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Статья опубликована в рамках: LXXXVIII Международной научно-практической конференции «Экспериментальные и теоретические исследования в современной науке» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 26 апреля 2023 г.)

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Библиографическое описание:
Kairakbaeva G., Dosmailova I., Sarymbetova A. INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE // Экспериментальные и теоретические исследования в современной науке: сб. ст. по матер. LXXXVIII междунар. науч.-практ. конф. № 4(81). – Новосибирск: СибАК, 2023. – С. 86-97.
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Kairakbaeva Gulnaz

Master of Philological Sciences, lecturer of the Department of Language Disciplines Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University,

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Dosmailova Indira

Master of Medical Sciences lecturer at the Department of Biostatistics and Fundamentals of Scientific Research Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University,

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Sarymbetova Almacul

Candidate of Philological Sciences senior lecturer at the Department of “Practical English” Kazakh National Pedagogical University,

Kazakhstan, Almaty



Кайракбаева Гулназ Солтангазиновна

магистр филол. наук, преподаватель кафедры языковых дисциплин, Казахский национальный медицинский университет им. С.Д. Асфендиярова,

Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы

Досмаилова Индира Мурзабековна

магистр мед. наук, преподаватель кафедры биостатистики и основы научных исследований, Казахский национальный медицинский университет им. С.Д. Асфендиярова,

 Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы

Сарымбетова Алмакул Айдашовна

канд. филол. наук, преподаватель кафедры «Практического английского языка», Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая,

Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы



The article is devoted to the actual problem of increasing foreign language communicative competence by means of using internet-technologies in the foreign language classes in the system of higher education. The article deals with the methodology of formation of foreign language communicative competence based on modern Internet technologies. Also the application of digital technologies and Internet resources. In particular, it shows the importance of a planned choice of teaching tools to achieve the specific goals set by the teacher. The article deals with the methodology of foreign language communicative competence formation based on modern Internet technologies. The topicality of the problem is explained by the increasing need to use more effective and diverse means in the process of education. The necessity of using new types of electronic technologies is substantiated. There is a growing need to enhance the effectiveness of formation of foreign language communicative competence through the development and implementation of innovative technologies and teaching methods in the educational process. It seems relevant and very effective to organize the processes of learning and improvement of foreign language communicative competence with the help of Internet technologies. This will allow students to learn and practice the material studied in a more interesting way, and they will learn how to work with different types of texts and evaluate the information obtained while being able to do most of the work outside the classroom.  


Статья посвящена актуальной проблеме повышения иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции посредством использования интернет-технологий на занятиях по иностранному языку в системе высшего образования. В статье рассматривается методика формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции на основе современных интернет технологий. также применении цифровых технологий и ресурсов Интернета. В частности, показано значение планомерного выбора средств обучения для достижения конкретных поставленных преподавателем целей. Актуальность проблемы, раскрываемой в статье, объясняется возрастающей потребностью в использовании в процессе обучения более эффективных и разнообразных средств. Обосновывается необходимость использования новых видов электронных технологий. Повышается потребность повысить эффективность формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции за счет разработки и внедрения инновационных технологий и методик обучения в образовательный процесс. Представляется актуальным и весьма эффективным организовывать процессы обучения и совершенствования иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции с помощью интернет-технологий, что позволит обучающимся в более интересной форме знакомиться и отрабатывать изученный материал, также они научатся работать с различными видами текстов, оценивать полученную информацию при возможности выполнения основной части работы вне учебной аудитории.


Keywords: modern education; innovative communication technologies, communicative competence, oral speech, foreign language communicative competence, the choice of teaching tools, Internet technologies.

Ключевые слова: современное образование; инновационные коммуникационные технологии, коммуникативная компетентность, интернет, устная речь, иноязычная коммуникативная компетентность, интернет-технологии; выбор средств обучения.


Introduction. In the era of rapid development of information technology, society requires future professionals to have the skills and abilities to acquire knowledge independently and apply it in practice to effectively solve various problems, collect and analyse facts, make generalizations and draw reasoned conclusions [1]; to achieve success it is necessary to be sociable, work together in different situations, find a way out of conflict situations; think critically and creatively, finding ways to solve problems in the future. The development of the above-mentioned skills and cognitive skills of students in the educational process takes place through active learning technologies [2]. At present, the main indicator in the selection of teaching tools is the achievement of the final levels of foreign language proficiency, developed by the Council of Europe and representing an effective pan-European system of information exchange [3]. ’’Language learning activities should become a fascinating, meaningful activity and a real linguistic creativity. Only in this case a student will turn from a learner into a learner, gain autonomy and desire to develop himself/herself in accordance with the new educational standards” [4].

Currently, global computerization has covered all spheres of human activity, including science and education. The development of the Internet and the emergence of many computer programmes facilitating the learning process has greatly changed the learning of foreign languages, making it faster and easier to work with authentic sources.

The rapid development of information and communication technologies, the development of a global computer network Internet, the need to improve the quality of professional training of future specialists, modern requirements for increasing the effectiveness of the learning process create favourable conditions for the use of new types, methods and forms of teaching in the teaching of foreign language in educational institutions, focused on the active cognitive activity of students, learning in collaboration, development of independent activity.

The transition to the new state educational standards envisages an increased role for targeted professional development of the teacher, who has to organically fit into the model of modern education. The leading motive of the draft concept and content of the teacher's professional standard is the ability to learn. Every teacher is motivated to improve. We strive for continuous self-development and creative activity, as it is, above all, the key to professional growth and, therefore, the success of students [5].

Along with the use of traditional methods of foreign language teaching, teachers need to apply special interactive pedagogical technologies, which imply the creation of organizational and pedagogical conditions for effective interaction (cooperation) of teachers and students. Therefore, the inclusion of distance foreign language learning (e-learning) technology seems to be an important tool in the learning process. Learning in this format becomes interactive and the learning process becomes permanent. This raises the problem of designing innovative technologies of foreign language learning, multifunctional, interactive, focused on the development of the future specialist's personality [6].

The experience of effective use of distance learning technologies or e-learning for the organization of the educational process is one of the fundamental requirements for a modern teacher. It seems relevant and very effective to organize the processes of learning and improvement of foreign language communicative competence by means of Internet technologies. This will allow students to learn and practice the material studied in a more interesting form, as well as to learn to work with different types of texts, to evaluate the information obtained while being able to perform the main part of the work outside the classroom. Moreover, by introducing and using interactive forms of learning, “the learner becomes the central actor and paves the way to knowledge acquisition. The teacher is the active assistant in this situation and his or her main function is to organize and stimulate the learning process”.

This experience includes such criteria as: participation in online communities, creation of own digital learning resources; use of Internet services, use of multimedia teaching and learning packages, creation of own website, creation of distance learning courses and/or systems for organizing learning and much more. The question of the use of new information technologies is being raised more and more often [7].

 Discussion. Modern information and communication technologies, which only a few years ago seemed to be the “distant future”, have quickly become the “real present”. Analysis of the rich experience of university teachers shows that at the present stage most teachers use information and communication technologies to some extent in the process of teaching a foreign language. Computer-based communication technologies allow for new ways of activating students' creativity. They can participate in virtual discussions on various educational websites and thematic forums; carry out joint creative projects together with students from different educational institutions. Computer-based learning programs offer a number of advantages over traditional teaching methods, primarily as a means of direct audiovisual interactive interaction. Their application in the classroom together with traditional teaching methods makes it possible to train various types of speech activity, realize the nature of language phenomena, form linguistic abilities, create communicative situations, and automate language and speech skills. In addition, ensure implementation of individual approach and intensification of students' independent work, and promotes cognitive activity, motivation and quality of knowledge of students. Thus, the use of modern information and communication technologies in the educational process can be considered as one of the active forms of individualization of learning [8]. 

Integral properties of new technologies, such as their interactivity, multimodality, multimedia, visualization of content, play an important role in learning. Thus, computer visualization of educational content, especially in game, interactive form, develops cognitive thinking styles, creativity and thinking activity of students, and has a positive effect on their psychological and emotional state [9].

According to N.K. Ryabtseva, “The use of computer technology brings heuristic novelty to the learning process and creates motivation for productive self-knowledge and self-improvement, and also makes the lesson attractive and truly modern, individualization of learning occurs, control and debriefing are objective and timely”. [10].

According to Tony Prince, academic director of NILE (Norwich Institute for Language Education), when teachers, reflecting on the application of digital technologies for educational purposes, they most often focus on the question: “What applications or computer programs should be used to achieve the best result?” [11].

The next questions that come up are the following: “How do I use these technologies?”, “Which methods of using different applications produce the fastest results?”, “How do I use them during the class?”, “How do I apply them to my needs?”, “How do I update them?” etc.

The seemingly paramount question, “Why should we use digital resources?” is rarely asked. It should be noted that if we want to be most effective in our learning, we need to reverse the order of these questions and start planning the use of technology with the goal we are aiming to achieve, i.e. the question “Why?”

When considering the question “What to use?”, we are inevitably faced with a vast array of available digital resources, each of which has a large number of admirers, favoring it as the most effective or revolutionary. There are many digital resources, both on-line and requiring installation on a device, that implement processes for creating new things or exploring existing ones. These resources can also be in the form of various courses (MOOCS, I-tunes Courses), tools (Google Docs, Camtasia, Explain Everything), encyclopedias and other academic sources (Google Search, Wikipedia, offline dictionaries, Microsoft Office) and help conduct research at different stages: information gathering, synthesis, further supervision of the learning process and working with the results of research. As well as the process of creation, starting from the grouping into creative groups, through planning, to the analysis of the work done.

The main difficulty in selecting digital technologies, asking first of all, “What to use in the learning process?” and considering all these applications, is that we often don't realize the difficulties that arise in directly using the selected resources because we are not sufficiently aware of how to use them and use them properly. The teacher may not have the time or inclination to go through all the features and rules of the selected resources in detail beforehand.

The use of Internet resources in the teaching of foreign languages makes it possible to create conditions for the development of all necessary and relevant to the realities of today's competencies in students. Methods of joint acquaintance with modern ideas and trends and their further discussion, widely used by teachers nowadays, also have a great motivational power in teaching foreign languages. Along with this, the availability of their own computer and digital devices with Internet access for almost every student greatly facilitates the teacher's task of involving students in the process of foreign language learning through the Internet.

Modern information and communication technologies have many didactic properties and functions. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are considered as a set of methods, production processes and software and hardware combined to collect, process, store, distribute, display and use information in the interests of its users. One of the modern areas of education associated with information and communication technologies is the use of multimedia systems Hello English: Learn English, Words, Duolingo, LinguaLeo for learning English. All of the above multimedia systems are a comprehensive solution for education of any age, which for more than 15 years has been used with great success by teachers around the world. Some of them (Duolingo, LinguaLeo) are not just specialized software, but a complete system. ICT in education is a complex of educational and methodological materials, technical and instrumental means of computer technology in the educational process, forms and methods of their application to improve the activities of specialists of educational institutions, as well as for training (development, diagnosis, correction) of students [12].

The introduction of ICT into the educational process of a general education organization promotes the mastery of educational tasks, new ways and new materials through creative tasks, which children solve together with the teacher and individually. 

Multimedia is a means or a tool of cognition in various classes. It contributes to the development of motivation, communication abilities, gaining skills, accumulation of factual knowledge, and contributes to the development of information literacy. Multimedia system is a comprehensive educational solution for students with special educational needs when applied in a remedial and inclusive environment. In the Quizlet multimedia system learning is built in the form of a game. New words are easily memorized with the help of cards and mini-games. On the platform Hello English: Learn English there is a large number of lessons on various topics. With Words you can significantly increase your vocabulary both online and offline. With Duolingo, Lingua Leo forms and develops sensory abilities: the development of visual and auditory memory, as well as visual and spatial perception of objects and shapes; attention; creative thinking; and the formation of universal learning activities. Adhering to the harmonious combination of sensory tasks with gaming, Lingua Leo multimedia system focuses on this.

Today, with the help of information technology tools, the language learning process can be brought closer to the real world than ever before. For example, computers can, for example, perceive certain information, process it, store certain data in memory, play audio and video materials, etc. In addition to the above-mentioned possibilities, computers significantly expand the possibilities of a teacher in terms of individualization of teaching and activation of cognitive activity of students in the process of teaching a foreign language.

Thus, information technology tools allow building the learning process in accordance with the individual needs of students, which makes it possible to work at their own pace, independently choosing the speed and volume of learning material that they consider optimal for themselves. The following goals of using information technology in English lessons are identified increasing motivation to learn the language; developing speech competence; increasing linguistic knowledge; expanding the scope of knowledge about the socio-cultural specificity of the country of the language studied; developing the ability and willingness to study English independently.

In the course of foreign language lessons, information technology tools allow for the effective performance of a wide range of didactic tasks. For example, the computer and other IT tools help the teacher in forming skills and abilities in reading and writing, allow a more fruitful replenishment of the vocabulary of students, have a positive impact on the formation of sustainable motivation for the study of a foreign language.

The relevance of the article lies in the consideration of modern innovative technologies such as Internet resources such as collaborative learning, project-based methodology, the use of new information technologies, which today help to implement a person-centered approach in teaching a foreign language. It is not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the learning process.

Materials and methods.  One of the most revolutionary developments in recent decades, which has had a significant impact on education worldwide, has been the creation of a worldwide computer network called the Internet, literally meaning “international network” (“international net”). The main aim of teaching foreign languages is to form and develop learners' communicative competence and to teach them to master a foreign language in a practical way. The task of the teacher is to create conditions of practical language acquisition for each student, to choose such methods of teaching that would allow each student to show their activity, their creativity. The communicative approach implies learning to communicate and forming the ability of intercultural interaction, which is the basis for the functioning of the Internet [13].

In turn, innovation and communication technologies offer broader opportunities for information retrieval through the Internet. The World Wide Web allows access to vast information resources, virtual data libraries, electronic journals, reference books, online educational communities, Internet conferences, etc.

Information and communication technologies make it possible to create not only new learning technologies, but also to transform and improve the effectiveness of traditional technologies. When combining all means of foreign language teaching based on information and communication technologies, the use of electronic educational content is effective. Electronic content is able to systematize almost everything that is required to organize the process of developing foreign language skills and competences: visual graphic material, video and audio recordings, texts, textbooks, workbooks, reading books, books for the teacher, etc. At the same time, e-content is a multidimensional software complex providing tools for development, implementation, control, management, learning. The most important functional advantage of electronic content as compared to the system of traditional learning tools should be the possibility of programmable management of students' independent activities, which can free students from the teacher's routine work and allow maximum use of time for the development of communicative skills.

The forms of work with Internet resources in foreign language lessons include learning vocabulary; practicing pronunciation; teaching dialogical and mono logical speech; teaching writing; practicing grammatical phenomena.

The possibilities of using Internet resources are enormous. The Internet creates conditions for obtaining any necessary information from anywhere in the world: materials on country studies, news from youth life, newspaper and magazine articles, necessary literature etc. In foreign language lessons, the Internet can be used for a number of didactic purposes: such as developing, improving, supplementing, familiarizing and building sustainable motivation for students’ foreign language activities in the classroom through the systematic use of “live” materials, discussing topical issues of interest to all.

As an information system, the Internet offers its users a variety of information and resources. A basic set of services may include: e-mail, teleconferences, videoconferences, forums, social networks, the possibility to publish one's own information, creating one's own homepage and placing it on a Web server, access to information resources: reference directories, search engines, talking online. In order to teach communication in a foreign language, it is necessary to create real, real-life situations that will stimulate the learning of the material and develop appropriate behavior.

Students can take part in tests, quizzes, competitions, Olympiads conducted over the Internet, correspond with peers from other countries, participate in chat rooms, video conferences, etc. Communication of Kazakhstani students with their foreign peers from one or more countries of technology contributes to broadening the outlook of students, helps to establish and maintain business relations and contacts.

Results and discussion. A list of the most effective Internet resources for modelling real-life communication in foreign language classes.

I. INTERPALS.NET- a website for finding a language exchange partner. Friends from 154 countries are now available. In addition, that is more than 100 languages, including major European and Asian languages. The social network is completely free. You can register in it through Facebook. To communicate there is a forum and a chat room; you can choose your chat partner.    

II. SPEAKING 24.COM - once you register on the website, you get a quick search for native speakers. You can choose your conversation partner by age, gender and the language you are learning. The resource will immediately offer you the person's Skype or other messenger contacts. Free speech is encouraged and there is not much focus on grammatical errors.  

III. EASYLANGUAGEEXCHANGE.COM - a new social network for communicating in a foreign language now has around 71,000 users from 56 countries. The site pays special attention to learning English: there are courses for beginners as well as courses for those who want to increase their vocabulary and improve their grammar.  

IV.ENGLISHBABY.COM - the main feature of the resource - communication in proper English, American or British. For this purpose, the site offers daily free lessons on a new topic, topical audio materials, including monologues and celebrity interviews.  

V. HELLOTALK.COM - is a chat program for your mobile device that offers you to communicate with your interlocutor via text and voice messages in more than 100 languages. The programmer’s options allow you to practice your pronunciation as well as collect your own database of materials on the language you are learning (audio, words, sentences, pictures).    

Conclusion. The advantage of using Information Technology to teach writing is that the learning process itself becomes more dynamic. Students type and edit their own messages and essays, learn to work effectively with word processors, improve their computer skills and work with electronic versions of various dictionaries.  They get the opportunity to use the knowledge and skills acquired in the lessons and become aware of the practical relevance of the acquired knowledge, which is actively promoted by corresponding with their peers from other countries, sending their essays and creative works to the teacher, taking part in various projects.

It should be emphasized that the active inclusion of IT tools in the educational process does not exclude traditional teaching methods, but is harmoniously combined with them at all stages of learning. At the same time, use of computers allows not only to multiply the effectiveness of learning, but also to motivate students to learn English in the future.

Thus, Internet technologies are a set of forms, methods and techniques of teaching with the help of the Internet. The use of Internet resources in foreign language classes makes it possible to achieve stable positive results. By communicating in a genuine language environment provided by the Internet, students find themselves in real life situations.

Involved in a wide range of meaningful, realistic, interesting and achievable tasks, students learn to respond spontaneously and appropriately, which encourages the creation of original statements rather than formulaic manipulation of language formulas. However, it must not be forgotten that the Internet is only an auxiliary technical tool for learning to achieve optimal results.



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