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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 13(99)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Ermakova S., Savenkova I. ANALYSIS OF THE CHAIN PHARMACY MARKET IN BELGOROD // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 13(99). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/99/174846 (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).


Ermakova Sofya

student, Department of Sociology and Organization of Work with Youth Belgorod state University,

Russia, Belgorod

Savenkova Irina

candidate of Sciences in Economics, associate professor, Belgorod state University,

Russia, Belgorod



Ермакова Софья Николаевна

студент, кафедра социологии и организации работы с молодежью, Белгородский государственный университет,

РФ, г. Белгород

Савенкова Ирина Викторовна

канд. экон. наук, доц. Белгородский государственный университет,

РФ, г. Белгород



The article is devoted to the study of competitiveness of Belgorod pharmacy chains, as they have been actively expanding into this region for the last several years. Both sociological method, i.e. questionnaire survey, and marketing method - mystery shopping - were used in order to find out competitive advantages that allow to attract customer flow. Based on the results, a set of measures was developed to improve the competitiveness of chain stores.


Статья посвящена изучению конкурентоспособности аптечных сетей г. Белгород, поскольку за последние несколько лет идет активная их экспансия в данный регион. Использовался как социологический метод, а именно анкетный опрос, так и маркетинговый – тайный покупатель, для того, чтобы выяснить конкурентные преимущества, которые позволяют привлекать покупательский поток. На основе полученных результатов был разработан комплекс мероприятий, позволяющий повысить конкурентоспособность сетевых аптек.


Keywords: competitiveness, pharmacy, pharmacy chain.

Ключевые слова: конкурентоспособность, аптека, аптечная сеть.


Competitiveness is considered as a key criterion for assessing the success of industries and companies. It can be defined as the acquisition of greater market share, greater profitability and long-term stability, as well as the growth of these indicators by improving the welfare and living standards of people.

The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that increasing competitiveness and changing the structure of competitors affect the strategic direction of pharmaceutical companies. In order for a company to take a leading position in the market, its main strategic goal should be to overcome competitors, develop and master the latest products and innovations, distribution and marketing systems.

Research of the competitive environment, the work of competing companies and the competitiveness of their products makes it possible to identify the position of enterprises in a particular market, their weaknesses and strengths. It is necessary to conduct regular market research to assess the position of the company on the market, the quality of products manufactured in comparison with competitors, it is necessary to conduct surveys of distributors, specialists and buyers. The data obtained in the course of market research is rationally accumulated in specialized data banks.

The purpose of this research is to empirically study the competitiveness of the Belgorod pharmacy chains and develop recommendations for its improvement.

To achieve the goal of the work, a sociological survey "Analysis of the chain pharmacy market in the city of Belgorod" was conducted. The research was conducted in the form of a questionnaire with a quota sample of the general population.

An assessment of the commitment of Belgorod residents to a particular pharmacy chain revealed that 30.8% of respondents attend the same pharmacy, i.e. some pharmacy chains already have their own permanent customer base. The remaining 69.2% of respondents are not tied to a particular pharmacy chain and visit different pharmacies (see Figure 1). 


Figure 1: Distribution of answers of respondents to the question: "Do you visit any particular pharmacy chain?


The next question was aimed at identifying the pharmacy chain where Belgorod citizens prefer to shop the most. The analysis showed that the first most popular place is occupied by the pharmacy chain "Tabletochka," known to 57.7% of Belgorod residents. The second place is occupied by the chain " Mir lekarstv," which is preferred by 38.5% of respondents. The third place is taken by "Social Pharmacy" with the index of 30.8%. Belgorod residents are the least likely to buy medicines from such chains as: Aloe; Pharmacy of Soviet prices; Technfarm; Pharmacy Plus; Libra; Pharmacy April. The greatest awareness was shown by residents over 35 years old.

In order to study the main reasons why a particular pharmacy chain is preferred, the question was asked: "What factor has a decisive influence on your choice of a particular pharmacy? The answers to this question were distributed as follows: the leading factor is convenient location of the pharmacy close to the place of residence (57%). Price level is also an important factor, but as it turned out, not the most important one. Its importance is noted by 20% of Belgorod citizens. The third place is occupied by a wide range of products and various discounts and promotions. These answers were equally selected by 16% of respondents. As a rule, representatives of younger generations pay attention to these factors. Thus, it is precisely these characteristics that need to be studied by the heads of organizations to improve their competitiveness.


Figure 2: Distribution of respondents' answers to the question: "What factor is decisive for your choice of a particular pharmacy?


The Mystery Shopping method or Mystery Shopper was chosen to study the service of pharmacy chains from different loyalty groups. The hidden nature of this type of research reveals all the pros and cons. Mystery Shoppers perform certain tasks: buying a product, consulting with a pharmacist, monitoring its behavior, registering defects. As a result, they provide a detailed report on the work done.

A - pharmacy chain "Tabletochka".

C - pharmacy chain " Mir lekarstv"

C - Drugstore chain "Socialochka".

D - pharmacy chain "Vita".

From the reports submitted by mystery shoppers, we can conclude that customer loyalty is more influenced by contact with a consultant. And even making small mistakes in convenience, clean placement of the product, the pharmacy has no right to make mistakes in the work of staff. This customer was more likely to cause disappointment due to the lack of personal interest of the pharmacist and indifference to the client. This means that staff recruitment, training and work is an important part of creating and maintaining an appropriate level of service.

Following descriptive findings, each pharmacy chain presented was rated on a 10 - point scale, which allowed for the creation of a polygon of competitiveness, i.e. a graphic representation of their strengths and weaknesses (Figure 3). 


Figure 3. Competitiveness polygon of pharmacy chains in Belgorod


This method, as a rule, is used in combination with others, as it cannot predict the future of the enterprise entirely, and is not oriented to methods of unfair competition.

In the course of this work it was found out that the competitiveness of chain pharmacies in Belgorod is unevenly distributed. Some retail chains have a high competitive advantage ("Tabletochka", "Mir lekarstv"), while most of the remaining pharmacies have minimal parameters of competitiveness. In order to develop measures to improve the situation, factors were identified on the basis of which consumers give preference to a particular retail chain. These conclusions have served as a basis for recommendations to improve competitiveness, including the following areas.


Figure 4. Directions for development of competitiveness of Belgorod pharmacy chains


1. Creation of a "consumer interest" program, which is especially good for pharmacies with a bad location. The introduction of discounts for regular customers, various bonuses are also an important motivation. By distributing information about it and providing quality service, you can increase the turnover of pharmacies and attract more customers.

2. It is necessary to identify the motives that encourage them to choose another pharmacy chain, to identify their importance. To obtain this kind of information, you can conduct a sociological or market research, turn for help to the consulting agencies.

In addition to the above, various types of advertising can help attract consumers. Outdoor advertising is carried out through the production of signs, pointers. This allows not only to find a pharmacy to the consumer, but also to attract more affluent consumers. With regard to direct advertising of the pharmacy can be recommended as follows. Flyers with information about the pharmacy chain and its advantages should be created and distributed to people in the vicinity.

It should be noted that the popularity of the pharmacy is influenced by its sales area. It should be convenient, comfortable and have some distinguishing feature to attract customers.

Great importance is given to the design of the pharmacy and merchandising, that is, the ability to properly and attractively place drugs, advertising materials. In B.A. Reisberg's modern economic dictionary the following definition of merchandising is given: it is preparation for sale of goods in a retail chain: design of retail counters, shop windows, placement of the goods themselves in the shop floor, presentation of information about the goods.

When placing shop windows, drugs and medical products it is necessary to know that the majority of visitors pass only one third of the hall, trying not to go back; the majority of consumers are right-handed, so their attention is more directed to what is on the right side; most consumers turn left, that is, moves counter-clockwise; and most importantly - consumers avoid dirty and poorly lit areas. All of these identified features of consumer behaviour should be used for the success of the pharmacy.

Based on the above, we can conclude that in today's economy, the main component of the success of entrepreneurship in the pharmaceutical business is to identify and meet the needs of consumers. In order for a company to be able to turn a potential buyer into its regular customer, it is necessary to do market research on customer preferences - this is the main tool for implementing this plan. Constant attention to the consumer, as well as understanding of his needs, desire and mood is the main principle of the company, which works in the future.



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