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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 20(274)

Рубрика журнала: Психология

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Библиографическое описание:
Svaykina A. FEATURES OF PERSONALITY TRAITS IN ADOLESCENTS WITH DIFFERENT SOCIOMETRIC STATUS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 20(274). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/274/333643 (дата обращения: 04.03.2025).


Svaykina Anastasia

student, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod

Shutenko Elena Nikolaevna

научный руководитель,

scientific adviser, Associate Professor of General and Clinical Psychology, Belgorod National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


This article presents the results of a study indicating that there are differences in the structure of personality traits in adolescents with different sociometric status. Teenagers with the status of "stars" and "preferred" are distinguished by their adequacy of self-esteem, self-confidence and sociability.


Keywords: self-esteem, anxiety, deviant behavior, personality, group.


Adolescence is a period of rapid development of personality, when identity formation, formation of social ties and relationships takes place. During this period, the adolescent's position in the system of interpersonal relations in the peer group is of particular importance. Adolescents actively seek their place in the class, seeking recognition and support from their peers. The number of received choices in the sociometric test, reflects the level of their integration into the collective and the degree of authority. Critical thinking and thirst for new knowledge encourage adolescents to reflect on previously accepted norms and attitudes. They strive to form their own system of values, corresponding to their internal perceptions of the world. Hormonal changes cause increased sensitivity and expressiveness.

Adolescents can react violently to events, experiencing strong emotions ranging from excitement to anger. They actively fight for their independence, asserting the right to make their own choices, not always taking into account the opinion of adults. Immaturity of volitional functions can lead to impulsive behavior and unwillingness to take responsibility for their actions. Adolescents seek answers to questions about their identity, place in the world, and purpose in life. Going through the crisis of adolescence is an important stage in the formation of personality. It helps to develop independence, critical thinking, responsibility and other important qualities. It is important to take into account the peculiarities of personality and the pace of development of each adolescent [2].

During adolescence, communication with peers comes to the forefront, with the formation of comradeship and friendship, mutual respect, trust and mutual understanding. They unite adolescents who share common interests and values. Friendly relations are the peak of closeness and trust between adolescents. Sympathy, affection and deep understanding of each other are their foundation [3].

A comrade can become a role model, which can lead to the formation of certain personal qualities in an adolescent, such as self-confidence, perseverance, and leadership abilities [1].

In the process of socialization and personality formation, adolescents form their image of self, which includes various personal qualities. These qualities are perceived and evaluated differently by others, which affects the adolescent's social status in the group. Studies show that adolescents more often sympathize with those who have emotional qualities such as: sensitivity, modesty, responsiveness, simplicity. Next in attractiveness are volitional qualities, such as: purposefulness, willpower, perseverance, independence. Intellectual qualities, such as intelligence, intelligence, erudition, and logical thinking, are rated lower by teenagers. Some studies show that adolescents with a personal orientation (those who are focused on the inner world and self-development) more often experience difficulties with adaptation in a peer group [4].

Numerous psychological studies show that sociometric status in the peer group influences the formation of adolescent personality. Adolescents with high sociometric status are usually characterized by: High self-confidence (they believe in their strengths and abilities), adequate self-esteem (they have a realistic idea of their advantages and disadvantages), easy adaptation to new conditions (they quickly get used to changes and feel comfortable in new situations), high level of sociability (they easily find a common language with people and feel confident in communication, have many friends and good relations with peers), high academic performance (they study well and achieve success in school).

Teenagers with low sociometric status, on the contrary, are more anxious, withdrawn, have low self-esteem, have difficulties in communication, and may demonstrate deviant behavior. Consequently, peer group is one of the important factors influencing the formation of personality traits of adolescents.

Studying the features of personality traits in adolescents with different sociometric status will help to develop programs of psychological assistance to adolescents in order to improve their self-esteem, develop communication skills and form a positive attitude to themselves and others [1].

In order to identify differences in the structure of personality traits in adolescents with different sociometric status, we conducted a study and assumed that adolescents with sociometric status “stars” are dominated by such personality traits as: inflated self-esteem, sociability, leadership qualities, self-confidence; “preferred” are characterized by high self-esteem, diplomacy and expressiveness; “isolated” are dominated by conformity, dependence on the group and delicacy; “rejected” are characterized by shyness, emotional instability and secrecy.

To achieve the goal, we used the following diagnostic tools: “Sociometric test” (J. Moreno) and “Multifactor personality research methodology” (R. Cattell) (adolescent version). The study sample consisted of 30 adolescents studying at school: MBOU “School No. 5”, Nizhnevartovsk, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, aged 13-15 years old.

With the help of sociometric test of J. Moreno we have revealed that the majority of teenagers (50%) in this sample are “rejected”, 33% have the status of “isolated”, 10% of the sample had the sociometric status of “preferred”, only 7% of the sample have the status of “star”. This indicates low cohesion of the educational team, lack of effective interaction of students with each other, unfavorable psychological climate.

According to the results of the study, adolescents with sociometric status “stars” are characterized by dominance of the following factors: A+ (schizotimia-affectotimia), C+ (degree of emotional stability), E+ (subordination-dominance), G+ (degree of internal tension), H+ (shyness-adventurism), Q3+ (degree of self-control). Adolescents with sociometric status “stars” are characterized by such personality traits as inflated self-esteem, sociability, leadership qualities, self-confidence. They feel themselves smart, beautiful, popular and successful. Have adequate and high self-esteem. Demonstrate confidence in themselves and their abilities.  Initiative in communication and easy to contact. Are not afraid to take responsibility and take risks. They are able to choose the best behavioral options. They are persistent in achieving their goals. Can show leadership skills in extreme situations or informal groups. Possess good organizational skills. Conscientious, responsible and can always be relied upon. Easily adapt to new environments and circumstances. Confident in themselves and their abilities. Strong-willed and motivated, always follow through. They are able to establish relationships with people.

Adolescents with sociometric status “preferred”, the dominance of the following factors was revealed: A+ (schizotimia-affectotimia), C+ (degree of emotional stability), G+ (degree of inner tension), H+ (shyness-adventurism), J+ (neurasthenia, Hamlet factor), Q3+ (degree of self-control). Adolescents with sociometric status “preferred” are also characterized by high self-esteem, self-confidence, expressiveness and activity, but to a lesser extent than “stars”. They are diplomatic, able to find a common language with different people, like to be in the center of attention. Can manifest resignation to unsolved problems without negative emotions of dissatisfaction, restrained, cautious, prompt, inherent in high productivity. Good organizational skills are inherent.

Adolescents with sociometric status “isolated” have high values on the criteria: I+ (realism-sensitivity), Q4+ (degree of internal tension). Adolescents with sociometric status “isolated” are characterized by conformity, dependence on the opinion of the group, delicacy, anxiety and shyness and need approval. Usually, academic performance is low. They are eager to experience new emotions, throwing themselves into them with delight. In life - impatient, impractical, weak, easily influenced by others, not independent enough, dependent, capricious, demanding the attention of others. They care about their own reputation, they are characterized by self-respect, but at the same time can veil from others, prefer to make decisions together with peers.

Adolescents with the sociometric status of “rejected” have high values for the following factors: D+ (phlegmatic-excitable), F+ (cautious-easy thinking), I+ (realism-sensitivity), J+ (neurasthenia, Hamlet factor). They prefer not to share their feelings and experiences for fear of being misunderstood or rejected, constantly feel lonely and isolated from others, easily upset, irritated and apathetic, avoid teamwork and cooperative activities, fear new people and situations, look at the world from a negative point of view, do not believe in their own strength and capabilities, do not seek to attract attention, dress modestly, do not follow fashion, constantly feel anxious and afraid for no apparent reason, limit the circle of communication.

The reliability of differences was revealed using the Mann-Whitney U-criterion. Thus, the hypothesis about the relationship between the sociometric status of adolescents and their personality traits is confirmed.

Psychological assistance programs for adolescents experiencing difficulties in group interaction should be aimed at developing such personality traits as self-confidence, sociability, the ability to set goals and achieve them, which will contribute to improving their self-esteem and self-relationship. Psychological work with adolescents with high sociometric status should be aimed at developing such personality traits as empathy, responsibility, and the ability to cooperate, which will help them become more effective leaders and more successful in their relationships with others.  The psychological state of each student depends on how friendly the class collective is. From the degree of cohesion of the guys in the class depends on the degree of learning of the educational material, the effectiveness of the teacher's work with the class and the formation of the personality of students. The leading role in creating a friendly team, of course, belongs to the class teacher [3].



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