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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 20(274)

Рубрика журнала: Технические науки

Секция: Архитектура, Строительство

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Библиографическое описание:
THE USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ARCHITECTURE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. Mullagalina L. [и др.]. 2024. № 20(274). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/274/334865 (дата обращения: 08.10.2024).


Mullagalina Leila

student, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

Russia, Moscow

Monicheva Polina

student, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

Russia, Moscow

Bukina Varvara

student, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

Russia, Moscow

Galanina Varvara

student, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

Russia, Moscow


The article investigates the impact of information technologies on the modern process of building design and construction. In the process identifying their significance for optimising architectural design processes, improving design quality and reducing costs.


Keywords: architecture, Virtual Reality, 3D, BIM technologies, modeling, project, development, tracking, AI, design capabilities, AI algorithms, robotics, machines, programs, construction.


Virtual Reality

The incorporation of Virtual Reality for Architecture has significantly transformed the architectural design process and building engagement within the sector. This groundbreaking technology has generated fresh prospects for architects, designers, and students. The advantages of employing VR in architecture are obvious:

Design Visualisation

The emergence of Virtual Reality technology in the field of Architecture enables designers to engage in a fully immersive 3D virtual environment, facilitating real-time design modifications alongside an enhanced experiential engagement. Architects can now navigate spaces, experiment with materials and adjust lighting in real time as if they were physically inside the structure, leading to more precise and effective design decisions.

Client presentations

Providing clients with an unforgettable experience is one of the key benefits of immersing them in a dynamic 3D environment. Virtual Reality (VR) enables architects to take clients on a design journey that leaves a lasting impression. By allowing them to virtually navigate through the proposed structure, they gain a clearer vision of the final building and foster a stronger connection to the project. Using VR technology and real-time visualisation, clients can personalise their experience by adjusting their height within the virtual space, giving them a unique perspective of the design. The ability to explore different angles and aspects of the building simply by moving their head enriches the design encounter and makes it truly memorable.

Construction simulation

Using immersive virtual reality (VR) environments, builders and project managers can get a comprehensive visual representation of a project from inception to completion. This allows them to identify potential obstacles, design flaws and safety hazards. By emulating construction operations, workers can hone their skills in intricate procedures, evaluate logistical challenges and streamline operations in a safe digital environment. Such technology applications not only increase safety standards and operational efficiency, but also lead to significant cost savings by reducing errors and encouraging careful planning and execution in the construction phase.

Collaborative design

The utilization of advanced VR technology greatly enhances collaborative design in architecture, enabling architects, designers, and project stakeholders to effortlessly work together and create in an interactive virtual setting. Using this interactive platform, individuals can participate in real-time decision-making processes while immersed in a visually stunning 3D world. This immersive experience not only promotes effective communication between team members, but also fosters a sense of teamwork and facilitates rapid feedback loops. The integration of VR technology significantly streamlines the design process and promotes alignment with project goals and objectives. This in turn leads to increased efficiency and consistency throughout the architectural project, ultimately resulting in the development of meticulously planned and harmoniously executed high quality structures.

However one of the main disadvantages of virtual reality is its high cost, which makes it inaccessible to a wide range of users. As a result, people with limited financial means are excluded from accessing this innovative technology.

Like many new technologies, augmented reality is not perfect and has a lot of room for improvement and optimisation. Anyway, even with the existing challenges, the application of augmented reality in construction represents a way to catch up with many technologically advanced fields. Construction companies must take advantage of VR to reach the next level.

BIM technologies

BIM technologies enable the reduction of design time, enhancement of project quality, mitigation of risks, and improvement of construction efficiency. This is accomplished through the ability to analyze various project aspects like costs, deadlines, energy efficiency, and safety. Thus, the utilization of BIM technologies aids in streamlining the design and construction process, making it more transparent and flexible.

One key advantage of BIM is the facilitation of collaborative teamwork on a project, with all stakeholders (architects, engineers, constructors, and clients) having access to a shared model. This enhances coordination and minimizes errors.

Additionally, BIM allows for virtual building modeling, optimizing design and enhancing project cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency.

BIM technologies allow for the creation of detailed building and infrastructure models, analysis and optimization of projects based on various criteria, real-time information and change management, and the generation of documentation and reports from digital models, enhancing the quality and accuracy of project documentation.

Another benefit of BIM is its usability throughout the entire building life cycle, from design to operation and refurbishment. Consequently, operational costs are reduced, and responsiveness to changes is heightened. However, BIM has some disadvantages as well:

• BIM technologies are not tailored for generating project documentation in Russia, necessitating manual parameter configuration.

• The software's cost is relatively high ($6000-12000).

• BIM is predominantly focused on architectural issues, necessitating the use of other software for calculations.

• Implementation and staff training costs for BIM models are substantial, along with challenges in integrating with existing systems.

• Limited support from suppliers and clients hinders wide-scale adoption of BIM technologies.

Data integration, visualization, and analysis, and collaboration capabilities are key features of BIM, combining data from various sources to facilitate collaboration and information exchange among project participants.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence has significantly transformed multiple sectors and is increasingly impacting the architecture industry as well. The integration of AI technologies in architecture is aiding in optimizing design workflows, improving building efficiency, and fostering the development of environmentally sustainable structures.

There are several advantages associated with the use of AI in architecture:

Enhanced Design Capabilities: AI can help architects generate complex designs and simulate various scenarios quickly. This can lead to more innovative and creative architectural solutions.

Efficiency: AI algorithms are capable of streamlining and automating repetitive tasks that are essential in the architectural design process. For instance, AI can quickly generate floor plans, optimize layouts, and produce detailed 3D models with accuracy and speed. By reducing the time and effort required for these routine tasks, architects can focus more on conceptualizing and refining their designs, ultimately accelerating the design iteration process.

Predictive Analysis: AI systems process data to predict how design choices affect energy efficiency, structural integrity, and occupant comfort. Architects use AI-driven tools for insights that inform decision-making aligned with project goals.

Cost-Effective: AI helps architects cut costs by automating and optimizing design processes, streamlining workflows, and reducing errors. By using AI tools to boost efficiency and resource utilization, architects can deliver top-notch solutions within budget, making projects more cost-effective and financially sustainable.

However one of the main disadvantages of Artificial intelligence is lack of creativity. Although AI can assist in generating design options, there is a concern that relying too heavily on AI may stifle creativity and the human touch in architectural projects.

Also, Artificial intelligence systems require access to large amounts of data, which raises concerns about data privacy and security, especially when handling sensitive information related to architectural projects.

In conclusion, while the integration of artificial intelligence in architecture offers numerous benefits in terms of efficiency, sustainability, and design capabilities. Finding a balance between leveraging AI for its strengths while preserving the uniqueness of human creativity and expertise is crucial for the successful implementation of AI in architecture.


The integration of robotics in the fields of architecture and construction exemplifies the transformative impact of modern technologies across diverse domains. Within the realm of architecture and construction, robotics represents a pivotal domain of innovation, enabling the automation of tasks ranging from repetitive routines to intricate and critical operations on construction sites. The utilization of robots in construction activities has significantly enhanced efficiency, speed, and safety, thereby revolutionizing traditional construction processes.

Construction robots demonstrate a capacity for executing a range of tasks, including bricklaying, monolithic construction, wall painting, and beyond, exhibiting exceptional levels of precision and speed.

Moreover, robotics exerts influence on architectural design, enabling architects and engineers to fabricate intricate and groundbreaking designs that were erstwhile unattainable through the aid of specialized software and robotic designers. The benefits of incorporating robotics in architecture and construction are readily apparent.

1. Robots can significantly increase the productivity and speed of work. They can work around the clock without breaks and rest, which reduces the project time.

2. They have high precision and repeatability, which minimizes the possibility of errors and improves the quality of construction work.

3. In addition, robots can perform jobs that are dangerous or impossible for humans, such as working at high altitudes or in high-risk areas. They can also be used for construction in conditions not suitable for human life, for example, on other planets or at the bottom of the ocean.

However, robotics in architecture and construction have drawbacks:

1. High cost of robots and necessary equipment.

2. Special training and programming is required, which also requires time and additional costs.

3. Lack of on-site decision making, making the robots less flexible.

However, despite the shortcomings, the prospects for the development of robotics in architecture and construction are extensive. The number of robotic solutions for construction can be expected to increase in the coming years, resulting in improved efficiency and quality of construction projects. It can also be assumed that robotics will be used for construction in environments where it is difficult or dangerous for humans to operate. In addition, robots can be used for the restoration and repair of old buildings, which will preserve the historical heritage.

Therefore, information technologies in architecture and construction has both advantages and disadvantages, but is undoubtedly the key to the future development of the industry. With the development of technology and skills, it is expected that the use of IT in various types of construction work will increase, resulting in better quality and faster execution of projects.



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