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Статья опубликована в рамках: LXXII-LXXIII Международной научно-практической конференции «Культурология, филология, искусствоведение: актуальные проблемы современной науки» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 09 августа 2023 г.)

Наука: Филология

Секция: Классическая филология, византийская и новогреческая филология

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Библиографическое описание:
Sondos N.A. LINGUISTIC PLURALISM IN THE LEVANT: LANGUAGE BORROWING AND SWITCHING BETWEEN LANGUAGES IN MULTIPLE CULTURAL CONTEXTS // Культурология, филология, искусствоведение: актуальные проблемы современной науки: сб. ст. по матер. LXXII-LXXIII междунар. науч.-практ. конф. № 7-8(61). – Новосибирск: СибАК, 2023. – С. 50-55.
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Sondos Nawaf Ali Jaber

Postgraduate student, St. Petersburg State University,

Russia, St. Petersburg



Джабер Сондос Наваф Али

аспирант, Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет,

РФ, г. Санкт-Петербург



The aim of writing this article, which talks about multilingualism in the Levant, is to understand and analyze the linguistic diversity and the variety of dialects or accents that exist in these countries. The Levant is a region with linguistic, cultural, intellectual, sectarian, and religious diversity, where people speak various dialects and languages, such as classical Arabic, colloquial Arabic, Kurdish, Turkish, Aramaic, Persian, Levantine dialect, Bedouin dialect, Falahi dialect, Lebanese dialect and others.

Through the study of multilingualism in the Levant, it is learned about the mutual influence between these different languages and cultures, and how the linguistic and cultural identity of individuals and communities is formed through the diversity that they found through the cultural overlap between ancient and modern civilizations in the current era. Understanding multilingualism contributes to enhancing communication and understanding between everyone from diverse linguistic backgrounds and enhancing the overlap between multiple communities.

The study of multilingualism and accents in the Levant is also important for the development of education and language policies. So that effective and inclusive learning can be promoted for students belonging to multiple Linguistic Communities. These studies can also support the development of curricula and educational materials that reflect multilingualism and enhance the learning of all students through the intellectual and cultural orientation of the student regardless of his scientific level (Al-Fihri, 2013).


Цель написания этой статьи, которая говорит о многоязычии на Ближнем Востоке, заключается в понимании и анализе лингвистического разнообразия и многообразия диалектов или акцентов, существующих в этих странах. Ближний Восток – это регион с лингвистическим, культурным, интеллектуальным, сектантским и религиозным многообразием, где люди говорят на различных диалектах и языках, таких как классический арабский, разговорный арабский, курдский, турецкий, арамейский, персидский, левантийский диалект, бедуинский диалект, фалахи диалект, ливанский диалект и другие.

Через изучение многоязычия на Ближнем Востоке можно узнать о взаимном влиянии между различными языками и культурами, а также о том, как лингвистическая и культурная идентичность личностей и общин формируется через разнообразие, которое они находят благодаря культурному перекрытию между древними и современными цивилизациями в настоящую эпоху. Понимание многоязычия способствует улучшению коммуникации и взаимопонимания между всеми, представляющими разнообразные языковые фонды, и способствует взаимопересечению между различными общинами.

Изучение многоязычия и акцентов на Ближнем Востоке также важно для разработки образовательных и языковых политик. Это способствует продвижению эффективного и всеобъемлющего обучения для студентов, принадлежащих к различным языковым общинам. Эти исследования также могут поддерживать разработку учебных планов и учебных материалов, которые отражают многоязычие и способствуют обучению всех студентов через интеллектуальную и культурную ориентацию студента независимо от его уровня знаний (Аль-Фихри, 2013).


Ключевые слова: многоязычие, ближний восток, лингвистическое разнообразие, диалекты, культурное разнообразие, классический арабский, официальный язык, акцент.

Keywords: multilingualism, levant, linguistics diversity, dialects, cultural diversity, classical arabic, official language, accent.


Multilingualism in the Levant aims to understand the structure and nature of multiple languages and the communication between them and to enhance the ability to understand and communicate between individuals belonging to these multilingual communities.

Multilingualism can be defined as the presence of more than one official or commonly used language in a given society. In some countries, there may be one official language with the recognition of other languages as national or secondary languages. While, in some places, there may be several official languages, such as countries where Mandarin and the general dialect are considered official languages. Multilingualism refers to the diversity of languages used by members of a society and the coexistence of these languages in different fields such as education, administration, and media. Multilingualism reflects the cultural and linguistic diversity of culture and promotes understanding and peaceful coexistence between individuals speaking their different languages.

The Levant is considered a region with multilingualism. In this region, which includes the countries of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Palestine, several languages are used officially and unofficially. Arabic is the primary official language in the region, but other languages are widely used. Arabic is spoken by many in Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine, but there is also a great linguistic diversity in these countries. In Lebanon, for example, Lebanese is commonly used in everyday life, in the media, and culture. While in Syria, Jordan, and Palestine, colloquial local dialects are widely used in addition to classical Arabic. In addition, there is also the presence of other languages such as Kurdish, Aramaic, Turkish, Armenian, and others, reflecting the multiculturalism and multilingualism of this region.

Multilingualism in the Levant is characterized by clear rules regarding the use and interaction between different languages, the most important of which are:

1. Classical Arabic is taught in schools and is used in government institutions and the media.

2. There is linguistic mixing where people use two or more languages in their daily lives. In the Levant, many people use colloquial Arabic in ordinary conversations, in addition to their use of classical Arabic.

3. Multilingualism in the Levant contributes to linguistic diversity due to the presence of many nations and cultures in the region. People inherit their languages and cultures, which preserves local linguistic diversity.

4. Communities in the Levant encourage linguistic coexistence and respect for different languages and cultures, where mutual understanding and cooperation between people who speak different languages are promoted.

These are some of the important linguistic rules for multilingualism in the Levant. This linguistic diversity must be promoted and we are working to promote understanding between different languages to achieve cooperation and effective communication.

When dealing with multiculturalism and language borrowing, there are some approaches that people can take. Who are the most important?

1. Learning a new language: individuals can seriously learn another language to be able to communicate with people who speak that language. This facilitates understanding and strengthens cultural relations.

2. Using translation services: in some cases, using translation services may be considered helpful in communicating with people who do not speak the same language. Translation can be used as a temporary means of communication and information exchange.

3. Relying on a common language: in the absence of a common language among all, it is possible to rely on a third language spoken by everyone mainly. This may require cooperation and patience on the part of everyone to better understand each other's desires and needs.

4. Non-Verbal Communication: non-verbal communication may be useful in dealing with language challenges. Through the use of body language, presentation and gestures, and visual symbols such as images or drawings, information can be exchanged and better understood.

It should be noted that respect and mutual understanding between cultures are important elements of borrowing languages under multiculturalism. Effective communication achieves mutual understanding and contributes to building bridges between different cultures.

Language refers to the system that is widely recognized and used in a particular society. They include a system of vocabulary, grammar, sound, and linguistic structure. For example, Arabic, English, and French are examples of the language.

As for the accent, it is the individual or regional way of pronouncing words and forming sentences. An accent is a more accurate interpretation or detail of the general language. The accent may include changes in Pronunciation, accent, or vocabulary specific to a particular region. So, the accent reflects the cultural and social connection of a person or society.

Language refers to the general system used in society, while accent refers to individual or regional differences in pronunciation and vocabulary.

The accent of the Levant countries is a group of accents that are used in the geographical region of the Levant. These countries include Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Cyprus, and areas in the south of Turkey. Although Arabic exists as an official language in many of these countries, it may vary in dialects and pronunciation between different regions.

The Levant accent is one of the special Arabic accents that is characterized by a set of distinctive features such as distinctive pronunciation and some common words and expressions. These accents may vary between cities, villages, and even between different neighborhoods within the same cities (Bani Hamad, 2011).

Among the well-known accents in the Levant, the Damascene, Beirut, Omani, Palestinian and Jordanian accents can be mentioned. These accents reflect the unique culture and heritage of each region and combine classical Arabic with local elements.

The issue of multilingualism in the Levant is a vital issue. A deeper understanding of the impact of cultural differences on communities in the region is needed. And there are some results through it, the most important of which are:

1. Promoting Understanding and tolerance in addition, the study of multilingualism may contribute to enhancing understanding and tolerance between different cultures in the Levant. The study may open the doors of communication and cultural interaction between individuals and encourage mutual respect.

2. Promote education and development by understanding the importance of multilingualism, educational programs can be improved and provide better learning opportunities for Levant students. More inclusive educational policies may be developed and educational opportunities for all enhanced.

3. Preserving the cultural and linguistic heritage through the study of multilingualism may contribute to the preservation of the diverse cultural and linguistic heritage in the Levant. Which may help preserve and promote traditional languages and diverse cultural practices as part of the Levantine cultural identity.

4. Promoting innovation and diversity, where multilingualism in the Levant is a source of innovation and diversity. The study can stimulate the exploration and exploitation of the different talents and skills that linguistic diversity brings to society, leading to the promotion of innovation and economic development.

These results illustrate some of the possible positive effects of the topic of multilingualism in the Levant. However, it should be remembered that a deep and comprehensive study of the topic requires extensive research and analysis of local cultural and linguistic data and details without factual narration within articles.

When it comes to studying the borrowing and switching of languages in multicultural contexts, here are some recommendations for this study:

1. It works to acquire a large amount of vocabulary in both languages. This is done by practicing reading, writing, listening, and speaking in both languages to enhance language skills.

2. Openness and willingness to learn and benefit from other languages and different cultures. You should look for multiple sources to learn languages, such as private lessons and online courses.

3. Use social networking apps and websites to interact with people who speak the language you want to learn. In addition to participating in discussions, asking questions, and sharing knowledge.

4. Practice regular listening to the target language by listening to conversations and audio materials such as songs, podcasts, and interviews. This will help improve the assimilation of pronunciation and cultural expressions.

5. Use the target language in everyday life as much as possible. By applying them in everyday conversations and while writing notes or e-mails. This will enhance the student's ability to switch between languages smoothly.

6. Practice and confidence are the keys to success in borrowing and switching languages in multicultural contexts. Therefore, it is necessary to practice and speak the languages to be learned confidently and consistently.



  1. Al-Fihri, Abdulkader al-Fassi, (2013), language policy in the Arab countries: in search of a natural, just, democratic, and efficient environment, the connection of politics, environment, and survival, united new book House, Beirut Lebanon.
  2. Bani Hamad, ail. (2011). the learning effect of using a blended learning method on achievement, and motivation for learning Arabic of a third-grade student, the University of Jordan Journals, 38(1), Jordan.
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