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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 18(272)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Ushkalenko M. INCREASING SOCIAL ACTIVITY OF YOUTH // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 18(272). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/272/329872 (дата обращения: 29.03.2025).


Ushkalenko Maksim

master's student, Department of Sociology and Organization of Work with Youth, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russian, Belgorod



Ушкаленко Максим Николаевич

магистрант, кафедра социологии и организации работы с молодежью, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет,

РФ, г. Белгород



This article examines the concepts of youth, their involvement in socially active activities, factors influencing the manifestation of social activity of youth. In addition, this article examines the reasons why young people do not strive to engage in socially significant activities. Methods of attracting young people to socially active activities are presented, which contribute to increasing the socially active activities of young people.


В данной статье рассмотрены понятия молодежи ее вовлечение в социально активную деятельность, факторы, оказывающие влияние на проявление социальной активности молодежи. Кроме того, в данной статье рассмотрены причины, по которым молодежь не стремиться заниматься социально значимой деятельностью. Приведены методы привлечения молодежи к социально активной деятельности, которые способствуют повышению социально активной деятельности молодежи.


Keywords: young people, social perfomance, social activity.

Ключевые слова: молодежь, социальная деятельность, социальная активность.


Young people are the most socially active group of the population, but modern youth are more interested in material values or personal aspirations, such as gaining career prospects, social recognition, and achieving a high position in society. All this indicates that young people primarily pay attention to personal, material interests, financial situation, obtaining a high level of power, while socio-cultural problems, serving society, fulfilling their civic duties, serving the Motherland fade into the background and are less significant.

The modern realities require the speedy activation of society to solve upcoming problems. Search for mechanisms for involving young people in the public life of the country and increasing motivation for social activities become especially important in modern conditions.

Social activity is a social process, during which, in addition to the manifestation of their social activity and involvement in the life of society, moral values are formed and in the course of communication the social experience of previous generations is assimilated.

In the process of social activity, a young person masters socio-cultural experience and at the same time consciously or unconsciously identifies himself with one or another representative of a social group. This contributes to the formation of universal moral values and moral guidelines, the ability to choose a worthy example to build your own life strategy and establish yourself as an "independent adult"[4, p. 130]

At the same time, the manifestations of social activity of young people depend on a number of factors: on the specifics of the region, its socio-economic and socio-cultural potential [2, p. 36], socio-political factors, the development of social infrastructure, the quality and standard of living of the population [5, p. 352], as well as the "spontaneous" influence of the close circle of a young person, family, friends, informal communication groups [3, p. 4].

The objective factors of the formation of social activity of young people also include socio-political (state ideology), natural (state of ecology, specificity of natural conditions), socio-demographic (gender, age), socio-economic (social status, state of the economy in the region) and subjective factors (motives, priorities, value orientations, learned competencies, subjective experience of a young person), which makes it possible to analyze them from the point of view of psychology, since they are determined through the goals, needs, capabilities, characteristic qualities and personality traits of a young person [1, p. 320].

Young people are the most active socio-demographic group, and due to their age, having high ambitions, striving to solve all pressing problems, having many ideas for promoting their region and the state as a whole.

However, there are a number of reasons why young people do not strive to engage in socially active activities, among them the most common are limited, their own lack of confidence in their abilities, lack of knowledge about youth associations, insufficient information support for social events on socially active activities, lack of organizational skills, lack of experience (or not the desire to get it) participation in social events, lack of experience in organizing such events, one's own laziness, the personal beliefs of a young person, the worldview of the immediate environment. All of the above reasons, one way or another, affect the social positions of young people, constrain them in taking a socially active position.

So, Maslodudova N.M. came to the conclusion that the new conditions of social functioning dictate the need to develop other strategies for socially active behavior and spaces for the implementation of social activity of young people. The expert emphasizes that, on the one hand, the recognition of the negative impact of external processes on the forms of social activity of young people is important for constructive research of the problem; and on the other hand, the emergence of new practices of youth activity in real interaction, taking into account new challenges for Russian society. As a result, the researcher substantiates the importance of developing young people's ability to adapt to uncertain, constantly changing conditions, which in its essence can become a resource for the personal development of a socially active young person [6, p. 116].

According to experts, the organization of youth forums will contribute to the formation of social activity of youth (84%) and schools of youth leaders for representatives of active youth (76%), cyber team activities in order to detect illegal information on the Internet (70%), conducting master classes with the involvement of youth leaders and experts (66%), personal and professional growth trainings (58%), conferences of various orientations (52%), social actions aimed at solving topical problems of the border community (44%) [7, p. 41].

Attracting young people to social activities should work on an ongoing basis using social networks, without which modern life does not seem, in addition, it is necessary to take into account all the innovations and realities of modern life, namely, to develop those areas that are now of interest to young people so that, first of all, young people are interested in their activities they could show all their abilities.

One of the most common forms of social activity is volunteering. In a difficult time in modern society, the involvement of young people in the volunteer (volunteer) movement will unite young people and will help increase their social and civic position.

Thus, we can come to the conclusion that in order to increase the social activity of young people, it is necessary to develop measures to involve them in socially significant problems, sufficient and accessible informing of society about social activities, attracting young people to volunteer (volunteer) movements, developing and conducting events that will interest modern youth.

In addition, I would like to note that simply involving young people in social activities is not enough, since it is necessary to interest them to take an active part on an ongoing basis in social projects, to show interest in social activities, for this it is necessary to eliminate all the main reasons why young people do not join socially active activities.



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