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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 16(102)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

Секция: Лингвистика

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Библиографическое описание:
Merinova R. INTERLANGUAGE INTERFERENCE IN THE STUDY OF ENGLISH // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 16(102). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/102/176735 (дата обращения: 21.03.2025).


Merinova Rufina

student, faculty of foreign languages Kazan Federal University

Russia, Yelabuga


This article is devoted to the study of a foreign language (English) by students of non-linguistic specialties. The concept of “interlanguage interference” is considered at three language levels - lexical, grammatical and syntactic, and ways to overcome it are proposed.


Keywords: foreign language, training, interlanguage interference, lexical level, grammatical level, syntactic level.


As the long-term practice of working in a higher educational institution shows, modern graduates cannot successfully work and develop without knowledge of a foreign language. A foreign language is becoming the tool that allows you to successfully adapt to the labor market and educational services, both in Russia and abroad. Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education of the third generation classifies a foreign language as a compulsory subject that allows one to learn the achievements of world culture, science, engineering and technology and allocate a sufficient amount of study time, including classroom time, to this subject.

Of course, any teacher faces the problem of the influence of the mother tongue when teaching foreign (in particular English). However, since our graduates successfully continue their studies and work abroad, this problem has become especially important for us.

It should be noted that in the world methodology the study of a second foreign language in the context of university education is not particularly distinguished, which determines the relevance of this article.

Interference in linguistics denotes the consequences of the influence of one language (native) on another (studied). The interference manifests itself as a foreign accent in the speech of the person who speaks two languages. This phenomenon can manifest itself in both oral and written language.

First, we turn to the definition of the phenomenon of "interference" given in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary. “Interference (from the Latin“ inter ”- with each other, mutually and“ ferio ”-  touch, strike) - the interaction of language systems in the conditions of bilingualism, which develops either when contacts are in the languages, or when an individual learns a non-native language; expressed in a deviation from the norm and system of the second language under the influence of the native ... "

Classical linguistic literature identifies various types of interference:

  1. phonetic;
  2. semantic;
  3. lexical;
  4. grammar;
  5. orthographic;
  6. stylistic;
  7. sociocultural.

As numerous scientific studies show, the problems of multilingual learning are extremely complex. Mastering a second foreign language takes place in the context of the formation of subordinate trilingualism, i.e. one language (native) is studied under natural conditions, and two foreign languages are studied under artificial conditions. Such multilingual education determines both the features of mastering a second foreign language and the technology of teaching the latter. Teaching a second foreign language is very different from learning and teaching the first. Linguistic scholars, psychologists, as well as practical teachers have accumulated considerable experience in identifying what is favorable for its assimilation and what inhibits its proper study. One of the factors is the experience of studying the previous foreign language, the methods of work, the ability to switch from one language system to another. Moreover, both the transfer (positive impact) of language learning skills and interference (negative impact) are inevitable.

The main causes of mistakes include:

  1.   the conviction of the uniqueness of words and grammatical forms;
  2.   mixing the graphic appearance of the word;
  3.   erroneous use of analogy;
  4.   translation of words with more specific meanings than they actually have;
  5.   inability to find Russian meaning for the translation of English words, lexical and grammatical combinations;
  6. ignorance of the laws of presentation of English material and the method of its transmission into Russian.

Examples of phonetic interference can be heard in almost every school English lesson. First, this is a change of place of stress in some foreign words under the influence of the native language: industry, botany, influence.

Compared to the Russian phonetic system, English sounds are divided into 3 groups:

  1. similar to Russian;
  2. different from Russian;
  3. those that are not in the Russian language.

The largest number of errors are in the second and third groups. To quickly and efficiently master the system of English phonetics, you need to remember the differences in pronunciation in the first group. For example, the English sounds [p], [b] sound more intense than the Russian counterparts. It is necessary to understand how the sounds belonging to the second group are pronounced, and to find the optimal position of the speech apparatus. For example, the pronunciation of the sound [r] is more easily recognized if one relies on the pronunciation of the Russian sound [g].

Semantic interference appears at the level of word meanings. It is because the phenomena known to the speaker are reflected in a foreign language differently than in their native language: brown bread, brown hair, red hair.

Reasons for false translator friends:


  1. English “look” and the Russian word “лук”
  2. English mist - fog, dumb. Mist - manure. This coincidence led to embarrassment when exporting Mist Stick deodorant to Germany.

Independent language development

  1. The word "electric" in English means "electric", while in sound it matches the Russian "electrician"
  2. Artist is a word of French origin, in English means “artist”, in Russian it means “actor”.

Lexical and grammatical mistakes

Another type of interference is grammatical interference. For example, the prepositions of the Russian language have an interfering effect on the use of prepositions of the English language; the polysemy of the Russian preposition “в” in English is represented by variously thematic prepositions of time, space, movement (at, on, in; to, in; into, etc.). Of particular difficulty is teaching the correct use of articles in English, in particular certain (the) and indefinite (a, an), since this grammatical category is absent in Russian.

I in Turkey on two weeks.

Under the influence of the first sentence, the verb disappeared (it is not obligatory in Russian), and the latter influenced the replacement of the preposition “for” by the preposition “on” (tracing paper from Russian “на”).To remove the difficulties of translating from Russian into English, in the textbook of Kaufman, grades 5 and 6, tasks with a translation-tracing are proposed.

Therefore, some people understand how to correctly build a sentence in a foreign language.

Spelling mistakes

Spelling interference manifests itself in the spelling of words similar to the words of the native language: lemon, beefsteak, telephone, business, metal, and corridor.

Sociocultural interference is generated by the culture itself, which this language reflects. This is due to differences in mentalities, value systems, ethical standards, etc. Interference appears when at least one of the participants in communication perceives similar realities, phenomena, behavioral norms in another culture through the prism of the model of understanding he has learned, for example, students often answer “please” in response to the phrase “thank you” or start talking about problems in life in response to the phrase “How are you?”, the standard answer is “I fine m fine thanks”, or they say “Good” to the phrase “How do you do?”, which is actually a greeting to a stranger and most often accompanied by the answer “How do you do? ”

Thus, as we know that linguistic interference is an assimilation of the norms of one language when studying another, having conducted a study on this problem, we determined that the phenomenon of linguistic interference is manifested at almost all levels of the language. Therefore, when learning a foreign language, it is necessary to take into account the influence of the native language and try to avoid this.

Interference is the result of the manifestation of the protective function of the mother tongue. Understanding the essence of this phenomenon will make it possible to understand the mechanism of language interactions. In addition, this, in turn, will help develop a strategy to overcome difficulties.

Reducing language interference when learning a foreign language seems to be a difficult task, but the use of authentic teaching materials, audio media, newspapers, magazines, Internet materials, as well as the proper organization of work on the features of the language being studied, leads to its significant reduction.



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