Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 8(304)
Рубрика журнала: Социология
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Лебедева Элеонора Александровна
студент, кафедры социологии и организации работы с молодежью, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет,
РФ, г. Белгород
In this research paper, the author analyzes the key features of the impact of advertising and related products in this area on the current consumer market. Also, the author of this article focuses on the concept of television advertising and its features and characteristics.
В данной исследовательской работе автором проводится анализ ключевых особенностей воздействия рекламы и соответствующих продуктов данной области на рынок потребителя, действующего в настоящее время. Также автором настоящей статьи основное внимание уделяется понятию телевизионной рекламы и ее признаков и характеристик.
Keywords: television advertising, communication channels, stages of impact, target audience, creating an artificial need.
Ключевые слова: телевизионная реклама, каналы коммуникации, этапы воздействия, целевая аудитория, создание искусственной потребности.
Currently, in the era of digitalization and the development of various technologies and communications, advertising is an everyday element of society. It is advertising in the modern world that is one of the important components of the market economy, with the help of which более ускоренномit is possible to increase sales of goods and services in a more accelerated mode [1, p. 82]. Also, advertising or its derivative products can have a sufficient impact on the behavior of the consumer market. But despite the positive impact of advertising on modern society, it can also have a negative impact, such as promoting propaganda.
Advertising is often seen as a means of manipulation, as well as a lever of pressure on public opinion.
Many experts and experts note that currently people involved in the development and promotion of advertising and its derivative products have a fairly strong leverage that extends directly to the consumer market, namely to society.
Advertising by its very nature reinforces the contradiction between the conditions of the objective nature of belonging to a certain social group and the subjective opinion of people about their place in the social group [2, p. 65]. First of all, thisis due to the fact that advertising creates the illusion of success, which allows a person to feel more valued, significant and outstanding than they really are. This creates a mismatch between expectations and reality and poses a threat to self-esteem.
Some symbols or other signs that are often used in advertising products, first of all, speak about the statusthat the consumer perceives as an indication that it is the possession of this advertising product that will help him to ensure the desired social position in society [3, p. 101]. As long-term practice shows, a certain range of advertising symbols is currently perceived by the consumer market as the best and most relevant for a sufficient time period. For example, the title commercial of the world-famous Mercedes company at the beginning shows the father of the automotive industry, Gottlieb Daimler, who falls asleep over a sketch of an automobile engine, his motto during his lifetime was the phrase: "The best or nothing", taken by the company as the main slogan [4, p. 102].
For example, for a long time, mobile phones in the consumer market were "expensive pleasure", that is, some social groups of society could not purchase this new technology. Over time, phones were no longer so popular, and accordingly they became an irrelevant symbol of belonging to high social strata of the population.
Andthe family's institution is changing under the influence of advertising. For example, the production of children's products that are not intended for adults emphasizes the independence and independenceof the child from the parents.
Advertising specialists use various methods and techniques to influence the value orientations of social groups. Influencing a person on a subconscious level, advertising videos create stable emotional images and stereotypes, change behavioral attitudes and, ultimately, forma system of values.
The image of a male housewife is also actively used in advertising, which erases the stereotype of "a woman at the stove", and a man without a wife can only open canned food for himself. This topic is most often used in advertising household appliances, kitchen accessories, and food.
It should be noted that the very essence of the manipulative impact of advertising and its derivative products on the consumer market, first of all, lies in the ability of advertising to create certain stereotypes.
As practice shows, persuasion can develop into open pressure and influence exerted directly on public opinion. In the future, suggestion can be transformed into manipulation.
Advertising that uses certain psychological methods of argumentation in its work appeals to the emotional area of the consumer's consciousness. The most relevant method of such argumentation is the advertising slogan of the company "Sloboda":" Sloboda is for those who have married well".
In his works, V. A. Khudykh notes that: "TV advertising is one of the strongest ways to influence the consumer. It provides both visual and audio impact, considering the phenomena in dynamics, which allows you to ensure a high degree of consumer involvement in what is happening onнеthe screen. For example, color not only elicits the appropriate response of a person depending on their emotional state, but also shapes their emotions in a certain way. An important role in TV advertising is played by sound,a certain way constructed advertising message that has the right context and is read in the right tone with the right accentscan produce a strong effect. Television also allows you to control the moment of receiving an advertisingmessage due to the instantaneous transmission of it, makesit possible to appeal to a specifictarget audience in a variety of thematic programs, and assumes a personal nature of the appeal" [5, p. 325].
As a rule, advertising used in telecommunications refers to the main mechanisms of social relations that, on the one hand, have a beneficial effect on the stability of the social organism, and on the other hand, contribute to its development and change.
Consequently, we can conclude that with the use and introduction of new and different technical means, as well as techniques of purposeful influence on the public, television advertising is currently able to have completely different effects, both positive and negative. Influencing modern society, in particular, on a subconscious level, advertising videos form stable emotional images and stereotypes, as well as modify the usual attitudes and values that were formed in society.
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