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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 40(84)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Ladygina N.A. METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH OF SOCIAL AND CULTURAL SERVICE AS A FACTOR OF QUALITY OF LIFE OF SOCIALLY VULNERABLE CATEGORIES OF CITIZENS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2019. № 40(84). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/84/161286 (дата обращения: 01.02.2025).


Ladygina Natalia Alekseevna

2nd year student, Direction of preparation 39.04.02 Social work Belgorod state University

Russia, Belgorod


The article describes the concept and relevance of social and cultural service. The article also touches upon the peculiarities of the methodology of the study of social and cultural service as a factor of the quality of life of socially vulnerable categories of citizens. The article offers a variety of tools for the study of this topic.


Keywords: social and cultural service, quality of life, standard of living, social research, research methodology, survey, questionnaire, tools.


The Russian Federation is a social state and guarantees every citizen the conditions that ensure a decent life and free human development. On the basis of this, the relevance of the study of the development of the social function of the state, which involves the creation of favorable living conditions and meeting the needs of the population, increases. Important in this direction is the development of the service sector, through which the satisfaction of various needs of citizens. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the social state is the guarantor of the protection of vulnerable categories of the population. The state carries out social function by rendering various services (medico-social, social-legal, social-cultural, etc).

Socio-cultural sectors of the service sector, interacting with the territorial communities of people, largely form them and organize the life of the population, which is most noticeable at the regional level.

Social and cultural service can be considered in two senses:

1. it is a system of creation, provision and consumption of social and cultural services (services of culture, education, health care, physical culture and sports, tourism) on the basis of effective demand;

2. these are services to meet the spiritual, intellectual needs, physical development and maintenance of normal life of the consumer.

Institutions of social and cultural service are a key element in ensuring the quality of life of the population. The system of priority national projects (first of all in the sphere of health care, education) is aimed at its improvement. In this regard, it is important to identify territorial differences in the efficiency of functioning, level of development and effectiveness of social and cultural services.

In the study of this topic, the object of the study will be social and cultural service, and the subject of the study – the features of social and cultural service as a factor in improving the quality of life of socially vulnerable categories of citizens. The aim of the study is to study social and cultural service as a factor of quality of life.

The main stages of the sociological research will be:

- Substantiation of the relevance of the study: collection of information related to the activities of the institution and the organization of social and cultural services;

- Development of the program: the calculation of the sample, development of questionnaires, replicating;

- Field stage: conducting research by mass survey;

- Data analysis and interpretation, report preparation: preparation of a report on the results of the study.

As a tool, it will be effective to use a questionnaire for a mass survey, which will include several blocks of questions.

In our opinion, the first block of the questionnaire will include questions relating to the relevance and awareness of social and cultural services, such as "How relevant are social and cultural services for You?", "Are you aware of the services provided?", "Where do You get information about social and cultural services in Your locality?", "Do you get enough information about these services?". These questions will show awareness and recognition of social and cultural services in a particular region.

The second block of the questionnaire includes information about the specific use of social and cultural services. The following questions may help to identify this information: "have you Used social and cultural services?", "If you used the services of social and cultural service, then what?", "How often do you use social services?", "Evaluate the quality of social and cultural services." These questions will reveal the popularity of social and cultural services by certain categories, show the interest and frequency of use of services.

The third block of the questionnaire will be aimed at identifying the effectiveness of social and cultural services, as well as diagnosing problems. This block may include the following questions: "Have you had any problems while receiving social and cultural services?", "If there were, what?", "Was rendered by the specialists for social work assistance in addressing these problems?", "Do you think the activities are effective?", "If not, how can we improve the effectiveness of these activities?". The third block will allow you to identify the problems that arise when using the services, as well as to identify methods of solving problems and whether they exist at all.

The last, fourth block, should include the main questions about the respondents: gender, age, level of education, housing conditions, marital status, family composition.

Thus, we have identified the main features of the methodology of research of social and cultural service as a factor of quality of life of socially vulnerable categories of citizens. The article identified the object, subject, purpose of the study, and also proposed a version of the tool.



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