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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 20(274)

Рубрика журнала: Психология

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Библиографическое описание:
Taldykin D.S. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FAMILY UPBRINGING STYLE AND PECULIARITIES OF SELF-ESTEEM IN OLDER ADOLESCENTS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 20(274). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/274/334359 (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).


Taldykin Daniil Sergeevich

student, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod

Shutenko Elena Nikolaevna

научный руководитель,

scientific adviser, Associate Professor of General and Clinical Psychology, Belgorod National Research University,

Belgorod, Russia


This article analyzes the results of a study on the relationship between family upbringing styles and the peculiarities of self-esteem in older adolescents. It was found that adolescents' self-esteem is directly correlated with family upbringing styles.


Keywords: deviant behavior, deviating behavior, family relationships, adolescents, parenting style.


The issue of parent-child relationships remains a highly relevant topic in the field of psychology, as these relationships significantly impact a child`s development. Studying the relationships between adolescents and their parents is crucial because the characteristics of these relationships profoundly influence personal development and the resolution of key tasks during this period, such as achieving autonomy and forming a personal identity. Current trends in family relationships, including parent-child interactions, show a negative dynamic, highlighting the need for prevention and correction of problems in these relationships.

Numerous researchers, such as E.G. Eidemiller, A.I. Zakharov, A.S. Spivakovskaya, O.A. Karabanova, A.I. Podolsky, O.A. Idobaeva, O.P. Makushina, D. Bayard, D. Berne, F. Rye, D. Baumrind, and others, have studied the specifics of parent-child relationships. In identifying various aspects of these relationships, almost all psychologists agree that the mother-child relationship is particularly significant, as the mother is the source of the most intense emotional experiences for the child. A loving and autonomy-respecting mother contributes to the satisfaction of the child`s basic needs and emotional well-being, whereas disruptions in the maternal relationship can negatively affect the child`s personality development.

Currently, the issue of maternal attitudes and parenting styles is actively discussed in the works of E.T. Sokolova, S. Brody, L. Kovar, and other researchers. Self-esteem and its role in the personality structure represent an extremely relevant topic in modern psychological science. Contributions to this topic have been made by scholars such as S.L. Rubinstein, E.T. Sokolova, V.V. Stolin, I.S. Kon, V.S. Mukhina, S.R. Pantileev, I.I. Chesnokova, A. Maslow, and C. Rogers. They emphasize that adolescence is a critical period for the formation of self-esteem, characterized by the ambiguity and contradictions of development during this stage. These features of personality development in adolescence significantly influence one's future life path, and the results of parental upbringing manifest during this period. According to many authors, self-esteem plays a leading role in the structure of an adolescent's self-awareness.

The study involved 40 parent-adolescent pairs, including 15 boys and 25 girls aged 15-17, and 40 parents aged 40-45. The methodologies used were: the Self-Attitude Inventory (V.V. Stolin, S.R. Pantileev); the Family Environment Scale (E.G. Eidemiller); and Family Upbringing Strategies (S. Stepanova).

The study of adolescents' self-attitudes using the Self-Attitude Inventory by V.V. Stolin and S.R. Pantileev showed that 76% of participants exhibited positive self-sympathy. Positive expectations and approval of their actions were expressed by 64%. Self-interest was evident in 69% of participants, reflecting a closeness to oneself, an interest in one's own thoughts and feelings, and a readiness to communicate with oneself on equal terms. 36% showed self-confidence, believing their abilities to be adequate. 48% of participants felt that their surroundings had a positive attitude towards them. Positive self-acceptance was present in 69% of participants, indicating satisfaction with their qualities along with a realistic recognition of their limitations. A tendency towards self-guidance and self-consistency was expressed by 52%, indicating a readiness to manage their behavior according to their own beliefs. 29% exhibited self-blame, attributing negative traits to themselves, while 71% did not have this tendency. Self-interest was evident in 81% of participants, interpreted as confidence in their attractiveness to others. Self-understanding was expressed in 60%, reflecting an awareness of their values, goals, and life position. The overall analysis (on the integral S scale) showed that 88% of participants had a predominantly positive global self-attitude.

The study of disrupted parenting styles using Eidemiller's Family Environment Scale revealed the following results: 14% of parents exhibited hyperprotection, where the upbringing of the adolescent becomes the central aspect of exclusive care and attention from the parents. 5% of families showed indulgent upbringing, where parents strive to meet all the child`s` needs without a critical view. 5% of families exhibited excessive demands and responsibilities, leading to disproportionately high moral responsibility for the adolescent. 5% of parents demonstrated a style of dominance or excessive control, where “everything is forbidden” for the adolescent. 45% of families had minimal use of sanctions, where parents preferred to avoid punishments and relied on rewards, doubting the effectiveness of any kind of punishment. 5% of parents showed signs of expanding the scope of parental feelings, often associated with marital relationship issues. 7% of parents projected their undesirable qualities onto the child, which could lead to emotional rejection and harsh treatment. In 5% of cases, parents had insufficient demands and responsibilities towards the adolescents. 7% of families showed a preference for childish traits in adolescents. 7% of parents exhibited educational uncertainty. In 5% of cases, a preference for feminine traits in adolescents was noted.

The diagnosis of parental upbringing strategies using S. Stepanova's methodology revealed the following: in 12% of families, an authoritarian maternal upbringing strategy was observed. In 88% of the surveyed mothers, an authoritative upbringing strategy was evident.

Correlation analysis revealed a statistically significant relationship between the authoritarian style of parental upbringing and the global self-attitude of adolescents.

Thus, the conducted study showed that the family upbringing style and self-attitude of older adolescents are interconnected. Therefore, it is important to conduct psychological work with adolescents and their parents aimed at forming an adequate upbringing style.



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