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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 19(273)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

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Библиографическое описание:
Yаbbаrovа D.F. THE ROLE OF HUMAN CAPITAL IN THE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY: TRAINING OF SPECIALISTS, DEVELOPMENT OF SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES FOR SUCCESSFUL WORK IN CONDITIONS OF CONSTANT CHANGE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 19(273). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/273/331228 (дата обращения: 20.10.2024).


Yаbbаrovа Dilyаrа Fаnisovnа

Mаster's student, Petroleum Higher School, Аlmetyevsk Stаte Technologicаl University,

Russiа, Аlmetyevsk

Gubаidullinа Gulnisа Tаhirovnа

научный руководитель,

scientific adviser, Cаndidаte of Philologicаl Sciences, Аssociаte Professor of the Depаrtment of Foreign Lаnguаges, Petroleum Higher School, Аlmetyevsk Stаte Technologicаl University,

Russiа, Аlmetyevsk


The article examines the role of human capital in the oil and gas industry, the problems of human resource management and work with personnel. The aspects of human capital formation, such as education, on-the-job training, professional development and professional development, are analyzed. The article focuses on strategic guidelines for the development of human capital in the oil and gas industry, including development and training, security, diversification and team building.


Keywords: oil аnd gаs industry, russiаn economy, человеческий капитал, компетенции.


The oil and gas industry is one of the key components of the economy of many countries, including Russia. It plays a key role in ensuring energy security, expanding economic opportunities and improving the standard of living of the population. The oil industry is characterized by a high degree of competition and constant changes in the market. For the successful development of companies, it is necessary to have qualified specialists who are able to respond effectively to changing conditions and make informed decisions. In this regard, the formation of human capital is becoming an important factor in the development of oil and gas companies.

Human capital in the oil and gas industry plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficient operation of companies. Companies need specialists with knowledge in the field of geology, engineering, economics and other related fields. It is only thanks to qualified specialists that companies can successfully produce, transport and process oil and gas.

The formation of human capital in the oil and gas industry includes several aspects: education, on-the-job training, professional development, mastering new skills and professional development. On-the-job training includes internships, mentoring, and coaching. Professional development involves participation in conferences, seminars and trainings. Mastering new skills is associated with the development of new technologies and working methods. Professional development involves obtaining additional certificates and diplomas [2, p. 111].

To work successfully in conditions of constant change, oil and gas industry specialists must have a wide range of skills and competencies, such as:

  • Technical skills: knowledge of equipment, technologies and processes used in the oil and gas industry;
  • Management skills: the ability to plan, organize and control the work of a team, make decisions and manage risks;
  • Communication skills: the ability to communicate with colleagues, partners and clients, negotiate and resolve conflicts;
  • Analytical skills: the ability to analyze data, identify patterns and trends, draw conclusions and forecasts;
  • Innovative skills: willingness to introduce new technologies and approaches, the ability to generate and implement ideas.

To ensure high-quality training of specialists in the oil and gas industry, cooperation between educational institutions, employer companies and government agencies is necessary. This will allow us to take into account the needs of the labor market and develop educational programs that meet the requirements of employers.

An important aspect of the formation of human capital is the motivation of employees for training and development. Companies should create conditions for continuous education and professional growth of their employees, provide them with the opportunity to participate in various training programs and events.

In general, the role of human capital in the oil and gas industry cannot be overestimated. The formation of highly qualified specialists with the necessary skills and competencies allows companies to successfully adapt to changing market conditions and ensure the long-term development of the oil and gas sector [1, p. 93].

The development of human capital in the oil and gas industry also contributes to the creation of an innovative environment and stimulates the development and implementation of new technologies. This helps companies reduce costs, increase production efficiency and improve the environmental performance of their operations.

For the successful development of the oil and gas complex, active interaction of all participants in the process is necessary: educational institutions, employer companies and government agencies. Such cooperation will ensure that educational programs meet the needs of the labor market, as well as create favorable conditions for the training and development of employees.

Another important aspect of human capital development in the oil industry is the creation of a favorable corporate culture and motivation system. Companies should create conditions for continuous education and professional growth of their employees, provide them with the opportunity to participate in various training programs and events. Employees who feel respected and valued by the company work more productively and efficiently. Therefore, companies are actively developing employee incentive and motivation programs, conducting surveys and surveys to identify the needs and expectations of staff.


The role of human capital in the oil and gas industry cannot be overestimated. Training of specialists, development of skills and competencies are key factors for the sustainable development of the oil and gas sector and ensuring energy security. Educational institutions, oil and gas companies and the state should work together to create an effective system of training and development of specialists in order to ensure the successful functioning and development of the oil and gas industry in conditions of constant change.



  1. Makarov A.S. & Petrov V.G. (2018). "The oil and gas complex: strategies for sustainable development". Ekon-Inform Publishing House.
  2. Sukhаrev, O. S. Innovаtions in economics аnd industry // Moscow: Higher School, 2019. p. 122
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