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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 23(43)

Рубрика журнала: Юриспруденция

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Библиографическое описание:
Bekbulatov A., Lotorev E.N., Chizhikova V.V. HISTORICAL PRECONDITIONS OF THE SOCIAL INSURANCE FUND AND COMPULSORY MEDICAL INSURANCE FOR MIGRANT CHILDREN // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2018. № 23(43). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/43/124045 (дата обращения: 21.10.2024).


Bekbulatov Amir

a student of the specialty “Law and Organization of Social Security”, Russian State Social University College of the Russian State Social University

Russia, Moscow

Lotorev Evgeny Nikolaevich

Lecturer at the Russian State Social University College of the Russian State Social University

Russia, Moscow

Chizhikova Vera Viktorovna

Lecturer at the Russian State Social University College of the Russian State Social University

Russia, Moscow

The Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation manages means of the state social insurance of the Russian Federation. The fund is specialized financial credit institution at the Government of the Russian Federation. Money and other property which is in operational management of Fund are federal property.

Funds of Fund are not a part of budgets of appropriate levels, other funds and are not subject to withdrawal. Management of activity of Fund it is performed of its chairman. At Fund the board is formed.

The fund is legal entity, has an official stamp with the name, the current currency and other accounts in banks. The main objectives of Fund are: providing temporary disability benefits, to pregnancy and childbirth, the women who were registered in early terms of pregnancy at the child's birth, on care of the child before achievement of age of one and a half years and also a social benefit for burial or compensation of cost of the guaranteed list of funeral services by it, sanatorium service of workers and their children; participation in development and implementation of state programs of health protection of workers, measures for improvement of social insurance; implementation of the measures providing financial stability of Fund; development together with the Government of the Russian Federation of offers on the sizes of a tariff of insurance premiums for the state social insurance. Fund is formed for the account:

  • insurance premiums of employers;
  • insurance premiums of the citizens who are engaged in individual work;
  • income from investment of a part of available funds of Fund into liquid state securities and bank deposits;
  • voluntary contributions of citizens and legal entities;
  • allocations from the federal budget for a covering of expenses

Fund is used only on target financing of actions. Transfer of means of social insurance into personal accounts insured is not allowed. Payers and banks bear responsibility for correctness of charge, timeliness of payment and transfer of insurance premiums according to the legislation. The chairman Fonda and his deputies are appointed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Control of completeness and timeliness of charge and payment by insurers of insurance premiums and other tax payments is carried out by Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund. Check of financial and economic activity of central office of Fund is carried out at least once a year specialized.

The Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund realizes public policy in the field of obligatory medical insurance of citizens as component of the state social insurance.

The Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund carries out the activity according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President Ros President of the Russian Federation, resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation and fund charter.

Financial means of Federal fund are federal property, are not a part of budgets, other funds and are not subject to withdrawal.

Financial means of Federal fund are formed for the account:

1) parts of the insurance premiums enlisted;

2) allocations from the federal budget for implementation of federal target programs;

3) voluntary contributions of legal entities and individuals;

4) income from use of temporarily available financial means;

5) insurance stock of Federal fund;

6) receipts from other sources which are not forbidden by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Insurance premiums (contributions) to Federal fund are listed by economic entities and other organizations according to an established order.

The federal fund has the right to carry out the activity bringing income. Income gained from such activity and also income from use of property, go into the disposal of Federal fund, and are sent for realization of authorized tasks of Federal fund.

The federal fund annually develops the budget and the report on its execution which on representation of the Government of the Russian Federation are approved by the federal law.

The main issue that any social insurance system solved was the flow of funds that went to protect the population.

With the development of science, technology, technology, injuries and mortality, it was necessary to develop and improve social insurance. We list the main tasks of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation:

- guaranteed allowance for temporary disability

- maternity allowance

- child care allowance

- funeral allowance.

The way in which social insurance funds came was thorny and long. With the growth of accidents at work, the social insurance system was improved; it acquired a legal status and legislative base.

Before the revolution, in 1903, Emperor Nicholas II, introduced the Rules for the remuneration of victims of accidents - workers and employees, as well as members of their families in enterprises of the factory, mining and mining industry. In case of accidents, the owners of enterprises rewarded, for the loss of more than three days, the ability to work, but the owner was relieved of the obligation to reward, if he proves that the cause of the accident was the injured intent of the victim or his gross negligence. June 2, 1903 is considered the date of the foundation of social insurance in our country. Even in the event of the liquidation of an enterprise, the persons making the liquidation or sale are obliged to demand from the owner information about the liabilities of workers and members of their families on the owner.  The rules were valid until June 23, 1912, when the new law “On insurance of workers in case of illness and on insurance of workers against accidents” came into force. Every year, two million men and women die in the workplace or from occupational diseases every day six thousand people suffer in the workplace. Insurance gradually acquired the characteristics of the economy of any economically developed state, that is, with the development of technology, social insurance should develop.

After the revolution, in 1918, the Provision on social security of workers was adopted, which guaranteed minimum maintenance for disability, and in 1922, the companies themselves were obliged to pay insurance benefits. It was then that the realization came that it is better to spend money on maintaining health than on social insurance payments.

The social insurance system is directly connected with the tax system, with wages, with the policy of the state, with the demographic situation.

The social insurance fund, its work, is the most important component of the functioning of the state and, as a result, the legal status of social insurance is prescribed in federal laws. These laws emphasize the importance of the value of social insurance:

- Rights to ensure the legality of the social insurance fund;

- Rights designed to provide the necessary assistance and protection to insured persons.

Decrees, laws and other legislative acts ensure the legal functioning of the social insurance fund. Throughout the history of the funds - the main task, which is to protect life and health, as well as to alleviate the family consequences after the death of a family member. Any citizen of Russia is sure that he is under the protection of the state and the social insurance fund. One of the components of state social insurance is compulsory medical insurance. Children of migrants are deprived of the opportunity to receive services from the compulsory health insurance fund, but in my opinion, it is necessary to give the right to parents of migrant children to use the services of the compulsory health insurance fund by contributing from the minimum wage per child. Currently, migrants use the services of voluntary medical insurance to visit the clinic, but alas, it is not provided in all clinics, it is necessary to choose a specific clinic or a certain insurance company. By giving migrant parents the right to pay contributions to the compulsory health insurance fund for a child, I believe the state will receive more benefits. Voluntary medical insurance, as practice has shown, does not work. Having a policy on your hands, you do not always get the necessary amount of medical qualified assistance. Most migrants do not use voluntary medical insurance, because ambulance services are provided free of charge, voluntary medical insurance is not required, it is better to be examined in a paid clinic, and not to look for a specific medical insurance organization. Not every migrant knows how to check the validity of a medical policy, how to check an agent, a broker, someone who sold you an insurance policy. Migrants rarely use the services of public polyclinics for children, the absence of a policy of compulsory medical insurance affects. In the case of illness, a certificate confirming the absence of a child due to temporary disability is cheaper to buy in private clinics, the average cost ranges from 500 rubles. If you enter the payment of social contributions to the compulsory health insurance fund for migrant children, the state will be able to control the flow of funds, to carry out annual monitoring of the medical examination of migrant children, planned diagnostic activities, vaccinations.



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  2. Miropolskaya, N.V. Fundamentals of Social Insurance: a textbook for SPO / N.V. Miropolskaya, L. M. Safina; by ed. L.M. Safina. - 2nd ed., Corr. and add. - M.: Publishing house Yurayt, 2019. - 149 p. - (Series: Vocational education). - ISBN 978-5-534-10453-0. - Access mode: www.biblio-online.ru/book/DA659B16-40FE-4490-890B-614CF4DDE812.
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  4. The complete collection of the laws of the Russian Empire. Third meeting. Volume XXIII. No. 23060
  5. Theory and practice of pension funds. Volume 2. Part II. B. F. Maleleshevsky

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