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Статья опубликована в рамках: CLXXIX Международной научно-практической конференции «Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 25 декабря 2023 г.)

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Библиографическое описание:
Zenin D.I. SOCIO-CULTURAL REHABILITATION OF YOUNG DISABLED PEOPLE IN RUSSIA // Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: сб. ст. по мат. CLXXIX междунар. студ. науч.-практ. конф. № 24(178). URL: https://sibac.info/archive/meghdis/24(178).pdf (дата обращения: 19.10.2024)
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Zenin Dmitry Igorevich

Master's student, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


The paper is devoted to the current problem of developing academic and professional motivation of university students based on theoretical analysis of scientific articles. The article reveals the role and significance of academic and professional motivation in the development of modern society. The concept, structure, and significance of professional motivation within the educational process are examined. Practical tools for developing intrinsic motivation that take into account the characteristics of students are also analyzed: the direction of their academic activity motives, and the type of temperament, within the framework of their age peculiarities and the specifics of the development of the modern Z generation.


Keywords: academic and professional motivation of students, motivation, skills development, academic and cognitive activity, formation and development of soft and hard skills, resources, student potential, interactive learning model.


The goal of modern education is to cultivate individuals capable of self-identification, self-education, self-development, and collaboration. Modern society needs enterprising and competent young people who strive for creative work, are highly professional, mobile, and capable of searching for and implementing new effective forms of organizing their activities, able to fit into the realities of the information society [7]. After all, innovations in the professional environment require graduates' ability to integrate into these processes and to perform professional activities with motivation.

The study of the problem of academic and professional motivation of students, motives of behavior and activity, is one of the fundamental issues in psychological science. The professional training of young students will determine the face of all spheres of society and even the state as a whole. Education at the university is associated with a variety of activities, intensity, and considerable complexity.

Solving the problem of innovative development of the country, improving the quality of professional training of specialists, promotes the introduction of innovative teaching technologies and solving problems related to motivation for cognitive activity.

Various ways, approaches, and technologies of influencing academic and professional motivation of students are proposed, however, the question remains open and the discussion continues.

Professional motivation, in relation to the study activities of students in the system of university education, is understood as a combination of factors and processes that induce and direct the individual towards the study of future professional activities [7].

A high level of professional motivation leads to the development of professional education and an internal determinant of professional development.

Shefer O.R. reduces all the complex diversity of the motivational sphere to two main components: motivation aimed at achieving success, and motivation associated with avoiding failure. Structural elements of motivation in their manifestations and functions can be divided into: needs - sources of the student's activity; motives - reasons that determine the choice of behavior orientation; goals, i.e. what the student's activity is directed towards; experiences - regulators of the student's behavior, coloring all the structural elements of motivation; and the support and development of the student's cognitive interest [7].

Motivation for educational activities occurs through the realization and satisfaction of the needs for educational activities. And the effectiveness of learning often depends on the student's understanding of the chosen profession and its importance for society.

Nizhneva-Ksenofontova N.L. points out that understanding and practical application of the student motivation system. that understanding and practical application of the student motivation system will lead not only to a general increase in the organization's efficiency, but also to job satisfaction among the teaching staff, improvement of the psychological climate, and overall positive atmosphere for both students and teachers, resulting in improvement of the quality of educational activities as a whole. The study of student motivation needs to take into account different types of students: their motivation towards their educational activities, their temperament, and their typology as learners.

To manage the development of educational and professional motivation, it is necessary to create conditions for the development of internal motivations and to stimulate students.

Motivation for learning is closely related to an interest in acquiring knowledge and developing skills, that is, an interest in educational and cognitive activities [7].

N.L. Nizhneva-Ksenofontova believes that the main requirement for managers overseeing the educational process is their ability to work with student youth. Essentially, this involves managing educational activities, organizing students' cognitive activities, and providing assistance in mastering their chosen specialty [5]. When managing educational activities, it is necessary to understand the hidden reasons behind activities and behaviors and to use socio-psychological methods in managing the process of acquiring a specialty.

These methods involve not giving orders or instructions to participants in the educational process, but rather the art of persuasion and understanding the psychology of students, taking into account their individual characteristics [5].

A.V. Koroleva proposes practical tools for developing internal motivation, which are aimed at developing self-understanding, self-regulation, and self-development of students, as well as forming their skills and abilities in group work at different levels of complexity. In general, these tools are aimed at developing and enhancing soft and hard skills.

Students learn to better understand themselves, plan their activities in the long and short term, conduct self-analysis, increase their level of psychological comfort and resilience, and engage in self-improvement and self-influence.

All the proposed tools are divided into several groups, distributed from simple to complex, as gradual systematic development is necessary for students with weak academic motivation, starting from self-exploration. This work can help them analyze the causes of their low academic motivation and either develop a new attitude towards their chosen profession or choose a different professional path, which in itself can eliminate the problem of low academic motivation [3].

In the study of personal and psychological characteristics, A.V. Koroleva considers the resources and potentials of students. Analyzing the age characteristics of students and the specifics of the development of Generation Z.

It is important to consider the "do it yourself" orientation of Generation Z, based on which this generation does not need clear algorithms and rules, but tools and motivation to use emotional intelligence for their adequate application [3].

Based on these characteristics, A.V. Koroleva suggests an interactive learning model. Firstly, it implies setting and implementing specific realistic goals, which can help students overcome inadequate self-esteem and youthful maximalism. Secondly, it aims to activate all participants in the educational process and establish partnership-like subject-subject relationships.

In the educational system, it is also necessary to create an environment that constantly encourages students to engage in creative mental work, to gradually and steadily advance from one lesson to another, not only in acquiring new knowledge, but also in improving cognitive skills, mastering research methods: observation, experimentation, mental modeling, hypothesis building, etc. [4].

In conclusion, it can be said that student motivation is one of the most complex problems today. Motivational processes in student learning need to be managed: stimulating students, creating a favorable environment for development, and applying innovative technologies. The development of students should play an important role in the educational process.



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  3. Koroleva, A. V. Tools for developing students' academic motivation within the educational course "Psychology and Pedagogy"/ A. V. Koroleva // Psikhologo-pedagogicheskii zhurnal "Gaudeamus". 2020. Vol. 19. No. 4 (46). P. 61-69.
  4. Koroleva, A. V. Study of personal and psychological characteristics, potential, and resources of students in the framework of creating a technology of personal-professional adaptation/ A. V. Koroleva, G. F. Tereshchenko // Journal "Gaudeamus" 2020 P. 63-67.
  5. Nizhneva-Ksenofontova, N. L. Student motivation in university: key issues/ N. L. Nizhneva-Ksenofontova // Humanitarian research. Pedagogy and psychology, 2020, No. 1, 9–17.
  6. Filatova, E. V. Educational and professional motivation of students in different training areas/ E. V. Filatova, S. B. Ksenofontova // Historical and social-educational thought. 2019. Vol. 11. No. 1. P. 57-65.
  7. Shefer, O. R. Managing the development of academic and professional motivation of bachelor students in higher education through inspiration of competencies/ O. R. Shefer, S. V. Kraineva, T. N. Lebedeva // South Ural State University. – [Chelyabinsk]: South Ural Scientific Center RAO, 2020. – 319 p.
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