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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 40(84)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Chernuckaya S.D. COMPUTER LITERACY: IMPORTANCE AND RELEVANCE OF SOCIAL SERVICES // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2019. № 40(84). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/84/161291 (дата обращения: 03.03.2025).


Chernuckaya Svetlana Dmitrievna

2nd year student, Direction of preparation 39.04.02 Social work Belgorod state University

Russia, Belgorod


The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the need to teach computer literacy skills to the elderly.


Keywords: technology, computer, citizens, project, elderly.


Today our society lives in the era of digital and computer technologies. Every year this technology becomes wider and more accessible to mankind, regardless of the age of the citizen, whether it is a phone or a computer. Everyone masters computer programs to the best of their abilities.

The Internet has long been an integral part of our lives and an indispensable means of communication. However, not everyone is able to use all the advantages of Internet technologies. Older people, for example, are very far from all these social networks, e-mail and other attributes of the online world [1].

But if for young people digital technologies are perceived as a normal process with which they are born and grow, then for older citizens it is an innovation. Especially lonely, elderly people need not only training in modern communication technologies, but also in communication, both live and virtual. «Young» retirees who have just retired often find it very difficult to readjust and adjust to the new rhythm of unfilled daily work life. According to the Federal law «About bases of social service of citizens in the Russian Federation» dated 28.12.2013 n 442-FZ, the list of social services available social service facilities in order to increase the communication capacity of social service beneficiaries, with disabilities, including children with disabilities – which is a separate clause about the service «assistance in learning basic computer gramotnosti»[2].

The demographic crisis and the ageing of the population inevitably leads to the need to include persons of retirement age in social and labour activities.

In April 2019, according to the Decree of the government of the Russian Federation dated 02.03.2019 No. 234 «On the management system of the implementation of the national program «Digital economy of the Russian Federation», the project «Digital curator» was launched in the Belgorod region, in which social work specialists received Certificates for this project to teach computer literacy skills to the elderly from 60 to 72 years.  Today there is a training of elderly citizens «Computer literacy» [3]. The project is expected to be completed in December 2019. After completing the course everyone will have the following skills:

 - Know the principles of computer operation;

- Be able to work in text editors: make letters, requests, statements;

- Have basic knowledge to work with the Internet: find the right sites, etc.;

- Master email for personal and official correspondence;

- Be able to pass authorization;

- Know the principle of public portals: public Services, Pension Fund, etc.;

- Pay for utilities, receipts via the Internet, monitor the status of your pension account in the Bank, etc.;

- Will be able to make an appointment with a doctor or get medical advice online;

- Communicate in social networks and have access to remote work.

The social project is relevant in solving the problems of social adaptation of older people to the modern information environment. The main objective of the project is to enable older people to communicate via the Internet with their loved ones living in other cities, to use the information they are interested in, to develop creative abilities. All this together contributes to improving the quality of life of older people [4].

The project «Digital curator» is aimed at teaching senior citizens computer programs from the comfort of home, which include payment of utility bills, making an appointment at the clinic through the electronic registry, ordering medicines on the website «pharmacy.ru», through the state services to request a statement of retirement from the pension Fund and to social networks. The importance of digital technology lies in the literacy and computer skills of the older generation on a par with the youth. With such projects implemented to the population, the older generation becomes more independent and independent from the younger generation, which in turn gives older citizens the opportunity to learn about the virtual world. In elderly citizens, when learning any skills and technologies, dementia may not be observed for many years, or may not occur at all and a person may remain with full memory for the rest of his life.

At least 6 people have the skills of computer literacy in the state educational INSTITUTION «Prokhorov residential home for the elderly and disabled named after the Honorary citizen of the Belgorod region M. A. Derkach». Some of them are more likely to use social networks, such as Odnoklassniki and Skype, to communicate with relatives and friends, others use sites to watch and download movies and audiobooks. If we talk about the innovation of computer technology for older citizens, the level of use of digital technology in these persons, surprising knowledge and skills. It must be admitted that older people computer courses are much more difficult than the younger generation. But the reason for this is not in age, but rather in the opinion held by pensioners themselves. If, though not completely, but as much as possible to exclude the age factor as a problem, the situation changes in a completely opposite direction. It is safe to say that every month there is a growing demand for computer technology among the elderly, not only from 60 to 72 years, but also in 80 years there is a desire to master the computer. This demand suggests that citizens, despite their advanced age, want to keep up with the times, but simply-no one wants to grow old and enjoy every day.



  1. Avdelning S. P. "Computer Academy for seniors" [Electronic resource] / S. P. Avdelning.-2012
  2. Pchelina L. N. Teaching elderly people the basics of computer literacy / L. N. Pchelina.- M., 2011
  3. https://pensionniy-vozrast.ru/kompyuternye-kursy-dlya-pensionerov.html
  4. https://videouroki.net/razrabotki/sotsialnyy-proekt-po-obucheniyu-pensionerov-kompyuternoy-gramotnosti-kompyuter-dlya-vsekh-pokoleniy.html

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