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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 25(279)

Рубрика журнала: Культурология

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Библиографическое описание:
RESEARCH ON TRANSLATION METHODS OF CULTURE: A CASE STUDY OF ENGLISH AND RUSSIAN TRANSLATION VERSIONS OF XI JINPING: THE GOVERNANCE OF CHINA // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. Lin Y. [и др.]. 2024. № 25(279). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/279/339422 (дата обращения: 11.03.2025).


Lin Yihuan

student, Guangzhou University,

China, Guangzhou

Luo Yaotang

student, Guangzhou University,

China, Guangzhou

Li Xuanshan

student, Guangzhou University,

China, Guangzhou

Fu Fanzhi

student, Guangzhou University,

China, Guangzhou

[Fund] Provincial College Student Innovation Training Program of Guangzhou University, China, No S202411078127



This study aimed at comparing advantages and shortcomings of different translation methods applied in cultural translation, based on the translations of Chinese allusions, metaphors and folk adages of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China. It found that during the process of cultural translation, it is imperative for translators to assess various translation methodologies, take into account the characteristics and conventions of the target readers' culture, and choose the most appropriate translation approach.


Это исследование направлено на сравнение преимуществ и недостатков различных методов перевода, применяемых при переводе культуры на основе переводов китайских аллюзий, метафор и народных пословиц Си Цзиньпина: "Управление Китаем". В ходе исследования было обнаружено, что в процессе культурного перевода для переводчиков имеет первостепенное значение оценка различных методологий перевода, учет особенностей и обычаев культуры целевых читателей, а также выбор наиболее подходящего подхода к переводу.


Keywords: culture, translation method, target language, Xi Jinping: The Governance of China.

Ключевые слова: культура, метод перевода, целевой язык, Си Цзиньпин: "Управление Китаем".



The cultures of all nations are rich and profound, with many countries possessing unique cultural elements that cannot be found elsewhere. This presents a challenge for translation, as it creates a cultural gap. When processing works from different countries, translators should choose the best translation method to adapt to the culture of the target readers, such as literal translation, liberal translation or omission. This research takes the English and Russian translation of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, as an example to analyze the pros and cons of different translation methods employed in cultural translation.

1. Translation method utilized in Chinese allusions

On various occasions, President Xi quoted Chinese allusions in his speech, which not only embodies cultural confidence, but also encompasses profound philosophical thoughts.

Example 1: 一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园 [1, c. 202].

English version: All flowers in full blossom make a beautiful spring [2, c. 238].

Russian version: Буйное цветение одного распустившегося цветка не создаст весны. Только когда расцветают все цветы, наступает разгар весна. [3, c. 351]

The original version is derived from The Popular Collection of Wise Sayings compiled by Literati of Ming and Qing dynasties [4], which means “The blooming of a single flower does not constitute the spring, only when the land was adorned with a vibrant array of colors, the spring truly arrives.” President Xi revised it to “一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园.” The idiom “万紫千红” was changed into “百花齐放”, which also means the prosperity of blossoms, but more emphasizes on the process of blossoming of hundreds of flowers, referring to flourishment of countries. This modification more reveals Chinese determination to build a beautiful world with various countries in the world.

Omission was adopted in the English version. It only translated the latter part of this wise saying, which more reflects its core thought without repetition of images. Its conciseness also accords with English expressions. The concept- “garden” is also omitted for its insignificance and irrelevance with the central topic, which evinces the application of liberal translation.

Literal translation was applied in the Russian version, which is rather tedious and lacks rhythmic beauty. It could be translated as “Все цветы в полном расцвете делают весну прекрасной.” Omission is a more favorable option for translators when rendering wise sayings, as it alleviates the reading burden on the readers.

Example 2: 仁者爱人 [5].

English version: The benevolent man loves others [6].

Russian version: Гуманист всегда любит других людей [3, c. 351].

“仁者爱人” originates from Mencius [7], which intends that “People with benevolent heart would love themselves and others.” President Xi cited this famous concept in his speech, hoping Chinese society would be filled with sound atmosphere and interpersonal relationships could be more harmonious.

As for the use of words, the “man” implied sex prejudice, which can be replaced as “person”. Meanwhile, “Гуманист” is also inappropriate for its complex meaning in Russian culture and its deviation from “仁”, which may lead to misunderstanding of Russian readers. It would be better to translate it as “добрый человек”.

2. Translation method utilized in metaphors

Due to the profoundness, poetic beauty and harmony of metaphors created by President Xi, the English and Russian translation utilize literal translation to keep its fascination.

Example 3: 绿水青山就是金山银山 [8, c. 168].

English version: Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets [9, c. 194].

Russian version: Зелёные горы и изумрудные воды - бесценные сокровища [10].

President Xi pointed out in the report of 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China that, “绿水青山就是金山银山”, which denotes that China commits protecting the beautiful environment and pursue sustainable development.

The concept of metaphor is the same across these China, America, and Russia culture. Although the objects used in the metaphor are very different, they share similarities. Therefore, literal translation could satisfy reader’s reading expectancy.

In the English version, 'lucid' is unsuitable in this context. Its explanations in Longman Dictionary are that: (1) expressed in a way that is clear and easy to understand, (2) able to understand and think clearly, used especially about someone who is not always able to do this [11]. Both of them can’t express the clearness of the water, which is important to show the preciousness of pleasant ecological environment.

As for Xiao and Shao, it could be translated as “limpid”, achieving both the goal of expressing the clarity of water and maintaining rhythmic beauty alongside 'lush' [12]. Furthermore, the Russian version switches the positions of '青山' and '绿水', possibly to enhance rhythmic beauty.

Example 4: 江山就是人民,人民就是江山 [8, c. 168].

English version: The country is the people and the people are the country [9, c. 194].

Russian version: Страна - это её народ, народ - это страна [10].

Though these versions both literally express the original meaning, however, they may pose reading difficulties for foreign readers. Its deeper meaning is that all government actions should align with the common aspirations of the people to consolidate the state political power. Only through genuine resolution of issues related to people's well-being can China achieve revitalization.

English version could be changed into “Winning people’s heart, we consolidate our power; improving people’s life, we rejuvenate our country.” Moreover, Russian version could be “Строительство страны неотделим от народа; блаженство народа неотделим от государства.” By utilizing liberal translation, translators could facilitate foreign readers to realize the key concept, contributing to cultural transmission.

3. Translation method utilized in idioms

President Xi tended to use local idioms when providing guidance to local governments. Throughout this process, he elucidated intricate concepts by comparing real situations to common objects, thereby making the guidance more accessible and vivid.

Example 5: 不能把水当作无限供给的资源.“有多少汤泡多少馍” [1, c. 202].

English version: We must be keenly aware that water is not a limitless natural resource, and we should utilize the Yellow River as its capacity permits [2, c. 238].

Russian version: нельзя рассматривать воду как неисчерпаемый природный ресурс. Как в поговорке говорится: «Сколько есть бульона, столько кусочков пресного хлебца и можно в нем размочить» [3, c. 351].

“The utilization and development of the Yellow River water resources” is graphically compared to “how many soups soak how many buns.” by President Xi. The quantity of soup determines the number of buns, just as the permissible exploitation quantity of the Yellow River determines the extent of water utilization.

Since “bread in the lamb soup” belongs to Shaanxi cuisine, which is unique in the world, the liberal translation used in the English version would meet the reading needs of foreign readers. It explains the deeper thought contained in the idioms -“we should utilize the Yellow River as its capacity permits”.

But Russian people always eat bread while drinking soup, so corresponding version adopts literal translation method [13].

Example 6: 啃硬骨头 [5].

English version: tackle tough issues/difficulties, solve the toughest problems [6]

Russian version: грызть твёрдые кости [3, c. 351]

President Xi pointed out: “Having been pushed ahead for more than 30 years, China's reform has entered a deep-water zone. It can be said that the easy part of the job has been done to the satisfaction of all. What is left are tough bones that are hard to chew.”

Liberal translation method was utilized in the English version, which is more acceptable for target readers. That’s because most of them are accustomed to eating meat without bones, lacking relevant experience.

However, Russian version chooses literal translation in that Russian people enjoy eating meat and bones in one kind of traditional food-meat jelly, capable of making similar associations.

4. Conclusion and suggestion

Drawing on the English-Russian translation of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China as a case study, this paper conducts a comparative analysis of the merits and demerits of literal translation, liberal translation, and omission in cultural translation, hoping translators consider more about culture of target readers and select the most suitable translation method Thus, translation version facilitates target reader’s understanding of profound Chinese culture without losing original beauty. With appropriate translation, reading difficulties engendered from cultural diversity could be solved, in favor of cultural transmission. Furthermore, meticulous exploration into the use of words can also contribute to achieving superior translation outcomes.



  1. Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China Ⅲ// Foreign Languages Press, 2020.P. 202. [in Chinese]
  2. Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China Ⅲ// Foreign Languages Press. 2020.P. 238. [in English]
  3. Си Цзиньпин. Си Цзиньпин о государственном управленииⅠ// Издательство литературы на иностранных языков, 2014. P. 351. [in Russian]
  4. The Popular Collection of Wise Sayings // Ming dynasty
  5. Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of ChinaⅠ// Foreign Languages Press. 2014. [in Chinese]
  6. Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of ChinaⅠ// Foreign Languages Press. 2014. [in English]
  7. Mencius. Mencius // Warring States
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  9. Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China Ⅳ// Foreign Languages Press. 2023 P. 194. [in English]
  10. Си Цзиньпин.Си Цзиньпин о государственном управлении Ⅳ// Издательство литературы на иностранных языков 2023. [in Russian]
  11. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online / [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/lucid (date of application: 24.05.24).
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