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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 40(84)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Antonyuk V.D. THE ROLE OF PSYCHOSOCIAL TECHNOLOGIES IN SOCIO-CULTURAL INTEGRATION OF YOUTH // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2019. № 40(84). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/84/162183 (дата обращения: 03.03.2025).


Antonyuk Valeria Dmitrievna

student, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


This article explores the problem of socio-cultural integration of youth. The article presents the reasons for socio-cultural integration, as well as the article provides justification for the fact that psychosocial work is part of a comprehensive social work with young people. The author of the article argues that the use of psychosocial technologies contributes to the solution of psychological problems of youth, including socio-cultural integration.


Keywords: youth, social work, psychological problems, psychosocial technologies, socio-cultural integration.


Youth is a socio-demographic group. This group is divided based on age characteristics (from 14 to 35 years), as well as based on social status and socio-psychological properties. Young people are concerned with finding the meaning of life, choosing a profession, getting an education, creating a family, acquiring social contacts and so on.

Socio-cultural integration is one of the problems of modern youth. The concept of "socio-cultural integration" includes socialization and inculturation. Socialization is the process by which social experience is transmitted, that is, social standards of behavior, roles, language, and so on. Inculturation is a process of familiarization with cultural heritage, that is, values, traditions, and customs. Inculturation is a process not only for one's own culture, but also for the cultures of other social groups. Both in the first and in the second case, the individual adapts to the conditions of the new socio-cultural environment through communication and joint activities. As a result, socio-cultural integration is "a process that optimizes the life activity of the individual in the unity of preservation and change, traditions and innovations, socialization and inculturation, interiorization and self-realization" [4, p. 69].

The problem of socio-cultural integration arises when there are changes in the usual living conditions. This leads to the rupture of existing social and cultural ties, as well as causes difficulties of identification and self-determination, which entails the need to adjust the system of values and norms of behavior. The discrepancy between the personality of a young person and the socio-cultural environment can be objective, for example, migration, unemployment, change of residence, profession, long-term business trip and so on. It can also be subjective, for example, inability or unwillingness to interact with speakers of other cultures, as well as representatives of the older generation, lack of psychological, social and professional skills.

Social work professionals are able to help young people cope with many different problems. They help to unlock the potential of young people, as well as to realize this potential, and will help to develop the ability to make decisions and achieve their goals.

Social work with young people is designed to help everyone who is in a difficult life situation. The causes of a difficult life situation can be environmental conditions, such as natural and social disasters, accidents and so on. But also the reasons can be internal factors subjective and personal, for example, high or low self-esteem, violation of the emotional sphere, inadequate level of claims, moral conflict, depression, phobias, and so on. We can conclude that each life situation has a psychological component. In addition, the youth age is characterized by periods of crisis, for example, a teenage crisis or a crisis of thirty years.

For this reason, psychosocial activities are currently used in working with young people. The purpose is to provide psychological assistance to the client in a difficult life situation. This direction is based on the knowledge of practical psychology, studying the human mentality. This knowledge explains the various manifestations of human behavior, as well as develops methods to optimize mental activity.

The choice and content of the technology of social work "depend on the objective and subjective state of the person in the situation, the nature of the situation, the professionalism of specialists, conditions and means available at this time and in this social space" [3, p. 943].

Psychosocial work with young people involves the use of various technologies. Psychotechnology is a professionally organized "activity focused on the effective solution of psychological problems with a predetermined social effect and is a set of techniques, means and methods of psychological influence and influence, United by a certain algorithm of their application" [1, p. 61]. We can concluded that psychosocial technology is psychotechnology integrated into the system of social work.

Psychosocial technologies are widely used in psychosocial institutions, as well as in social services and education. Psychosocial technologies in working with young people are divided into private and functional, that is, General. Private psycho-social technologies include certain orderly procedures for providing psychological assistance to specific groups of young people, for example, people with disabilities, young families, young single mothers, young unemployed, as well as military personnel. Functional psychosocial technologies are used in work with many categories of youth.

Below are the possibilities of using some psychosocial functional technologies to solve the problems of socio-cultural integration of young people.

Diagnosis is a psychosocial technology that allows you to identify the psychological problems of the client, as well as the causes of his psychological state, especially the mentality. In addition, this technology allows you to plan further actions to provide psychological assistance. Diagnosis can be carried out by a person who has sufficient knowledge in the field of psychology, for example, a psychologist, a specialist in working with young people, a social teacher.

Diagnostics can be carried out in the form of testing, interviews, expert interviews and so on. As part of the diagnosis, a questionnaire can be used. This is done in order to identify the need for socio-cultural integration. In such a survey can be such questions as "are You always tolerant of other people's views, opinions, habits?", "Why do you think some young people are intolerant towards representatives of other ethnic groups and cultures?", "If there are conflicts between You and the older generation, what is their cause?" and other.

Counseling is a psychosocial technology, which is to identify the psychological problem of the client. Counseling also involves explaining the causes of the problem, as well as jointly developing a strategy to overcome the difficult life situation and providing individual psychological assistance to the young person. For example, in the case of a problem of socio-cultural integration, the specialist will explain to the young person the possible causes of this problem. This can be either a bad experience of communicating with representatives of another ethnic group in the past, or the inability to build relationships with representatives of other cultures. The solution to this problem may be the need to develop communication skills and become familiar with the customs and traditions of other peoples.

Psychocorrection is a psychosocial technology that allows you to correct violations in the mentality and behavior of a mentally healthy person, including to strengthen or weaken the severity of certain character traits, correct behavior in conflict situations, as well as to form communication skills. In the framework of psychocorrection, various psychological trainings are used, for example, aimed at the ability to establish mutual understanding with the interlocutor through the use of verbal and non-verbal means of information transmission.

Psychoprophylaxis is a psycho-social technology, which aims to ensure mental health and the prevention of socio-psychological problems. Psychoprophylaxis of socio-cultural disintegration of youth involves the organization and conduct of various activities that contribute to the formation of a tolerant attitude towards representatives of different cultures and faiths, as well as social groups and ages. Within the framework of the social project on social and cultural integration of youth the following activities can be carried out:

- "History and modernity of traditional holidays of the Russian people" quest. The aim is to form a social and cultural identity through familiarization with the traditions and customs of Russian culture

- "Songs for all time" ccompetition. The aim is to form a culture of relationships with the older generation based on the study and performance of musical works about the great Patriotic war, friendship, love and so on

The effectiveness of psychosocial technologies in working with young people depends on many factors. These factors are the material base of social institutions, the skills of specialists, and the level of mental development of clients of social services, the nature of their psychological and social problems. However, the main indicator of efficiency of psychosocial technologies is "increase of level of mental integration, i.e. increase of integrity of mentality of the client" [2, p. 184].

Thus, the use of various psychosocial technologies in work with young people contributes to the prevention and solution of many psychological problems of this category of population. The variety of forms, methods and means of psychosocial technologies contributes to the socio-cultural integration of young people. Nevertheless, the possibilities of applying these technologies in the socio-cultural integration of young people will still develop.



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