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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 2(298)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Tynyanskikh E.S. PATRIOTISM – AS A VALUE OF MODERN RUSSIAN YOUTH // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2025. № 2(298). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/298/357867 (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).


Tynyanskikh Elena Sergeevna

student, Department of Sociology and Youth Work Organization, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


The text explores the growing importance of patriotism in contemporary Russian society, particularly among youth, against the backdrop of global and domestic challenges. It highlights the shift from theoretical discussions to the need for practical insights and data-driven assessments of patriotism levels, especially given the unfavorable political climate and increasing emigration of young Russians. The text emphasizes that youth, as a critical human capital, plays a vital role in ensuring the country's stability and security. It discusses the state's efforts to promote patriotic education through federal programs, educational standards, and research initiatives. The article also addresses the complexities of fostering patriotism in a rapidly changing socio-political environment, marked by social stratification, value pluralism, and ideological shifts. It underscores the need for continuous monitoring of patriotic attitudes across diverse demographic groups to counteract negative influences and strengthen positive value orientations among young Russians.


Keywords: patriotism, youth, civic engagement, historical falsification, political situation, emigration, sociological research, patriotic education.


In light of recent global events, the topic of patriotism is becoming more prominent in society. While not new, it has previously been tied to youth's civic engagement and historical falsification. Most research has focused on theoretical aspects, but there is now a demand for practical insights assessing contemporary young Russians' patriotism, especially given the unfavorable political climate and increasing emigration.

Youth remains vital human capital for any nation, influencing future development. High levels of patriotism can contribute to national stability and security. Thus, the civic engagement of youth makes the relevance of patriotism critical. This is reflected in the growing body of research on the subject, with numerous articles and conferences emphasizing its importance. The state prioritizes strengthening patriotic thought, as shown by projects funded to preserve historical events and the inclusion of "patriotic education" in federal educational standards.Despite extensive research, monitoring patriotism remains essential across various demographic groups. The President has highlighted the importance of patriotic education, asserting that youth patriotism is crucial for the country’s stability. Young Russians are vulnerable to societal influences, making it necessary for the state to track patriotic education and ideologies.

The challenge of fostering patriotism relates to significant political and economic changes over the past quarter-century, which have created a unique social system. This complex environment has complicated the formation of value orientations among young Russians, leading to extremes such as marginalization and nationalism. The decline of old ideologies and the absence of new ones have resulted in a rejection of previous pedagogical experience regarding patriotism and civic responsibility. Additionally, negative information has adversely affected youth attitudes towards patriotism and civic duty.

Although the state invests in youth patriotic education, many young people perceive a decline in overall patriotism, often attributing it to politicians' inaction, unfulfilled promises, and electoral fraud. This sense of powerlessness contributes to low civic engagement and patriotism. Consequently, while educational institutions have laid a foundation for promoting patriotism, they may need to adopt more effective measures to engage youth actively.



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