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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 8(304)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

Секция: Реклама и PR

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Библиографическое описание:
Boltovskii I., Boyko I. FEATURES OF PR TEXTS DEDICATED TO SIGNIFICANT EVENTS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2025. № 8(304). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/304/362994 (дата обращения: 11.03.2025).


Boltovskii Ivan

student, Department of Advertising and Public Relations, State University of Management,

Russia, Moscow

Boyko Irina

student, Department of Advertising and Public Relations, State University of Management,

Russia, Moscow

Golubeva Tatyana

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, candidate of Philological Sciences, associate professor, State University of Management,

Russia, Moscow


The article examines the features of PR texts dedicated to significant events of the Tretyakov Gallery, including their linguistic and lexical characteristics, structure, and specifics. Studying these features will enhance the effectiveness of a company's interaction with the public.


Keywords: PR texts, Tretyakov Gallery, features, dates, events, artists.


In the modern world, the role of high-quality informational communications oriented toward various cultural audiences has significantly increased.

This has led to growing academic interest in intercultural communication and related fields, one of which is PR studies, where PR texts serve as a crucial tool in public engagement [4, p.13].

One of the key aspects of a society’s cultural life is its galleries. In particular, the Tretyakov Gallery stands as one of the most significant cultural institutions in Russia, renowned for its extensive collection of Russian works of art.

Information communications permeate all spheres of society, and galleries, including the Tretyakov Gallery, are no exception. To attract greater public attention and achieve wider recognition, the gallery’s management implements highly effective marketing strategies. One of the primary tools utilized by the Tretyakov Gallery is PR texts for exhibitions.

This study is dedicated to analyzing the PR texts used by the Tretyakov Gallery. The findings will provide deeper insight into how marketing communications and PR materials contribute to the gallery’s rapid growth, increasing its popularity and visitor numbers.

Our research examines news-oriented PR texts, primarily published as press releases on the gallery’s official website [https://t.me/GT_Gallery] and its social media accounts [VKontakte – https://vk.com/tretyakovgallery].

A distinctive feature of these press releases is their public accessibility, which allows for a detailed analysis of the linguistic devices used in these texts.

In today's digital landscape, press releases are widely used on the internet as an effective tool for disseminating information about companies, products, and events. They enable businesses to share news and achievements across various platforms and websites, increasing visibility and awareness among potential clients and partners. Given their significance in the field of communication, press releases present an important subject for research.

Scholars assert that "the primary goal of an online press release is to quickly provide the reader with as much information as possible about an event, situation, or individual that serves as the basis for a newsworthy announcement. Online releases are most commonly published on a company’s corporate website or social media platforms" [1, p. 331].

Depending on the distribution channel, online press releases can be classified into two main types: Web releases – published on corporate websites. Social media releases – shared across social networking platforms.

This classification allows for a deeper analysis of how press releases function in different online environments and how they influence audience engagement.

Researchers highlight several key characteristics of web releases and social media releases, defining them as specific genres of PR texts:

  • Publication on various platforms – Web releases are typically published on an organization's corporate website or external platforms such as press release aggregators [e.g., www.press-release.ru, www.press-reliz.ru, www.prnews.ru], news portals [e.g., www.novoteka.ru], industry-specific platforms [e.g., www.gaap.ru, www.goodlancer.com, www.credcard.ru], partner websites, email distribution services [e.g., www.subscribe.ru], and online media websites.
  • Hypertextuality – Due to internet capabilities, web releases extend beyond standalone texts, forming hypertext structures with non-linear navigation. Hyperlinks allow users to transition to additional resources for more detailed information about the event, person, or situation described in the text.
  • Structural clarity – Web releases and social media releases are highly structured, featuring:

Clear divisions into sections with headings and subheadings. Formatting elements such as bold text, underlining, and highlights.

  • Viral distribution – Social media releases leverage viral marketing, spreading rapidly across social media platforms.
  • Keyword optimization – These texts are strategically crafted using SEO techniques to enhance visibility in search engine results and social media feeds.
  • Multimodality – Information is conveyed through multiple semiotic systems, including text, images, videos, and infographics.
  • Interactivity – Social media releases encourage two-way communication, fostering engagement through comments, shares, and direct feedback from stakeholders on forums and blogs.

These features distinguish web releases and social media releases as highly adaptable PR tools that cater to the demands of modern digital communication.

Researchers identify several key stylistic and linguistic characteristics of PR texts, particularly in web releases and social media releases:

  • Concise presentation – The text is kept brief, while additional images and hyperlinks provide extended information.
  • Less formal tone – Compared to traditional corporate communications, PR texts exhibit a more approachable style.
  • Greater linguistic flexibility – These texts allow for a more relaxed and engaging use of language, making them accessible to a wider audience.
  • Genre polymorphism – PR texts often blend with other PR genres, incorporating elements of invitations, announcements, and event summaries [1, p. 332-337].

The object of our study is PR texts dedicated to significant events of the Tretyakov Gallery, extracted from its official website and social media accounts.

This type of PR text focuses on significant dates in the art world, such as artist anniversaries and historical city milestones. Examples include: “The exhibition ‘The Grand Duchy. Treasures of the Vladimir-Suzdal Land’ is dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the first recorded mention of Suzdal, which will be celebrated in 2024.” “Igor Grabar. On the 150th anniversary of his birth.” Most of these texts contain: Key event details – The occasion, the artist or historical figure being honored. Exhibits on display – Descriptions of artworks and artifacts available to visitors. Venue and schedule information – May 31, 2023 – November 5, 2023 (Sun, Tue, Wed: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Thu, Fri, Sat: 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM; Mon: closed).

Following the event title, PR texts typically include a brief biography of the artist or historical context related to the exhibition: “A major exhibition project presents a retrospective of Igor Grabar (1871–1960), one of the most outstanding Russian impressionists, who was not only a brilliant painter…” “Suzdal and Vladimir are among the oldest cities in Northeast Rus. Thanks to the efforts of Prince Yuri Dolgoruky…”

This structure ensures that PR texts effectively inform and engage audiences while maintaining historical and cultural depth.

PR texts for Tretyakov Gallery exhibitions frequently mention artist anniversaries, emphasizing milestone birthdays: “Dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Alexey Shchusev’s birth. “Celebrating 150 years since the birth of Igor Grabar (1871–1960).”These texts are typically concise, providing essential details about the event, biographical insights on the artist, and exhibit highlights: Exhibit descriptions – “The exhibition opens with a sketch of the statuary group ‘Love.’ This work reflects Ivan Shadr’s fascination with Western European sculpture, particularly the art of Auguste Rodin.” Artistic significance – “Igor Grabar is presented in multiple roles. First and foremost, as a talented painter who created a series of stunning masterpieces—winter landscapes and still lifes.” Rare and notable pieces – “The exhibition features both well-known sculptures and sketches, drafts, and unrealized monument projects, offering new discoveries for visitors.”

One distinctive aspect of these PR texts is the absence of contact information and hyperlinks directing readers to additional resources. This limits direct engagement and further exploration of the exhibition beyond the announcement itself.

The biography also contains information about the artist’s artistic direction: "Roerich’s paintings captivate with their unique themes and plots, their poetic depth and mystery, freedom of thought, and profound symbolism."It is important to note the presence of additional reference information about the gallery's partnerships at the end of the text: "Project support: PJSC Transneft, Gazprombank JSC, PJSC Surgutneftegas."

It is worth mentioning that the texts contain professional terminology: "He is presented in different artistic roles," "He transitioned from Impressionism to the decorative flatness and generalization of Cézannism, eventually arriving at Socialist Realism," "The fantastic landscapes of Boris will serve as guides on this journey."

Another distinctive feature of these press releases is the inclusion of photographs accompanying the text.


Picture 1. Press release from the Tretyakov Gallery website


Picture 2. Press release from the Tretyakov Gallery website


Picture 3. Post from the official page of the Tretyakov Gallery on VKontakte


In conclusion, we would like to emphasize that PR texts play a crucial role in effectively conveying messages, building brand reputation, and fostering positive relationships with various stakeholders.

Our research leads to the following conclusions. To attract an audience, brands and companies use various techniques in writing texts, making them unique and engaging. PR texts dedicated to significant events have several distinctive features:

  1. They include information about the exhibition venue and schedule.
  2. They frequently mention the artist’s birth date and anniversary.
  3. They provide details about the exhibits on display.
  4. They include photographs.

These features allow consumers to quickly familiarize themselves with exhibition details, a brief biography of the featured artist, and information about the exhibited works.



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