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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 19(273)

Рубрика журнала: Технические науки

Секция: Архитектура, Строительство

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Библиографическое описание:
Lutsenko K. INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN THE FIELD OF ROAD CONSTRUCTION IN RUSSIA // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 19(273). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/273/332112 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025).


Lutsenko Karina

student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Marine Technology and Transport, Far Eastern Federal University,

Russia, Vladivostok

Ovsyannikov Viktor

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, candidate of Technical Sciences, Far Eastern Federal University,

Russia, Vladivostok


The article discusses the shortcomings of the current state of road infrastructure and proposes innovative solutions to overcome them. Special attention is paid to new developments such as: the use of modular road surfaces, phosphogypsum and robotic machines in road construction and repair. In addition, ways to improve the safety and comfort of traffic on the roads are discussed, including the use of LED barriers and laser crosswalks. The issue of traffic flow management to optimize traffic on the roads and reduce the probability of congestion is also touched upon, and the automated traffic management system (ATMS) is discussed. The environmental aspect of road construction development is also highlighted, and innovative approaches to reducing the negative impact on the environment are proposed.


В статье рассматриваются недостатки текущего состояния дорожной инфраструктуры и предлагаются инновационные решения для их преодоления. Особое внимание уделено новым разработкам, таким как: использование модульных дорожных покрытий, фосфогипса и роботизированных машин в процессе строительства и ремонта дорог. Кроме того, обсуждаются способы повышения безопасности и комфорта движения на дорогах, включая использование светодиодных барьеров и лазерных пешеходных переходов. Также затрагивается вопрос управления транспортным потоком для оптимизации движения на дорогах и снижения вероятности заторов, рассматривается автоматизированная система управления дорожным движением (АСУДД). Выделяется и экологический аспект развития дорожного строительства, предлагаются инновационные подходы к снижению негативного воздействия на окружающую среду.


Keywords: roads, modular road surfaces, phosphogypsum, led mobile barriers, robotic machines, virtual wall.

Ключевые слова: дороги, модульные дорожные покрытия, фосфогипс, светодиодные передвижные барьеры, роботизированные машины, виртуальная стена.


There are several significant drawbacks in the Russian experience of road construction.

According to expert Y. Verbitskaya [5], the poor condition of roads in Russia depends on the geoclimatic factor (due to temperature differences and humidity levels, the road surface is subjected to serious testing and wears out faster), incorrect and untimely repair of the road surface, violation of the technology of road repair and construction.

At the scientific and practical conference "Techniques and technologies for the construction of high-quality and safe highways" [4], delegates noted that in many regions today there is a lack of quality road-building materials, inflated cost of delivery of materials, high transportation costs, insufficient load-bearing capacity of the existing road network and low actual service life. The lion's share of defects are problems of the top surface: potholes and patching of the pavement, individual cracks that gradually become grids, flaking of the asphalt concrete surface, aging of the binder and gradual loss of the road surface.

In general, the Russian experience is subject to certain shortcomings and requires further improvement. However, in recent years innovative technologies and developments have been introduced to improve road construction and repair.

One such innovation is the use of modular structures, namely Modular Road Pavements (MRP) (Fig. 1). Instead of the traditional method of building a road in several stages, prefabricated modules made of high-strength composite materials or reinforced concrete are used, which are quickly and efficiently assembled on site without the need for prolonged drying.

Modular pavements can be adapted to different climatic conditions and loads, and the variety of designs makes them a universal solution for many road construction tasks [6]. The slabs are most often made of polymer composite materials, which ensures their durability, resistance to loads and external impact.

Due to the ease of installation and dismantling, such structures are especially useful for emergency repair work or in conditions when it is necessary to quickly restore the road surface. An important advantage of using modular pavements in highway and expressway construction is the possibility of multiple reuse of modules for the construction of sites of any size. All this together makes it possible to significantly reduce construction time and improve the quality of the road surface.


Figure 1. Modular road pavement


The road surface consists of several layers, and the durability and wear resistance of the road depends on the quality of each layer. It is important to pay due attention to waterproofing, drainage and drainage systems, as well as to the climatic features of the regions. To improve the quality of highways, new materials are used in their construction. Back in 2019, Russia created a "Register of New and Best Technologies, Materials and Technological Solutions", in which information on innovative technologies used in the road sector is uploaded to the database.

One of the most advanced domestic developments is phosphogypsum, which is used in the lower layer of the road. In terms of strength characteristics it corresponds to lightweight concrete and has unique properties: it is not afraid of overwatering, is frost-resistant, does not swell at frosts, has a high flexibility parameter, can withstand loads up to 30 tons per axle, which is twice higher than the normative requirements, its production is characterized by low cost, and its use doubles the period of repair-free operation of highways, up to 20 and more years [7].

Road construction with phosphogypsum is faster and cheaper for several reasons. The first is that phosphogypsum "does not like" long preparation: in order for the material not to lose its plasticity, it must be poured, leveled and compacted immediately after delivery, which forces road construction companies to optimize processes and work faster. Secondly, the new road can be opened to traffic 24 hours after the work is completed, as this is enough time for the phosphogypsum layer to turn into a monolithic slab. Thirdly, phosphogypsum road construction uses fewer layers and is much cheaper than other road-building materials, which saves on materials and labor costs.

The material began testing in 2015, and during the test period, 30 km of road surface were constructed to test the durability of phosphogypsum.

In recent years, the technology of highway and expressway construction using robotic machines, which can significantly speed up the construction process and improve the accuracy of work execution, has also been actively developed.

One of the main trends in the field of construction equipment is the development of control systems. For example, modern bulldozers are equipped with various sensors and systems that allow optimizing the machine's operation and increasing its efficiency. Thanks to GPS and GLONASS systems, it is possible to accurately determine the bulldozer's location and control its movement. In addition, machine vision and artificial intelligence technologies are already being used to analyze soil conditions and determine optimal machine operation modes.

Another trend is the robotization and automation of construction equipment. There are already models of bulldozers that can work without the operator. Such machines are equipped with automatic control systems that allow them to move along a set trajectory and perform tasks without human intervention.

An example of successful creation and implementation of robotic machines in road construction can be considered the creation of a robotic bulldozer by the tractor plant from Chelyabinsk DST "Ural", shown at the exhibition "StroyDorExpo-2021" (Fig. 2). The machine is based on the D10 model, but its distinctive feature is the absence of a cabin. The bulldozer can be controlled either via radio channel from a special console equipped with a pair of joysticks, or with the help of an unmanned system [2].

The plant's specialists have developed software, control modules and sensors for bulldozer operation control, which allows to classify its electronic system to the fourth level of automation. In total, there are 5 such levels, according to the classification of the International Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE).


Figure 2. Unmanned bulldozer D10


Currently, much attention is being paid to improving traffic safety and comfort. New road marking systems, intelligent lighting systems and other innovations are already being introduced. For example, the use of LED barriers for drivers who neglect the prohibitive traffic signal [8]. This technology is a virtual laser wall (Fig. 3), which is transparent enough to provide visibility to moving pedestrians, while effectively warning drivers. The beams are of low power and do not harm road users or vehicles. This technology is still in the research and development stage, but its effectiveness in ensuring road safety can already be noted.


Figure 3. Visualization of the virtual laser wall


Laser crosswalks have been used since 2021 on roads with fairly busy traffic without traffic lights. They are complexes of illumination of road markings indicating a crosswalk (Fig. 4). A special IGP laser projector mounted on a pole forms a colored zebra pattern on the road surface, and the illumination is superimposed on the standard markings applied to the asphalt with reflective paint [3].

The advantage of this technology is that it creates good visibility for the crosswalk without the need for expensive outdoor lighting. The projector acts as both a lighting device and a driver notification system. In the dark, drivers can see a pedestrian 150 meters away, which is 3 times more visible than at conventional crosswalks.


Figure 4. Smart crosswalk


Various traffic flow management systems are also being developed for more efficient use of road infrastructure and less wear and tear on the road surface due to careless driving. For example, systems for automatic speed control and regulation, traffic monitoring and forecasting systems, systems for automatic detection of traffic violators and many others. This makes it possible to reduce the number of accidents, reduce traffic jams and improve traffic efficiency.

A prime example is the Automated Traffic Management System (ATMS). Ititss main task is to increase the efficiency of traffic regulation at traffic light facilities. In reducing the total delays of vehicles, and in increasing the level of comfort and safety of road users [1]. At the moment in Russia, almost all traffic controllers work according to fixed plans, the ACTS is able to adjust to the changing traffic situation, analyzing the parameters of traffic flow in each direction and lane, and synchronizing all traffic light objects.

We should not forget about the environmental aspect of road construction. Negative impact on the environment occurs at almost every stage of the life cycle of a road - from landscape preparation to operation and subsequent repair. Many countries are developing new methods and technologies to improve the environmental component of road construction.

One of the most promising directions in the field of highway construction is the introduction of technology for processing asphalt concrete pavement waste using recycling complexes. The essence of this technology is to extract components from old asphalt concrete and use them in the process of construction of new pavement. This reduces the amount of waste generated during road reconstruction and repair. In addition, this approach saves resources for the extraction of new materials and reduces the negative impact on the environment.

The use of alternative energy sources, most often solar panels to provide lighting for road signs and signaling, is becoming popular in Russia. Autonomous solar-powered LED traffic lights installed at unregulated crosswalks, using a powerful battery capable of charging even in cloudy weather, can reduce installation and repair costs, as well as reduce the load on alternative energy sources such as coal or nuclear power plants.

Thus, the application of innovative technologies in various areas of road construction and maintenance plays an important role in solving traditional problems related to the quality of road surface, high cost of construction and complexity of maintenance, which allows creating more modern and efficient transportation infrastructure. Innovative methods of road design and construction can reduce lead times and improve the quality of the end result. This contributes to the development of regions and creates more comfortable conditions for residents and entrepreneurs, which has a positive impact on the country's economy, simplifies the delivery of goods and services and facilitates the mobility of the population.



  1. Automated Traffic Management System (ATMS): [Electronic resource]. URL: https://korda-group.ru/products/asudd/. (Date of circulation 07.05.2024)
  2. Bulldozer from the future: greetings from Chelyabinsk // Information portal about special equipment, comtrans and road industry iGrader: [Electronic resource].  URL: https://igrader.ru/rbt/buldozer-iz-budushhego-privet-ot-chelyabinska/. (Date of reference: 01.05.2024)
  3. Gavrilov V. What kind of projection laser crosswalks appeared on the roads? [Electronic resource]. URL: https://aif.ru/auto/safety/chto_za_proekcionnye_lazernye_peshehodnye_perehody_poyavilis_na_dorogah.  (Date of address: 07.05.2024)
  4. Road construction industry: problems and solutions: [Electronic resource]. URL: https://igrader.ru/dorozhnoe-stroitelsto/po-plohoj-doroge-daleko-ne-uedesh/. (Date of reference: 20.04.2024)
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  6. Modular road surfaces: [Electronic resource]. URL: https://a1asfaltirovanie.ru/blog/modulnyie-dorozhnyie-pokryitiya?ysclid=lvsscvg3tb522572020. (Date of circulation 27.04.24)
  7. The material increasing durability and strength of road pavement is approved for use // Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation: [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.minobrnauki.gov.ru/press-center/news/novosti-podvedomstvennykh-uchrezhdeniy/52075/. (Date of reference: 28.04.2024)
  8. Yushkov, V.S. Technology of the "virtual wall" to improve traffic safety on highways in settlements // Municipality: Economics and Management. 2019. № 1 (26). P. 95 – 99.

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