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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 20(274)

Рубрика журнала: Психология

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Библиографическое описание:
Khodosova M. THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE TYPE OF RELATIONSHIP IN THE FAMILY WITH THE TENDENCY TO SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR IN OLDER ADOLESCENTS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 20(274). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/274/333508 (дата обращения: 04.03.2025).


Khodosova Marina

student, Belgorod State National Research University (NRU “BelSU”),

Russia, Belgorod

Shutenko Elena Nikolaevna

научный руководитель,

scientific adviser, Ph.D. psychol. Sciences, Associate professor, Belgorod State National Research University (NRU “BelSU”),

Russia, Belgorod


Family relationships are a crucial aspect of everyone`s life, directly affecting their emotional well-being, which can be disrupted and lead to deviant behavior. This article examines the relationship between family relationship types and suicidal tendencies in adolescents. Using the correlational pleiad method, the study found that the more pronounced the dysfunctional parenting style in a family, the more pronounced the suicidal tendencies in older adolescents. This relationship suggests that suicide prevention efforts should focus on families with dysfunctional types. Thus, the article emphasizes the importance of family type in suicide prevention situations among adolescents.


Keywords: deviant behavior, abnormal behavior, family relationships, adolescents, girls, boys.


The relevance of this research is due to the increasing problem of suicidal behavior among older adolescents. Suicidal behavior in this age group remains one of the most important global issues. In recent decades, there has been an increase in cases of suicidal attempts and suicides among teenagers, which requires serious attention and research to develop effective measures to prevent this phenomenon, summarized by T.V. Andreeva [1].

It is important to consider that the period of late adolescence, often covering the ages of 15-16, represents a key point in development, both for adolescents themselves and their relationships with their families. This stage differs from earlier childhood years and is distinct from the transition to a more independent adult life, according to E.Yu. Sheremetyeva [8]. In this context, it is important to study and understand the peculiarities of relationships within families with older teenagers. Family relationships during this period can have a profound impact on adolescents` psychosocial development, and in turn, adolescents can influence the dynamics and nature of interaction within the family. Adolescents begin to show interests, independence, and form their identity, which may be accompanied by emotional instability and a search for their place in the world, as suggested by A.N. Bogdanova [2].

According to G.V. Starshenbaum, suicidal behavior is understood as any actions aimed at harming oneself or causing one`s own death [7].

The propensity for suicidal behavior in older adolescents can be caused by a multitude of reasons, and its manifestations can be diverse. Research and expert opinions of scientists, including E.V. Lebedeva, confirm that suicidal behavior in adolescents can be caused by the following reasons [6]: mental disorders and depression; school factors; substance abuse; social isolation; family factors. It is important to understand that suicidal behavior usually does not reduce to a single cause but represents a complex interaction of various elements.

The family environment is one of the key factors in shaping the mental and emotional state of adolescents.

The relationships within the family, the level of support, the quality of communication, and the level of conflicts influence the mental well-being and stability of adolescents. Studying the relationship between these family factors and the inclination of older adolescents towards suicidal behavior has high practical significance [3].

Various authors have studied these important phenomena. For example, the propensity for suicidal behavior has been reflected in the works of A.G. Ambrumov, E.A. Grigorenko, T. Joiner, and E. Durkheim. The problem of family relationships has been explored in the works of I.M. Markovskaya, V.A. Petrovsky, N.Ya. Solovyev, D.B. Elkonin, A. Bek, and many others [5].

Despite this, there is a problem of insufficient research in this area. This makes it relevant to conduct a deeper analysis of the relationship between family relationship parameters and suicidal behavior in older adolescents.

To better understand this topic, a decision was made to conduct a study aimed at identifying the connection between the inclination towards suicidal behavior in older adolescents and the type of their family relationships.

As a hypothesis, it was suggested that there is a link between the type of family relationships and the propensity for suicidal behavior in older adolescents, namely: functional family relationships characterized by a high degree of support, effective communication, and low levels of conflicts, reduce the risk of suicidal behavior among older adolescents. Dysfunctional family types with an authoritarian communication style, low support, and high levels of conflict increase the risk of suicidal behavior among older adolescents.

In the study conducted at the municipal autonomous educational institution “Secondary School No. 42”, adolescents aged 15-16, students of the 8th and 9th grades, participated, totaling 60 people.

The following methodologies were used: a suicidal risk questionnaire (modification of T.N. Razuvayeva); a questionnaire on parental relationships (A.Ya. Varga, V.V. Stolin); a projective technique “Unfinished Sentences”; observation.

The overall analysis of the expressed features of suicidal risk showed that in the total sample of respondents, 65% of adolescents have a tendency towards “maximalism” , 42% of adolescents show a tendency towards “breaking cultural barriers”, and 39.7% of adolescents on the “inadequacy” scale experience a sense of worthlessness, denying their own identity. The remaining scales are within the average level of manifested propensity towards suicidal behavior.

For adolescents, tendencies towards suicidal behavior are most pronounced through manifestations such as “Maximalism” and “Breaking cultural barriers. Attitudes towards the future and the presence of clear plans and goals are not determined.

At the same time, the subjective assessment of parental relationships showed that many respondents have low scores on the “Cooperation” (27%), “Symbiosis” (40%), “Authoritarian hypersocialization” (33%), and “Little failure” (74%) scales. Meanwhile, the average values on the remaining scales – “Acceptance/rejection of the child”, “Cooperation”, and “Authoritarian hypersocialization” – are within the normative values, indicating optimal interaction between parents and older adolescents.

Correlation analysis revealed the statistical significance of the relationship: the more pronounced the functional type of upbringing in the family, the more pronounced the tendencies towards suicidal behavior in older adolescents.

Thus, based on the results of the study, we conclude that the type of upbringing in the family influences the peculiarities of the manifestation of the propensity for suicidal behavior in older adolescents. With the group of adolescent participants prone to suicidal behavior, as well as their parents, it is necessary to work on preventing the risk of suicidal behavior. Preventive work can be conducted individually with the adolescent and the parent, but it is also possible to conduct group sessions, workshops with adolescents and their parents to promote mutual understanding, support, increase the adolescent's self-esteem, and so on.



  1. Andreeva, T.V. Family Psychology. – SPb: Academy, 2019. – 312 p.
  2. Bogdanova, A.N. Socio-psychological aspects of susceptibility to suicide in adolescents. – M.: Esmo, 2021. – 68 p.
  3. Galasyuk, I.N. Family Psychology. – M.: Yurayt, 2020. – 223 p.
  4. Grigoryeva, E.A. Tendency to suicide in adolescents and its relationship with social support / E.A. Grigoryeva // Pedagogical Bulletin. 2021. No.2. – P. 61-67.
  5. Kazantseva, E.V. Socio-psychological aspects of the formation of susceptibility to suicidal behavior in adolescents. – M.: Academy, 2021. – 314 p.
  6. Lebedeva, E.V. The role of motivational features in the formation of susceptibility to suicidal behavior in adolescents. – M.: Exmo, 2022. – 301 p.
  7. Starshenbaum, G.V. Suicidology and crisis psychotherapy. – M. : Genesis, 2018. – 560 p.
  8. Sheremetyeva, E.Yu. Psychological aspects of susceptibility to suicidal behavior in adolescents with different personality types – M.: Bulletin of Moscow University, 2022. – 102 p.

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