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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 25(279)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

Секция: Менеджмент

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Библиографическое описание:
Startseva A. ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE COMPANY’S LOGISTICS PROCESSES // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 25(279). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/279/339594 (дата обращения: 12.02.2025).


Startseva Adelina

student, Department of Logistics and Supply Chain Management National Research University «Higher School of Economics,

Russia, Saint-Petersburg



Старцева Аделина Павловна

студент, департамент логистики и управления цепями поставок, Научно-исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики»,

РФ, гСанкт-Петербург



In this article, the key indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of the company's functioning, their relationship to the overall logistics costs of the enterprise, were considered. The work reveals the concept of a balanced scorecard and the main KPIs of the company's logistics activities.


В данной статье были рассмотрены ключевые показатели оценки эффективности функционирования компании, их связь с общими логистическими затратами предприятия. Работа раскрывает понятие системы сбалансированный показателей и основных KPI логистической деятельности компании.


Keywords: efficiency assessment; logistics; analysis of logistics processes; management; logistics costs.

Ключевые слова: оценка эффективности; логистика; анализ логистических процессов; менеджмент; логистические затраты.


Evaluation of the effectiveness of logistics processes is an integral part of the company's activities. It is necessary for the formation of a logistics strategy, determining the level of achievement of the set goals. [3]

Efficiency assessment allows to increase the quality level of logistics processes, which gives the enterprise a significant competitive advantage, reduces costs and increases the profit of the organization. [3]

The performance assessment process consists of analyses of the effectiveness of its processes:

- analysis and conclusion of conclusions about the financial activities of the company;

- analysis and evaluation of the company's production processes;

- analysis and evaluation of the company's personnel, as well as the company's potential;

- analysis of the company's activities related to marketing;

- analysis of cooperation with suppliers, as well as assessment of customer demand satisfaction. [2]

Specialists evaluate the effectiveness of various areas of the company's logistics activities using the following indicators.

Table 1

Performance indicators of different logistics areas

Logistics area

Efficiency indicator

Procurement logistics

The cost of carrying out the order; the cost of purchasing the resources necessary for production; the quality of the products supplied; reliability of suppliers; supplier rating; terms of payment for delivery, etc.

Transport logistics

Reliability and speed of delivery; number of damages/losses during transportation; time spent on loading and unloading processes; number of errors during delivery; delivery costs, etc.

Warehouse logistics

Inventory turnover; inventory volumes; workload of warehouses; possibility of special storage conditions, etc.


The introduction of a balanced scorecard allows the company to assess how the company achieves its goals, the effectiveness of ongoing processes and departments of the organization. This concept helps to increase the likelihood of achieving the strategic goals and potential of the enterprise. The implementation of the system implies considering the specifics of the activities of a particular organization. The balanced scorecard is a tool that includes a set of financial and non-financial indicators that reflect the most important aspects of an enterprise's activities necessary to ensure effective control and management of processes. [1]

The use of a balanced scorecard in logistics implies the use of KPIs, that is, key indicators of logistics activities. Different types of KPIs are considered in the table below.

Table 2

Types of KPIs and their characteristics



Total logistics costs

It implies the sum of all costs associated with the implementation of logistics activities at the enterprise (procurement, warehousing, in-house transportation, etc.).

The quality of the logistics service

The quality of all logistics operations of the enterprise and the degree of customer satisfaction

Time of logistics cycles

The speed of order fulfillment, organization of enterprise supply, transportation and other logistics operations of the enterprise. The total order completion time in the logistics system.


This indicator consists of two types. Total performance (the ratio of total bandwidth to the total number of resources used), as well as partial performance (the ratio of total bandwidth to the amount of a specific resource that has been used).

Return on investment in logistics infrastructure

The effectiveness of investing in the infrastructure of the logistics system.


These indicators become the basis for strategic planning of the logistics activities of the enterprise. Let's take a closer look at one of the indicators - the total logistics costs.

Total logistics costs are commonly referred to as the sum of the company's costs incurred during the management and implementation of all logistics operations and processes. The total costs are divided into several groups:

- operational logistics costs, that is, the cost of performing logistics operations directly;

- costs that are associated with management activities within the logistics system;

- costs associated with the implementation of possible logistical risks. [4]

Logistics costs are also classified by functional areas (transportation, storage costs, etc.). According to this classification, total logistics costs can be calculated using the following formula:


transportation costs;

warehousing costs;

inventory management and inventory maintenance costs;

 – packaging costs;

costs of information support of processes;

 – other costs. [5]

Thus, by reducing the costs of any component of the formula, the company can reduce the overall logistics costs and, as a result, reduce the cost of manufactured products, which will have a positive impact on evaluating the effectiveness of the company's activities.

Let's look at other performance indicators highlighted by specialists. J. Stock and D. Lambert identify four groups of key logistics indicators. [6]

Table 3

Key indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of the company's operation

Group of indicators


Customer service efficiency

The time of completion of the entire order cycle; the coefficient of satisfaction of consumer demand; the time of order fulfillment and its stability; the speed of response to a request from consumers; the ability to replace one type of product with another; the possibility of changing the requested delivery time.

Efficiency of logistics/costs that are associated with the performance of certain functional activities

Costs related to transportation, inventory and its management, warehousing, production planning, order processing, and procurement.

Use of assets

The use of stocks and warehouses that the company has.

Performance indicators of competitors

The quality of customer service of competitors, as well as the use of assets available to a competitor.


Thus, the assessment of the logistics activities of the enterprise is necessary to improve the efficiency of the logistics business processes of the enterprise.

The criteria that an enterprise evaluates depend on the specifics of its activities, so companies need to independently approach the identification of performance indicators.



  1. Кужева С.Н. Использование сбалансированной системы показателей в управлении логистикой // Вестник Омского университета. – 2019. – №4. – С. 88–94.
  2. Кутуев Г.К. Сбалансированная система показателей как метод диагностики эффективности деятельности предприятия // Молодой ученый. – 2023. – №2. – С. 120–122.
  3. Левина А.Б., Якунина, Ю.С. Коновалова Т.Е. Применение методов прогнозирования в закупочной логистике торговых предприятий // Вестник ЮУрГУ. –  2022. –  № 2. – С. 165–173.
  4. Яшин А.А., Ряшко М.Л. Логистика. Основы планирования и оценки эффективности логистических систем. - Екатеринбург : Издательство Уральского университета, 2018. – 52 с.
  5. Waters D. Logistics. Supply chain management – 2003. – 503 p.
  6. Stock J. R., Lambert D. M. Strategic logistics management – 2001. – 872 p.

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