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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 29(283)

Рубрика журнала: Психология

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Библиографическое описание:
Mikhailovskaya A. COMMUNICATION PROBLEMS IN THE MODERN WORLD THROUGH THE PRISM OF PSYCHOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 29(283). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/283/342496 (дата обращения: 28.03.2025).


Mikhailovskaya Alina

Student, Belgorod National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


Psychology becomes the life’s work and aim of people who strive to engage in the “science of the soul” professionally and with their true dedication. Psychologists look in depth at everything that happens to a person, study his mental activity, nervous processes, mental health, and state of mind.

On the one hand, psychology in a broader sense affects every person in the world, being associated with mental processes and phenomena that occur to a person due to changes in his mood, inner state, worldview, thoughts under the influence of many internal and external factors.

On the other hand, the methodological interdisciplinary approach to the theory of communication is related to classical and modern rhetoric, linguistic pragmatics, the theory of speech acts, linguistic philosophy and linguistic logic, that is very important for a psychologist to know in different situations of communication with a client.


Keywords: psychology, psychological knowledge, communication, communication strategies, personal relationships, social roles, psychological assistance.


In the modern world, due to the growing interest in the problems of human communication such questions as “how to greet”, “how to say goodbye”, “how to ask”, “ how to promise,” “how to agree,” “how to refuse,” “how to criticize,” “how to say a compliment,” “how to offer,” “how to persuade,” “how to claim,” “how to argue,” “how to assume,” “how to evaluate”, “how to admire”, etc. become the subject of special theoretical and practical attention [2, 3, 4, 5]. Scientists define the goals of communication as follows: “exchange and transmission of information; formation of skills and abilities, development of professional qualities; formation of attitude towards oneself, towards other people, towards society as a whole; exchange of activities, innovative techniques, means, technologies; changing values ​​and motivation of behavior; exchange of emotions” [3, 6].

Since communication is a systematic system, based on a person’s knowledge about the world around him and the meaningful application of this knowledge in the process of verbal communication, the category of purposeful activity in which communicative and behavioral strategies are clearly defined becomes the focus of linguistic and psychological research.

Therefore, in recent decades, more and more attention has been paid to the study of various aspects of human speech activity within the framework of such subjects as psychology, sociolinguistics, linguoculturology, and intercultural communication.

S.V. Kolesnikova writes: “The communicative process is a necessary prerequisite for the formation, development and functioning of all social systems, because it is it that ensures the connection between people and their communities, makes possible connections between generations, the accumulation and transmission of social experience, its enrichment, division of labor and exchange its products, organizing joint activities, broadcasting culture” [6, p. 183].

Undoubtedly, psychology concerns every person in everyday life – from infancy to old age. Psychology for teenagers is a very important topic, but is often underestimated by young people themselves. Like adults, children need psychological help. Especially in adolescence, because at the age of 10-17 there are problems that exist in children’s souls. Because of this, a teenager may become withdrawn, uncommunicative, and may develop problems and fears, which can lead to the development of serious mental illness or other negative consequences [1, 7, 9].

For children of young age and primary school age, there are all kinds of educational organizations that provide psychological education for preschool children with child psychologists, educational psychologists, and for teenagers such organizations are created that take into account psychological education, assistance, and counseling.

In our opinion, wide popularity and visits to such organizations help teenagers cope with their problems. They have the all-important support of highly qualified people who can really help.

During adolescence, the individual develops his own “I” / “ego”, but so-called “difficult behavior” often manifests itself.

Of course, the formation of one’s own “I” / “ego” as “your own opinion of your own worth and the influence that this has on your self-confidence” [12, p. 453] is influenced by environmental factors and the teenager’s environment. The peculiarities of this age are such that every word spoken from the outside has a great influence on the teenager.

All this is very difficult for a fragile person who is just beginning to “form his own life”, understand and accept himself.

The teenager will show indignation towards his close circle. This will not bring positive emotions to both sides. So you should only think about visiting special psychological organizations after discussing it confidentially with your child and providing him with arguments in a gentle manner.

As it was mentioned earlier, it is very important for adolescents to receive support, because they need to socialize and adapt at such an early age to the environment, social life, and personal relationships.

We agree with V.A. Shilova who gives the following definition of social communication: “Social communication is the transfer of information, ideas, emotions through signs, symbols; it is a process that connects individual parts of social systems with each other; it is the mechanism through which power is exercised (power as an attempt to determine the behavior of another person)” [10].

Then, entering adulthood, young people already consciously, at least consistently and seriously own diverse social experience, begin to have an expanded set of roles.

In adult life, verbal interaction is focused mainly on the transmission of information of a personal, social, professional nature with its inherent purposefulness, targeting and orientation to certain norms of speech behavior accepted in society.

Any speech actions carried out by communicants are subject to assessment from the point of view of their consciousness and intentionality.

Since any communicative act is an intentional act, communication partners always strive to achieve their goals, naturally, tuning in to a positive outcome of the conversation, i.e. successful and effective communication, which, in turn, presupposes the correctness of the subject correlation of statements, full understanding statements of the interlocutors, an adequate reaction of the addressee, the usefulness of the act of communication and a clearly expressed communicative perspective with the ability to make changes in subsequent reality [8, 9, 11].

This is important for every person, because the emotional mood, thoughts, desires that motivate action, and, in general, the whole life depend on internal harmony and mental health.



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