RUSSIA // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 19(105). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/105/179760 (дата обращения: 18.02.2025).


Borisova Inna

student of the faculty of mathematics and natural science education, the Belgorod state University,

Russia, Belgorod


This article addresses the issue of the effectiveness of the use of distance learning for schoolchildren in Russia. The author describes the positive and negative aspects of online learning. The paper cites popular Internet sources used by schoolchildren in Russia.


Keywords: distance learning, advantages, disadvantages, portal.


Innovations and new technologies integrate into our social, political and cultural life. They become its integral part, their importance is growing more and more. The world needs it especially urgently in 2020, in connection with the pandemic. Our areas of life have been switched to online. Education has also gone online, so the question of the use of distance learning in Russia today is more relevant than ever.

Distance learning has become global. Higher educational institutions, general education, pre-school, professional educational organizations, organizations of additional education were forced to switch to distance learning. Proffessors, teachers had to reorganize their work so that the material they proposed was understandable and accessible to students. In turn, students and schoolchildren had to switch their socio-educational activities to independent. Although, distance learning has been practiced in Russia since May 30, 1997 [1], not all students and teachers are able to adapt to this form of training.

For twenty years, distance learning has been modernized and improved, now we can observe such a phenomenon as global learning. Everyone can get not only individual materials and online lessons on certain topics through the Internet, but also education in general. In the 21st century, they increasingly practice distance education, which makes it possible to undergo online training without leaving home.

It is worth noting that the advantages of this form of training are very significant:

1) Despite the pandemic, students can get an education.

2) Distance learning allows students to independently organize their study time.

3) Distance learning is good for students with a visual type of perception of information. They can prove themselves in written works, avoiding extraneous stressful irritants, unlike the school environment, contributing to their greater concentration.

Teachers note that learning at home is very convenient, as students complete assignments at a convenient time for them, which helps students to organize themselves. In turn, it is convenient for teachers to set up a schedule for checking work, which allows you to productively spend not only working, but also free time [3].

It should be added that distance learning, like any other structure, has a number of shortcomings that are identified throughout the interaction of the teacher and student.

1) Very often, students have to disassemble the educational material on their own, thus, they may not always correctly interpret the material, or just be afraid to ask clarifying questions on this topic.

2) Violation of social contact. Social communication on the part of the teacher and classmates is very important for the full development of the personality, which, in turn, negatively affects the psychological state of the student in the absence of this contact.

3) Distance learning does not guarantee a hundred percent display of student knowledge. Many students use assistance from parents, guardians, or other relatives, which creates a negative effect, since the data received from third parties is not stored in memory, but is stored only for a short time. What is unacceptable for the educational process.

4) Distance education requires good self-organization and self-control, and this is not characteristic of all personality types, therefore, for some students, distance learning is a problem, because they need an external incentive in order to complete tasks on time.

In practice, the distance form of education represents a number of educational opportunities. There are various platforms and online schools on the Internet that present various diagnostics, additional materials on subjects, e-books, training tests and assignments.

One of the most famous portals is the Russian electronic school. A number of interactive lessons are presented on this platform, in which the best teachers of Russia explain the teaching materials from grades 1 to 11. In addition to interactive lessons, the site has thematic courses and educational films [2].

The multinational company Yandex for students from grades 1 to 5 on the «Yandex. Textbook» has provided more than 35,000 tasks of varying difficulty in mathematics and the Russian language [2].

Thus, it can be noted that distance learning is a breakthrough in education, which has become especially urgent at the present time. Online education is popular for its accessibility and ease of use, it makes it possible to get an education without leaving home, which is a particularly important aspect in the modern world. But it still needs improvement and refinement. In addition to the huge number of positive aspects of this system, there are also negative aspects. But despite all the advantages and disadvantages, distance learning is often used in the Russian Federation.



  1. Consultant Plus / Official site [Electronic resource]. - Access Mode - URL: http://www.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?req=doc&base=EXP&n=274341#006422412126642718 (accessed May 20, 2020)
  2. Nikiforova S. Distance Learning at School. Journal // Komsomolskaya Pravda - 2020.
  3. Yandex Zen / Site [Electronic resource]. - Access Mode - URL: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/5e3b1a0ad86469218fd64905/chto-takoe-distancionnoe-obuchenie-v-chem-razlichie-poniatii-distancionnoe-i-onlainobuchenie-5e960f3815078e38bff849a6 (accessed May 20, 2020)

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