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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 13(99)

Рубрика журнала: История

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Библиографическое описание:
Yerzhanova B., Koshimova A. HISTORICAL RESEARCHES ABOUT HISTORY OF THE CITIES OF ZHETYSU REGION (THE END OF THE XIX CENTURY – THE BEGINNING OF THE XX CENTURY) // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 13(99). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/99/174739 (дата обращения: 04.03.2025).


Yerzhanova Balnur

2nd year master's student Kazakh national university named by «Al-Farabi»

Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty

Koshimova Akhnur

phD doctor, Kazakh national university named by «Al-Farabi»

Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty


The article considers the works of scientists who studied the features of cities in the Zhetysu region of the late XIX - early XX centuries. The history of the formation of the cities, their territory, population, economy were studied. Education and the prosperity of cities occupy a special place in the development of mankind. Each city eventually becomes an administrative, political, cultural, and economic center, creating simple trade and craft centers. Questions about some cities require further clarification and definition. These cities include some cities that were included in the Semirechensk region in the early twentieth century. The development and prosperity of Zhetysu district is of particular importance for the region's cities.


Keywords: county, administrative, general-governorship, Pishpek, Przhevalsk, Kapal, Verniy, scientists, materials, agriculture, soviet government.


The emergence and prosperity of cities are occupied a special place in the development of mankind. Each city, forming the simplest trade and craft centers, eventually becomes an administrative, political, cultural and economic center, occupies an important place. Development and prosperity of  Zhetysu region is particular importance for the cities of the region. According to the generated by the reform of 1867-1868 when Semirechensk region of the Turkestan General-governership consisted of six districts: Verny, Kapal, Lepsy, Zharkent, Pishpek  and Przhevalsk. In the XIX century, scientists of the Soviet government and local historians, including P. Semenov-Tien Shan, S. P. Gaines, V. I. Mushketov was a versatile opinion about the territory of the Semirechensk region. According to P. P. Rumyantsev region is located in Central Asia, Turkestan General-Governorship States that it borders with China in the South and East, in the North-west with Akmola, in the west with Syr-Darya and South-West with Fergana. In the 60s of the XIX century began an active and in-depth study of the history of Zhetysu, its natural resources. Among them prominent scientists were B. M. Przhevalsky, an ethnographer G. N. Potanin, an astronomer K.V. Struve, an engineer-geologist S. Tatarinov, botanics R. E. Regel, and  M. Fetisov and other representatives of the Soviet government [1].In 1909-1913 P.Rumyantsev was the head of expeditions to study the Semirechensk region, left several volumes of works with statistical materials on the Peculiarities of agricultural use of land and the population of the region in the territory of Semirechensk which called " research materials...". In 2000 his work “counties Zhetysu” (Zhetysu district) was published in papers on the ethnic structure Lepsy, Kapal, Zharkent, Verniy, Taranchy and Pishpek counties, the population of the border counties, especially the farms and land that became part of the Zhetysu region. The book describes the state of the researcher counties, since the history of education until 1910[2]

In connection with the colonial policy of the Russian government in the mid XIX century migration grew rapidly in Semirechensk and on these issues the researches were conducted, began to publish papers and articles. Among these works are A.I. Vasilchikov, Yu.D.Yuzhakov, I.Geyer's works and reports of the Commission headed by K.Palen.In these works data on full colonization of Semirechensk and transformation of part of the Russian Empire are presented, and authors  supported of policy of the Russian Empire[8]. In 1909-1913 to study the Semirechensk region was published a number of scientific papers, including research Semirechensk region. Materials collected by the Commission under the leadership of P.Rumyantsev. ” Materials on the survey of native and Russian old-growth economy " was a 5 volume work, which presented statistical data on the Characteristics of agricultural and land use in the Semirechensk region, the national composition and the population of the region. It is the main source of population settlement in the Semirechensk region during the period in which it is filled with specific materials.

Questions related to the history of Zhetysu, reflected in the works of the Royal official, Russian researchers, published in the second half of XIX and early XX century. At the same time N.A. Aristov, M. I. Venyukov, P. I. Pashino, D. I. Romanovskii, V. V. Grigor'ev,  M. Nikolski, A.F. Kostenko, M. A. Terentev, A. Ivanov, U. V. Kologrivov,  it is possible to highlight the works of authors, written in the second half of the nineteenth century [2]. The materials used in their works still do not destroy their value. But the works of these authors deserve a variety of requests Royal power, written with a majestic power point of view, designed to serve the Imperial interests.

In Semirechensk district one of the most studied and economically-socially significant cities was the city of Verny. In Soviet times, in the history of the city Verniy, the second half of the XIX and early XX century was specially studied by S. Zhusupbekov. His work “City Verniy”, published in 1980 in Almaty, the author noted the importance of studying the history of cities, wrote that researchers did not come out of the Soviet period, very little research on the history of pre-revolutionary cities. In the first section on the socio-economic and political development of the city of  Verniy until 1917. Before joining the Zhetysu to Russia, the main fortress support was located in the fortress Taushybek along the river Kaskelen and failed attempt to capture it. In 1870-1872, about 400 brick houses were built in the city, located in the seismic zone of the city of Verniy, on may 22, 1887 there was a large earthquake, which killed 322 people, destroyed 1793 houses. After that, by order of the Governor of  Zhetysu, it was proposed to build a large building only of wood, where residents began to build one-storey wooden houses. The author says that at the beginning of the XX century the population of Zhetysu was multinational and more than a million people, of which 70 % are Kazakhs and Kyrgyz, 17 % - Russian and other nationalities.

The main economy and social structure with the According to the census of 1917 the population of the city was -34 075, in Pishpek – 16 902, in Przhewalski – 12 017, in Zharkent – 11 815, in Lepsy – 5463, in Kapal-4260. Only 7-8% of the urban residents of the region were kazakhs. The work describes the economy of the city of Verniy, industrial enterprises, education system, culture and economic situation. The question of the socio – economic situation of the city was characterized by the opening in 1904 of the Russian-Asian, in 1908 Siberian trade banks, which played a major role. Preparation of wool and leather in the Zhetysu engaged French firms, German firms with the preparation of the intestine. Thus, the author devoted only 47 pages to the question of socio-economic and cultural development of Verniy[2]. location of the cities included in the Semirechensk region, consists of 2 parts of 1968 release V. V. Vostor and M.Mukhanov . Set out in the second part of the works Mukanova. The second part of this book is devoted to the history of tribal settlement of the cities of Kazakhstan in the late XIX-early XX centuries, the first Chapter of the second part contains information about the cities, counties, located in the Semirechensk region, including Kapal, Verny, Zharkent, Lepsy counties. At the beginning of the section, the authors talk about their works with researchers who contributed to the study of the cities of Kazakhstan in the XIX century. At the end of the XIX century and the beginning of XX century "Research materials…” published under the guidance of F. A. Sherbin,  P. A. Skrypleva, P. P Rumyantsev, the work says that in different regions of Kazakhstan, as well as in the territory of  Semirechensk region there are statistical materials about the peculiarities of agricultural use.

In this work the authors separately about the location of Kapal, Verniy, Zharkent and Lepsy counties, their population, households, major ancestral groups. According to these data, the territory of the Kapal county included the lands of the right bank of the Ili river in the West, in the North of lake Balkhash to the South and South-East to Dzhungarian Alatau. The territory of the Verniy county  was located on the left bank Ili in the South-West of the Kapal district, Zharkent was situated in the South-East of the Semirechensk region  on the bank of the Ili river and was founded in 1882 in the places allotted to the Verniy and Kapal regions. The right bank of the district is a mountainous country, in the North-the snowy peaks of Dzungarian Alatau, in the South-steppe belts stretched to the Ili river. A Lepsinsky county occupied the North-Eastern part of the Semirechensk region, bordered by the Semipalatinsk region in the North and North-East, South and South-East of the Chinese state. As it was noted in the works, in 1897 according to the first General census of the Russian Empire in Kapal district Kazakhs - 127 774, Tatars – 2639, Ukrainians and Russians-11 512. In 1910-1911, according to Rumyantsev, the population of the County was 175 999 or 85.7%, Russians and Ukrainians-21 946 or 11.9%, other nationalities-4453 or 2.4%. According to the census of 1897 in the Verniy county was 151 485 Kazakhs, Uighurs - 701 25, Russian and other nationalities-35 500. The number of Kazakhs in Lepsinsky district is 156 107 people, Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians – 22 107 people, Uighurs – 1908 people[3].The main economy of the counties was livestock. The main values of the economy are land, acreage and hayfields. The work describes in detail the winter and summer pastures of the counties. A large part of the summer pastures of the inhabitants of the district was located in the mountains of Dzhungarian Alatau and Malay Sary. And the main wintering of residents of the County was on the right bank and in the lower reaches of the Ili river. The main farms of the population were engaged in livestock, 81.5% - farms. The authors identified the most common tribal tribes in each County, including the regions. Data on the economic and cultural structure of the regions are not reflected[2].

In 2004 issue In the second part of the work was published doctoral thesis by M.Tulekova, which refers to the development of the population of  Zhetysu in 1897-1926. In his works the author will tell about the region, territory, socio – economic situation and economy of the faithful, Lepsi, Zharkent, Kapal Counties, which became the most important centers of Zhetysu. In his work, the Author describes the elimination of duties on trade with the lands of Central Asia and the construction of railway lines of the XX century contributed to the development of trade relations in Zhetysu. The Kazakhs of Zhetysu mainly exported livestock products and bread. In 1893 in the South of Zharkent district was opened Karkara fair, which has become the biggest fair and traders came here from China, Verniy, Pishpek , Przhevalsk. In 1894, in the Kapal county from 15 April to 1 may was organized the Almaly fair. Thus, in the regions, along with livestock, trade was developed, but the development of industry had shown low. The author reports that the greatest localization of the industry had the Verniy, Lepsy, Zharkent, Kapal districts, in the Verniy there were 3 tobacco factories, 4 printing houses, 1 brewery, and the composition of workers in the industry was different. In 1913, in the town of Verniy were 59 industrials, in the Verniy county – 409, in the Zharkent district – 420, in the Kapal County – 40, in Lepsy – 390, the whole region were 2310 industrial enterprises[6]. In this work the system of trade, post-privatization education was researched, in 1887 by the decision of the Steppe General-Governership for the purpose of improvement of quality of agricultural production in the Kapal county the agricultural school for the Kazakh children was opened where 16 boys studied, but these schools didn't yield considerable results, occupations took place in Russian. In 1903, the number of students was 23, due to the lack of teachers, they could not complete their studies. In this work, the Author describes the socio – economic development of Zhetysu as a whole. Scientific works and special studies provide information about the history and socio-economic situation of the city of Zhetysu. In these studies, we can see that the cities Zhetysu studied during the Soviet period, requires even more detailed research.



  1. Джусупбеков С.Д. Город Верный: (Страницы истории).-Алма-Ата: Казахстан, 1980. – 215 с.
  2. Румянцев П.П. Уезды Жетысу. / Сост. Ж.Кариев., Алматы: ТОО «Жалынбаспасы» , 2000. – 336 с.
  3. Востров В.В, Муканов М.С. Родоплеменной состав и расселение казахов: Алма-Ата: «Наука», 1968. – 255 с.
  4. Материалы по обследованию туземного и русско – сторожильческого хозяйства и землепользования в Семиреченсой области. Под.рукП.П.Румянцева . – Т. 1. Лепсинский уезд. – СПб., 1911. – С. 1045; - Т.2.-Капальский уезд. – СПб., 1913, - С.788.
  5. Волости и населенные места 1893 года / Петербург: Семиреченсая область-133 с.
  6. Тулекова М. К. “Жетісуөңіріхалқыныңәлеуметтік-демографиялықдамуы”: Тарихғыл. докт. диссерт. / Ғыл.кеңесші: Асылбеков М.Х. – Алматы, 2003.-395 б.
  7. Медешева И.Б. XIXғасырдыңекіншіжартысы – XX ғасырдың басындағыҚазақстанқалаларыныңтарихнамасы [Мәтін]: тарихғыл.канд...дис./ Қазақгуманит.заңун-ті; ғыл.жет. Төлебаев Т.Ә. –Астана, 2010.-152 б.
  8. Обзор Семиреченсой области за 1893 год

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