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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 41(295)

Рубрика журнала: Информационные технологии

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Библиографическое описание:
Chechevitsyn S. ENGLISH IN PROGRAMMING // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 41(295). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/295/352908 (дата обращения: 11.02.2025).


Chechevitsyn Stepan

student, Department of Foreign Languages, Ulyanovsk State Technical University,

Russia, Ulyanovsk


A brief description of the importance of English in programming.


Keywords: Java, Python, JavaScript, programming, native language.


Today, English plays an indispensable role in various principles of existence. This applies to everything: travel, leisure, education and professional activities. A programmer uses a different number of programming languages ​​to create his projects. You can use many symbols: as class variables, elements, but this is not possible without knowledge of the English language.

In our era, the most popular languages are C, C++, C#, Java, Python, and the most popular programming language is English. All types and functions, methods and initials of a word or phrase are given in English. Each programming language has its own letters and vocabulary, grammar and semantics.

The essence of a programmer's job is to create programs using the chosen programming language. When writing code, many conventions are used: names of classes, dictionaries, variables, functions. All these actions are performed in English. The effectiveness of this activity depends on the ability to use a variety of sources in a foreign language. The conciseness of the English language lies in the brevity of the concepts. Let's look at an example in Python:

for row in data:

if row['house_uuid'] == house_uuid_cl[i]:

print (‘Select’, house_uuid)

The example considers basic keywords such as: for, print. Even basic English is sufficient to understand. Any novice programmer should understand that for ... in is a loop, print is printing (displaying text on the screen), if and else mean a condition.

The ease of reading code depends on the choice of variable, class, or function. From the above example we can conclude that we are going through the rows of the data table, since they are named accordingly. The naming rules should be based on English, and the code will be readable for other programmers, since you often have to conduct projects with foreign colleagues where English is the official language.

If you don’t know a word of English, you will have to memorize the names of the methods, since you will not know what they mean or why they are needed. Therefore, you need to learn the “native language” of the programmer - this is English, it can also be called technical English, because he uses special terms necessary for a programmer. Technical English describes the common core of language used in a range of technical professions: engineers, technicians, operators, technologists and scientists. Additionally, it is good for a person to develop his oral communication by discussing technical topics. This greatly facilitates and speeds up language learning.

The ability to extract the necessary information from a variety of sources in English, that is, the ability to read technical texts, is the professional training of programmers. This also includes viewing and reading manuals, official documentation, message windows, commands, training programs, certification tests or license agreement terms. According to W3Techs (a technology research company), the share of all sites on the Internet with English-language content exceeds 55%. In second place is the Russian language. However, its share in relation to English is only 5%. So, if you are learning programming, then most resources and sources on the Internet (books, blogs, forums) will be written in English. From this we can conclude that all the latest and most relevant information first appears in English, and only then is translated into other languages. Immersing yourself in technical English terminology not only enriches your vocabulary, but also allows you to learn to use these terms in the correct context, which contributes to a deeper understanding of the English language.

In addition, an interview with a large international organization will most likely require you to communicate in English, knowledge of which, in general, can ultimately affect its successful or unsuccessful completion.


English is the world's international language.  If you write code in English, then even comments to the code, in good programming fashion, should not be left in Russian. Also, all literature, all technical information, documentation is in English. If you work for an international company, business correspondence, technical specifications, and communication with the customer should also be in English.

The profession of a programmer has always been and will be directly related to the knowledge of languages ​​- programming languages ​​and, of course, English. This is also due to the fact that most of the innovative solutions, inventions and achievements often come to us from America and Europe.

Thus, English must be learned for the following reasons:

  • A higher level of English is often associated with new career opportunities, work in another country, with higher salaries and better conditions;
  • most of the modern resources and professional literature are written in English and have not yet been translated, and what has already been translated, as a rule, quickly becomes outdated;
  • English simplifies the task of communicating with your foreign customer, client, which means it speeds up the work process and saves time on communication.

The Internet has led to the widespread use of computers, which in turn led to the creation of IT technologies. The main specialists in this industry were programmers who created various software shells, the programs themselves for ease of use, as well as the creation of new computing capabilities of the computer. After analyzing programming languages, we can conclude that the English language serves as the basis with which all commands are associated.

Thus, English plays an important role in programming.English is very important for the IT industry as a whole, as a rapidly developing industry. Good command of English also gives you access to a huge number of conferences and seminars taking place around the world. Knowledge of the language will be required in order to participate in the development of various projects, thereby gaining very useful experience.



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  3. Насколько важно знать английский при изучении программирования – [электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа. – URL: https://ru.hexlet.io/blog/posts/naskolko-vazhno-znat-angliyskiy-pri-izuchenii-programmirovaniya

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