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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 16(60)

Рубрика журнала: Науки о Земле

Секция: Природопользование

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Библиографическое описание:
Sedykh J.V., Larina E.S., Yudina I.I. THE USE OF WIND POWER PLANTS IN URBAN AREAS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2019. № 16(60). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/60/138823 (дата обращения: 17.02.2025).


Sedykh Julia Vasilevna

Student of the Moscow State (National Research) University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow

Larina Ekaterina Sergeevna

Student of the Moscow State (National Research) University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow

Yudina Irina Ivanovna

Supervisor, lecturer of the Department of foreign languages and professional communication, Moscow State (National Research) University Of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow



Седых Юлия Васильевна

студент 1 курса Национального Исследовательского Московского Государственного Строительного Университета,

РФ, г. Москва

Ларина Екатерина Сергеевна

студент 1 курса Национального Исследовательского Московского Государственного Строительного Университета,

РФ, г. Москва

Юдина Ирина Ивановна

преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков и профессиональной коммуникации Национального Исследовательского Московского Государственного Строительного Университета,

РФ, г. Москва


The objective of our research was to study the efficiency of wind power plants embedded in the building on the examples of foreign experience.

The problem that had to be solved was to determine the most efficient way of applying wind power plants in Russia.

This article is about practical use of wind power plants abroad and in Russia and about the important problems of mankind today – pollution of the environment and lack of energy that can be solved with the help of wind power plants.

Wind power plants are complexes of equipment that produce and supply consumers with electricity. Wind is a free renewable energy source, but the power generation costs include investments into the creation of a wind turbine and its subsequent maintenance.

Bahrain World Trade Center is the example of how to use wind power plant on the building of Trade Center.

It is a complex of double towers located in Manama. The towers are connected by bridges, each of which has a wind turbine with a diameter of 29 meters. Each of the turbines is oriented to the North, because the wind blows from the Persian Gulf most of the year. Due to the advantageously designed shape of towers, the wind is accelerated and passes through the turbines, which produce from 11 to 15 percent of the required energy.


Picture 1. Bahrain World Trade Center


Another example where wind power plant can be used is the project called “COR building”. This skyscraper was designed in the USA by the company "OPPENheim architecture + design", but unfortunately it hasn’t been constructed yet. We’ll give you a short description of this project.

The upper floors of the skyscraper are occupied by wind power turbines. These floors are blown through by the wind. Wind power turbines are located in the round holes of the building. Solar cells are located throughout the façade and they will fully provide the building with the necessary electricity and with a reserve of electricity. The resulting energy will be used for power supply and for heating the "COR building".


Picture 2. “COR building”


Our next example is Strata Tower in Great Britain.

Three embedded wind turbines in this residential high-rise building can generate about 8% of the energy necessary for functioning of the skyscraper. The unusual solution of using five blades reduces the amount of vibration and noise. The turbines should generate 50 MWh of electricity per year at a wind speed of 60 km / h.


Picture 3. Strata Tower


The use of wind power plants on buildings can reduce environmental pollution and provide additional electricity, but designing such buildings is a very complicated process. To assess the prospects for wind energy, it is necessary to consider the existing complex of the urban environment and the urban situation as a whole. Unfortunately this industry has not been studied enough. And there are only few such examples in the world. The fig.1 shows the most striking example of the use of wind power plants on a high-rise building.

And what about our country?

Currently wind power plants in Russia are located in the coastal areas and on island territories. For example, in Kamchatka, near the Caspian, the Barents and the Okhotsk Seas and near lake Baikal. Our country does not practice the installation of wind power plants on roofs of high-rise buildings. The existing plants mainly perform the function of emergency power supply and only in rare cases they are used as an additional source of energy to optimize energy costs. In December 2018 all wind power plants generated 0.02% of the total electricity produced in our country. The indicators are not high because in our country there are many other types of power plants.

In conclusion we can say with confidence that:

  •  Firstly, such wind power plants give the possibility of generating clean energy not contaminating an already fragile ecosystem.
  • Secondly, in modern world along with the problem of increasing energy consumption, there is also the problem of protecting the environment from man-made impact and the use of wind power plants will reduce the level of environmental pollution.
  • Finally, we have identified the main difference between Russian conditions from foreign experience, the latter is more dominated by individual buildings with small wind power plants. As for the use of wind power plants in urban areas in Russia, it is advisable to consider the placement of wind turbines not only on individual buildings, but also on urban complexes in the scale of urban neighborhoods.



  1. АО «СО ЕЭС» Единая энергетическая система России: промежуточные итоги. Декабрь 2018.
  2. Клюзко В.М. Приемы объемно-планировочных решений формирования энергоэффективных высотных полифункциональных зданий, использующих энергию ветра // AMIT. № 2(31). 2015.
  3. COR. [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа: http://oppenoffice.com/project/cor/ свободный

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