Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 10(306)
Рубрика журнала: Психология
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Psychoanalysis is one of the two most recognized psychological traditions that considers conflict as one of the key mechanisms of mentaldevelopment. In the work of the conflict of Z. According to Freud, this is presented as a nuclear mechanism of personality development and character formation. The personality structure remains unchanged during its formation in the Oedipal stage and is a contradictory set of three cases: the self, the toto, and the Super-ego. It should be noted that the relationships between actions that have contradictory causes and relate to different cases are laid down in psychoanalysis in a subordinate and linear way, i.e. they are based on the suppression of one of the actions. This is a fundamental feature of the conflict mechanism established by psychoanalysis: - "psychoanalysis asserts that psychoneuroses are based on neurotic conflict. The conflict leads to an obstacle to the discharge of instinctual impulses, which ends in a state of "I will be damned".
Keywords: psychoanalysis, conflict, psychoanalytic language, personality development, conflict resolution.
However, this is only characteristic of a conflict that is pathogenic or neurotic. The conflict existence of a person, which begins literally from the first days of his life, is emphasized by almost all representatives of the psychoanalytic teaching of (Z. Freud, 1923; A. Adler, 1930; E. Erickson, 1967; C. Horney, 1939; R. Greenson, 1985; C. G. Jung, 1935), but conflicts do not necessarily lead to neurotic disorders, to neurotic conflicts. This idea was most clearly expressed by E. Erickson in the periodization of child development and the idea of" valor "and" stagnation " as polar results of resolving normative conflicts of age.
Psychoanalytic treatment begins with the assumption of a structured personality according to cases. The personality structure, as already mentioned, is a set of examples of the Ego, it and Superego, in which the relations between them are subordinate and linear. That is, in a conflict, the Super-Ego always wins, but loses. However, in this case, the Ego always pays for the victory with new attempts of the ego, i.e., the Super-ego's victory can never happen, and neither can the ego's victory. It is in this antagonism of the two psychic groups that mental life consists.
Psychoanalytic representations are also characterized by the fact that, through a structural understanding of the psychic, they provide a practical possibility of interpretation that connects the patient, guided by the motive of suffering, with the integration of a once separate part of the ego and the psychoanalyst, who appeals to different layers of mental life.
The relations between cases of psychic life in psychoanalysis come into conflict. On this basis, they differ and are mutually limited.
Conflicts with different content are analyzed in each specific situation. The analysis reveals the content of an interpersonal conflict that once took place and formed an internal conflict.
The content turns out to be age-appropriate and is generalized to key age-related contradictions.
At the same time, emotional conflicts manifest themselves as a reaction of maladaptation in relation to moral norms or the requirements of reality, which the individual considers unbearable.
Psychoanalytic therapy and parenting are based on the assumption that children are less able to resolve this type of conflict than adults, on less ego power. As A. Freud emphasizes, the condition of a child's therapy is his awareness of the fact of personal maladaptation. As the little patient A. Freud said: "The devil is inside me."
The solution to the conflict is to integrate the split-off elements of the "I" into the overall structure of the individual. This leaves the economic basis of psychic life: the neurotic acts ambivalently towards the other. Actualization of two feelings that are not simultaneously realized is a conflict situation. Due to the unconsciousness of the mechanism, the reasons for choosing an object are reproduced unchanged, acquiring only new additions to other objects of identification.
Psychoanalytic language is a language of interpretation of the child's mental life, the function of which is the exteriorization of internal conflicts, their conception and resolution. And if ideas about the conditions of teaching and learning in the first school age ignore the spiritual life, it is only because the teacher's attention is not specifically organized for this purpose. And further: "no one has ever asked how and with what sacrifices the suppression of unpleasant drives is achieved."
At this stage, we can also refer to the ideas of neo-psychoanalysis, which interprets an individual's personal growth as an adaptation. "An example of dynamic adaptation, "writes Fromm," is when a child submits to a strict, harsh father... this repressed hostility - although it does not manifest itself in any way-becomes a dynamic factor in his character. This can increase the child's fear of the father and thus lead to even more submission; it can cause a senseless revolt - not against anyone in particular, but against life in general. "Although it seems that this is not directly related to the situation of teaching and learning, but in the context of the development of the so-called humane pedagogy, the pedagogy of cooperation, we are very dragging out the child's personality in the learning process.
Teachers are especially technically interested in his opinion and refer to such personal dispositions that traditionally fell under the competence of a psychologist or teacher.
According to E. Erickson, the first school age is characterized by the polarity of feelings of dexterity and inferiority. As well as the fact that at this stage of the child's development it is possible to regress and turn to the oedipal phase, to those attachments that are peculiar to it, i.e. we can expect a conflict of thesefeelings in theteaching-learning situation.
Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn from the analysis of psychoanalytically oriented concepts, which are necessary for analyzing the concept of conflict and understanding its functions:
1. Conflict is presented as the core and mechanism of personality development and is presented as: internal, subordinate, generating human character.
2. The object of conflict in psychoanalysis is the repressed, the unconscious, and the material is external and auto-relations.
3. Psychoanalysis does not recognize the artificial origin of conflicts, although by the definition of artificial systems, the therapeutic practice of psychoanalysis allows this. For psychoanalysis, conflict is immanent in human nature, that is, it is a natural mechanism.
4. Psychoanalysis shares the thesis about the dual nature of conflict - productive and destructive, i.e. conflict in psychoanalysisis a mechanism of human development, on the one hand, and a mechanism of neuroticism, on the other.
5. Psychoanalysis mainly studies internal conflicts.
6. Conflict is phenomenally represented in the phenomenon of rebellion, which can have an extremely large and diverse number of characters and each time needs an explanation to clarify itself.
7. Conflict resolution occurs due to compliance with the requirements of social norms and reality, i.e. resolution occurs linearly, due to the suppression of one of the "participants" - it.
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- Dmitriev A. F., Kudryavtsev V. N., Kudryavtsev S. N. Vvedenie v obshchuyu teoriyu konfliktsii [Introduction to the general theory of conflicts].
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