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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 30(284)

Рубрика журнала: Информационные технологии

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Библиографическое описание:
Galtsova E. CYBERCRIME IN 2023-2024: TRENDS AND THREATS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 30(284). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/284/343206 (дата обращения: 09.03.2025).


Galtsova Elizaveta

Student, Department of Foreign Languages, Ulyanovsk State Technical University,

Russia, Ulyanovsk

Zhukova Yulia Vladimirovna

научный руководитель,

Scientific supervisor, Senior lecturer, Ulyanovsk State Technical University,

Russia, Ulyanovsk


Cybercrime in 2023-2024 is rapidly developing, becoming more sophisticated and dangerous. Attackers are using new technologies such as artificial intelligence to create more sophisticated attacks, as well as targeting mobile devices, supply chains, and IoT devices. The article examines the consequences of cybercrime for society, and also provides information on the protection measures that both companies and users can take.


Keywords: cybersecurity, cybercrime, attacks, protection, technology, information, cyberattacks


In the last two decades, the world has faced an unprecedented increase in digitalization. It has covered all aspects of life — from personal communications to business and public administration. In the context of the global network, there is not only a rapid development of technologies, but also the emergence of new threats, among which cybercrime stands out. According to E.S. Shevchenko, cybercrime is a socially dangerous act committed in cyberspace, encroaching on public safety, property, human rights, and other legally protected relations, a necessary element of the mechanism of preparation, commission, concealment, and reflection of which is computer information acting as the object or means of a crime. These crimes are becoming more complex, multi-layered and sophisticated posing new challenges to society that require prompt response.

In 2023-2024, cybercrime continues to evolve, creating new trends that affect both large market players and small companies, as well as individual users. Ransomware attacks, phishing, data leaks and the threat of cyberterrorism are becoming not only urgent problems, but also real challenges that require specialized knowledge and joint efforts of international organizations, government agencies and the private sector [3, p. 36].

However, the threat of cybercrime is not only a problem for businesses and governments, but also for the general public. Users are becoming more vulnerable, and mistakes in simple actions, such as clicking on a suspicious link or downloading an unsafe application, can lead to serious consequences. At the same time, active work is underway to raise awareness of cyber threats, develop new security technologies and create rules and regulations for data protection.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, every third crime was committed using digital tools. Their total number in 2023 amounted to 677 thousand. At the same time, there is a negative trend. The growth compared to the previous period is almost 30%.

The share of cybercrimes among all types of crimes registered in Russia increased from 31.8% to 38% in 2024. At the same time, relative to the level of 2023, their number increased by 17.4% (to 240.9 thousand). Up to half of all crimes are fraud committed remotely using information and telecommunications technologies or in the field of computer information. The number of such crimes in the first 4 months of 2024 reached 121.8 thousand. The crime growth rate in 2024 exceeded 12.7%.

The penetration strategy is changing all over the world. The reason for this is new technologies and the growing professionalism of hackers. For example, hackers use ChatGPT and create competent, trustworthy phishing emails. At the same time, the popularity of cyber intelligence is growing, which is especially necessary on public services.

The first place among computer attacks takes the theft of personal data. According to Roskomnadzor, the number of hacks in the past months of 2023 exceeds the statistics of the same period last year by 4 times. This type of intrusion attracts hackers with the information that can be obtained. With the help of stolen data, they can recognize an identity, gain unauthorized access to accounts and use personal information for financial fraud.

An increase in the scale of cyber attacks

From March to September 2023, 76 facts of confidential information leakage were registered, which shows an alarming increase compared to the previous year (19 cases). According to information provided by Roskomnadzor, more than 200 million records with personal data of Russian citizens were posted on the Internet. These are colossal figures that show the scale of the problem: the number of stolen records exceeds the country's population (146.4 million people) [2].

Modern technologies and methods of attacks

The complexity of cyber attacks is increasing due to the rapid development of technology. Attackers are increasingly using complex methods such as:

* Mobile malware: With the increasing popularity of mobile devices, hackers are shifting their attention to smartphones and tablets, developing increasingly sophisticated viruses.

* Supply Chain attacks: 2023 saw an increase in attacks on software vendors. This allows hackers to gain access to the systems of large companies by exploiting vulnerabilities in the software. The SolarWinds incident vividly demonstrates that even high-tech companies can be vulnerable.

* Artificial intelligence at the service of intruders: Cybercriminals are actively implementing AI to analyze vulnerabilities and create new, more complex attacks. This calls into question the effectiveness of traditional remedies.

* The Internet of Things is a new target: Internet of Things (IoT) devices are becoming more common, they cause new vulnerabilities. Hackers use smart devices such as cameras, thermostats, and security systems as entry points to more secure networks to gain access to sensitive information.

* The integration of AI creates new risks: The widespread introduction of AI into business processes opens up new opportunities for attackers who can exploit vulnerabilities in artificial intelligence systems.

Such trends suggest that cybersecurity should be a priority for everyone, from individual users to large corporations. It is necessary to improve protection methods in order to be one step ahead of cybercriminals [1].

Cyber Attack Protection:

* Multi-factor authentication (TFA): Enabling MFA in login systems increases the level of protection by requesting multiple forms of identification (password, phone code, biometrics).

* Endpoint detection and response (EDR): EDSR systems monitor suspicious activity on end devices and can automatically block threats.

* Regular software updates: Software vulnerabilities are a common cause of cyber attacks. Regular updates help eliminate these vulnerabilities.

* Collaboration with experts: Involving cybersecurity specialists to audit the system and develop a protection plan.

In the era of digitalization, cybersecurity has become not only a technological issue, but a matter of national security and sustainable development. It is important to remember that cyber threats do not stop, but are constantly evolving. Companies and users need to be vigilant, create reliable protection systems and constantly improve their knowledge and skills in the field of cybersecurity.



  1. Киберпреступность в России и СНГ. Тренды, аналитика, прогнозы 2023–2024 | F.A.C.C.T. [электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа. – URL: https://facct.ru (дата обращения 20.08.2024).
  2. Министерство внутренних дел Российской Федерации [электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа. – URL: https://мвд.рф (дата обращения 10.09.2024).
  3. Шевченко Е.С. Тактика производства следственных действий при расследовании киберпреступлений: дисс.  канд. юрид. наук. Владивосток, 2007. 270 с.

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